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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Diachronica provides a forum for the presentation and discussion of information concerning all aspects of language change in any and all languages of the globe. Contributions which combine theoretical interest and philological acumen are especially welcome.

Diachronica appears three times per year, publishing articles, review articles, book reviews, and a miscellanea section including notes, reports and discussions.

This journal is peer reviewed and indexed in: Arts and Humanities Citation Index; Social Sciences Citation Index; Social Scisearch; JCR/Social Sciences Edition; Cultures, Langues, Textes; Linguistic Bibliography/Bibliographie Linguistique; Language Abstracts; LLBA; MLA Bibliography; Scopus; European Reference Index for the Humanities

Instructions to Authors

Diachronica welcomes submissions on all aspects of language change and reconstruction,

including genetic relationships and classification. We especially seek work that combines new

insights of theoretical interest with rigorous analysis of data. Papers should have a clearly

diachronic orientation, as opposed to simply treating data from older languages synchronically.

  To ensure that a paper fits the scope and goals of Diachronica, authors are urged to send the

editors a short abstract of their paper prior to formal submission, by electronic mail, either within

the body of the e-mail or as an attachment.  Manuscripts should be shorter than 15,000 words,

including footnotes and references; longer manuscripts may not be sent out for review.

Submissions written in English, French, German, or Spanish will be considered for publication.

  Authors submitting articles for publication in Diachronica should send an electronic copy in

portable document format (.pdf) of the manuscript to the Executive Editor (or another of the

editors). Regular mail submissions are also considered, in which case FOUR hard copies should be

sent. See http://diachronica.org or the end of this document for contact information.

  It is not necessary that initial submissions adhere to the journal's style sheet. At this point in

the process, clear and consistent presentation are paramount. Texts should be double-spaced,

printed on one side of the page only, with all pages numbered consecutively. Figures, charts and

tables can be left in the appropriate place in the manuscript rather than moved to the end. In order

to permit double-blind refereeing, submissions should not carry author information. Contributors

who write in a language other than their native tongue should have their manuscript carefully

checked by a native speaker.

Note: Any material submitted to Diachronica must be original work, not published or under

review elsewhere, and contributors may not submit this work elsewhere while it is under review

for this journal. If related material has been published or is under consideration or in press

elsewhere, that must be disclosed to us. Similarly, if part of a contribution has appeared or will

appear elsewhere, contributors must specify the details in a cover letter accompanying the


For further questions, consult a recent issue of Diachronica in your library or contact the editor

or another member of the editorial team:

Joseph Salmons, Executive Editor

Department of German

818 Van Hise Hall

1220 Linden Drive

University of Wisconsin

MADISON, WI 53706, USA                                 

tel. 608.262.2192       

fax 608.262.7949

e-mail:   jsalmons@wisc.edu

 Elly van Gelderen, Book Review Editor

Arizona State University

Department of English

Box 870302

TEMPE, AZ 85287-0302, U.S.A.

fax +1.480.965.3451

e-mail:   ellyvangelderen@asu.edu



Sheila Embleton    embleton@yorku.ca

Brian D. Joseph    bjoseph@ling.ohio-state.edu

E.F.K. Koerner    efk.koerner@rz.hu-berlin.de

Martha Ratliff  martha_ratliff@wayne.edu

Editorial Board

Executive Editor

Joseph C. Salmons, University of Wisconsin - Madison

Book Review Editor

Elly van Gelderen, Arizona State University

Associate Editors

Brian D. Joseph, Ohio State University

Sheila Embleton, York University

Martha Ratliff, Wayne State University

Consulting Editor

E.F.K. Koerner, ZAS - Berlin

Editorial Board

Claire Bowern, Houston, Texas

Kate Burridge, Bundoora, Australia

Lyle Campbell, Salt Lake City

Ulrike Demske, Saarbrucken

David Fertig, Buffalo, N.Y.

Frans Hinskens, Amsterdam

Frans Hinskens, Amsterdam

Larry M. Hyman, Berkeley

Guillaume Jacques, Paris

Merja Kytö, Uppsala

Randy J. LaPolla, Bundoora, Australia

Martin Maiden, Oxford, U.K.

D. Gary Miller, Gainesville, Fla.

Donka Minkova, Los Angeles

Sali A. Tagliamonte, Toronto

David Testen, Reston, Va.

Alexander Vovin, Honolulu, Hawaii

Dieter Wanner, Columbus, Ohio

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