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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Functions of Language is an international journal of linguistics which explores the functionalist perspective on the organisation and use of natural language. It publishes articles and reviews books from the full spectrum of functionalist linguistics, seeking to bring out the fundamental unity behind the various schools of thought, while stimulating discussion among functionalists. It encourages the interplay of theory and description, and provides space for the detailed analysis, qualitative or quantitative, of linguistic data from a broad range of languages. Its scope is broad, covering such matters as prosodic phenomena in phonology, the clause in its communicative context, and regularities of pragmatics, conversation and discourse, as well as the interaction between the various levels of analysis. The overall purpose is to contribute to our understanding of how the use of languages in speech and writing has impacted, and continues to impact, upon the structure of those languages.

Functions of Language promotes the constructive interaction between linguistics and such neighbouring disciplines as sociology, cultural studies, psychology, ethology, communication studies, translation theory and educational linguistics.

This journal is peer reviewed and indexed in: IBR/IBZ; Cultures, Langues, Textes; INIST; Language Abstracts; Linguistic Bibliography/Bibliographie Linguistique; LLBA; MLA Bibliography; European Reference Index for the Humanities; Arts & Humanities Citation Index; Social Sciences Citation Index; Social Scisearch; JCR/Social Sciences; Scopus

Instructions to Authors


Contributions should be in English. Contributors whose native language is not English should have their manuscript carefully checked by a native speaker before submission.

Four copies of manuscripts should be submitted to the Managing Editor (see address below) in the first instance. These will not be returned. In addition to hard copies, authors should normally also submit their paper electronically, as an email attachment, using Word (for Mac or Windows), or .rtf.

Manuscripts of articles must be prepared in accordance with the style sheet, which can be downloaded *here*http://www.benjamins.com/jbp/series/FOL/guidelines-articles.pdf. Manuscripts not conforming with the style sheet will not be considered.

Manuscripts of reviews must be prepared in accordance with the guidelines for reviewers, which can be downloaded *here*http://www.benjamins.com/jbp/series/FOL/guidelines-reviews.pdf. Manuscripts not conforming with the style sheet will not be considered.

Papers submitted for consideration should not have been published before in any widely available publication, nor may they be under review elsewhere. They will be reviewed by at least two referees. The turnaround time between submission and publication decision will be no more than four months.

Authors of accepted manuscripts will be sent page proofs for correction and are expected to return these promptly.

All correspondence about articles should be sent to the Managing Editor:

Miriam Taverniers

Editorial Board


J. Lachlan Mackenzie, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam

Anne-Marie Simon-Vandenbergen, Ghent University

Geoff Thompson, University of Liverpool

Reviews Editor

Christopher S. Butler, Swansea University

Honorary Editor

M.A.K. Halliday, Emeritus University of Sydney

Managing Editor

Miriam Taverniers, Ghent University

Editorial Board

Elizabeth Couper-Kuhlen, University of Konstanz

John W. Du Bois, University of California, Santa Barbara

Robin P. Fawcett, University of Wales, Cardiff

Eva Hajièov? Charles University Prague

Mike Hannay, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

Ruqaiya Hasan, Macquarie University

Martin Haspelmath, Max Planck Institut Leipzig

Susan Hunston, University of Birmingham

Ronald W. Langacker, UCSD

Ricardo Mairal Usón, National University of Distance Learning, Madrid

William C. Mann, University of Southern California/SIL International

J.R. Martin, University of Sydney

Jan Nuyts, University of Antwerp

Anna Siewierska, University of Lancaster

Michael Silverstein, University of Chicago

Gerard J. Steen, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

Michael Stubbs, University of Trier

John R. Taylor, University of Otago

Robert D. Van Valin, Jr., University at Buffalo

Anna Wierzbicka, Australian National University

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