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  出版社网址: http://www.cambridge.org/

期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

The Journal of Germanic Linguistics (JGL), published for the Society for Germanic Linguistics (SGL) and the Forum for the Society for Germanic Language Studies (FGLS), carries original articles, reviews, and notes on synchronic and diachronic issues pertaining to Germanic languages and dialects from the earliest phases to the present, including English (to 1500) and the extraterritorial varieties. Contributions are invited on the phonological, morphological, syntactic, and semantic analysis of these languages and dialects, as well as their historical development, both linguistic and textual. Especially welcome are contributions that address questions of interest to a broad range of scholars concerned with general issues in formal theory, sociolinguistics, and psycholinguistics. The language of publication is normally English, though manuscripts in German will be considered.

Published for the Society for Germanic Linguistics

Instructions to Authors

Published for the Society for Germanic Linguistics and the Forum for Germanic Language Studies by Cambridge University Press

 Instructions for Contributors

The Journal of Germanic Linguistics (JGL), the journal of the Society for Germanic Linguistics (SGL), carries original articles, reviews, and notes on synchronic and diachronic issues pertaining to Germanic languages and dialects from the earliest phases to the present, including English (to 1500) and the extraterritorial varieties. Contributions are invited on the phonological, morphological, syntactic, and semantic analysis of these languages and dialects, as well as their historical development, both linguistic and textual. Especially welcome are contributions which address questions of interest to a broad range of scholars concerned with general issues in formal theory, sociolinguistics, and psycholinguistics. The JGL places no restrictions on the subject or method of contributions submitted, quality as judged by anonymous peer review being the sole criterion of acceptance. Membership in the SGL is not required for publication;

contributions from non-SGL members and from all countries are invited. The language of publication is normally English, though high-quality manuscripts in German will be considered. The JGL is published quarterly, in March, June, September, and December.

 Editorial Addresses

Manuscripts for submission should be sent to the Chair of the Editorial Committee, Prof. Robert W.

Murray, Department of Linguistics, University of Calgary, 2500 University Drive NW, Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2N 1N4; e-mail: jgl@ucalgary.ca.

 Books for review and review manuscripts should be sent to Prof. B. Richard Page, Department of Germanic and Slavic Languages and Literatures, The Pennsylvania State University, 311 Burrowes Building,

University Park, PA 16802, USA; e-mail: brp3@psu.edu.  

Applications for SGL membership should be sent to Prof. Robert B. Howell, Department of German, University of Wisconsin¨CMadison, 818 Van Hise Hall, 1220 Linden Drive, Madison, WI 53706, USA; e-mail:rbbowellefdcstaff.wisc.edu. 


 1. Manuscripts of articles should be submitted electronically in PDF format to the Chair of Editorial Committee. They are refereed by at least two competent scholars in a double-blind evaluation process. Authors should not identify themselves in the text. Identification should he provided in a separate file or on a separate sheet giving the title, name of author(s), affiliation, preferred mailing address, telephone number(s), fax number, and e-mail address. Authors will be informed of a decision within two to four months. 

2. When submitting a manuscript, authors should also send by electronic mail an abstract of about 100 words to the Chair of the Editorial Committee. This abstract should also be typed (double spaced) and included with the submitted manuscript. 

3. Contributors should make every effort to prepare their manuscripts cleanly and neatly. Manuscripts should be typed double spaced throughout (including abstracts, block quotations, and reference?) using an 8.5 x I 1 -inch (or DIN A4) page setting, with no less than I-inch margins on all four sides.

 4. All manuscripts should carefully follow the style sheet of the Linguistic Society of America (as used in Language),except that the JGL uses double quotation marks to introduce quotes that are run into the text. Single quotation marks are used only for glosses and for quotes within quotes. The LSA Style Sheet is printed annually in the December issue of the LSA Bulletin and in abbreviated form on the inside back cover of Language; it is also available online through the LSA website at www.lsadc.org. Manuscripts not conforming to this style may have to be revised by their authors, especially with regard to references and notes.

 5. For accepted manuscripts it will be necessary to submit a final electronic version in a commonly used word-processing program. 

6. Receipt of manuscripts will be promptly acknowledged. Fax submissions will not be accepted. Manuscripts will not be returned unless postage and a self-addressed envelope are supplied. 

7. Submission of an article is taken to imply that it has not been previously published and is not being considered for publication elsewhere. A Copyright Transfer Agreement, with certain specified rights reserved by the author, must be signed and returned to the Chair of the Editorial Committee by senior authors of accepted manuscripts, prior to publication. This is necessary for the wide distribution of research findings, and the protection of both author and the Society under copyright law. 

(Last updated: 22nd October 2007)

Editorial Board

Editorial Committee Chair

Robert W. Murray

Department of Linguistics

University of Calgary

Calgary, Alberta T2N 1N4



Book Review Editor

B. Richard Page

Department of Germanic and Slavic Languages and Literatures

The Pennsylvania State University

311 Burrowes Building, University Park, PA 16802



Subscriptions Editor

Robert B. Howell

Dept. of German

University of Wisconsin

1220 Linden Dr.

Madison, WI 53706


Consulting Editor

Mark L. Louden

University of Wisconsin-Madison






Editorial and Production Assistant

Ashley Burnett


2500 University Dr. N.W.

Calgary, AB T2N 1N4

Advisory Board

Mary Blockley

University of Texas at Austin, USA

Geert Booij

University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Kate Burridge

La Trobe University, Australia

James Cathey

University of Massechusettes, USA

Harald Clahsen

University of Essex, UK

Michael Clyne

University of Melbourne, Australia

Winifred V. Davies

Aberystwyth University, UK

Martin Durrell

University of Manchester, UK

Ludwig Eichinger

University of Mannheim, Germany

Jan Terje Faarlund

University of Oslo, Norway

Sarah M.B. Fagan

University of Iowa, USA

Carol Fehringer

University of Newcastle, UK

Barbara Fennell

University of Aberdeen, UK

Evelyn S. Firchow

University of Minnesota, USA

Robert D. Fulk

Indiana University, USA

Wayne Harbert

Cornell University, USA

John A. Hawkins

University of Southern California, USA

Gregory Iverson

University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, USA

Neil G. Jacobs

Ohio State University, USA

Peter Jorgensen

University of Georgia, USA

Robert L. Kyes

University of Michigan, USA

Nils Langer

University of Bristol, UK

Anatoly Liberman

University of Minnesota, USA

Nicola McLelland

University of Nottingham, UK

Donka Minkova

University of California, Los Angeles, USA

Andreas Musolff

University of Durham, UK

Susan Olsen

University of Leipzig, Germany

Amanda Pounder

University of Calgary, Canada

Gertrud Reershemius

Aston University, UK

Marga Reis

University of Tubingen, Germany

Tomas Riad

University of Stockholm, Sweden

Paul T. Roberge

University of North Carolina, USA

Orrin W. Robinson

Stanford University, USA

Joseph C. Salmons

University of Wisconsin, USA

Thomas F. Shannon

University of California, Berkeley, USA

Seiichi Suzuki

Kansai Gaidai University, Japan

Roel Vismans

University of Sheffield, UK

Joseph B. Voyles

University of Washington, USA

Richard Wiese

University of Marburg, Germany

Elly van Gelderen

Arizona State University, USA

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