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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

General Introduction

The Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists
has been the official journal of the American Society of Papyrologists since the publication of Volume 1, issue 1 in 1963 and is the only North American journal devoted to papyrology and related disciplines. The editorial board of The Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists consists of Peter van Minnen (Managing Editor), Timothy Renner, and John Whitehorne.

The editors here gratefully acknowledge the Dorot Foundation for its generous support of the publication of BASP.


BASP 43 (2006) BASP 42 (2005) BASP 41 (2004) BASP 40 (2003) BASP 39 (2002) BASP 38 (2001)

ARTICLES: BASP publishes a wide variety of articles of relevance to papyrology and related disciplines. From text editions to important synthetic articles, BASP has published studies on papyri, ostraca and inscriptions in Greek, Latin and Coptic; in the future, we hope to broaden our coverage to include Hieratic, Demotic, Aramaic, and Arabic texts of relevance to our readers.

A cumulative index of articles from past volumes of BASP through 1998 is available on-line. (Go to the on-line index of BASP)

BOOK REVIEWS: Of the book reviews in BASP over the past five years, over two-thirds have appeared within a year of the publication date of the book reviewed and over 95 per cent within two years of the publication date. A list of books received for review by BASP will be posted here and published in BASP itself. We strongly encourage you to recommend that your publications be sent to BASP for review; we would also like to hear from individuals interested in reviewing books for BASP.

SUBMISSIONS: The editors of BASP invite submissions not only from North American and foreign members of the Society but also from non-members throughout the world. We welcome preliminary inquiries on article topics, but please note that we cannot make a decision on the acceptance of an article without a manuscript in hand. Editorial guidelines are printed on the inside front cover of BASP and are also available electronically. (Go to the electronic guide for submissions)

BACK LIST: The Society maintains an extensive back list to BASP, which can be purchased through Oxbow Books: www.oxbowbooks.com.

Instructions to Authors

The Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists has been the official journal of the American Society of Papyrologists since the publication of Volume 1, issue 1 in 1963 and is the only North American journal devoted to papyrology and related disciplines. This website makes all issues of BASP available electronically, except the two most recent issues.

BASP publishes a wide variety of articles and reviews of relevance to papyrology and related disciplines. From text editions to important synthetic articles, BASP has published studies on papyri, ostraca, and inscriptions in Greek, Latin, and Coptic. In the future, BASP will broaden its coverage to include Hieratic, Demotic, Aramaic, and Arabic texts.

ISSN 0003-1186 (Print); ISSN 1938-6958 (Online)

Editorial Board


Membership services: American Society of Papyrologists, Department of Classics ML 226, 410 Blegen Library, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH 45221-0226 U.S.A. Telefax 513-556-4366, E-mail asp@papyrology.org.

Publications: distributed through Oxbow/David Brown Book Company, web www.oxbowbooks.com. Outisde of North American, contact Oxbow Books, 10 Hythe Bridge Street, Oxford, OX1 2EW, United Kingdom, Tel: +44 1865 241249, Fax: +44 1865 794449, E-mail: oxbow@oxbowbooks.com; in North America, contact The David Brown Book Company, PO Box 511 (28 Main St.), Oakville, CT 06779, Tel. 860/945-9329, Fax: 860/945-9468, E-mail: david.brown.bk.co@snet.net.

Queries on the society and its activities should be addressed to the appropriate officer; general inquiries to asp@papyrology.org.

The web site for the American Society of Papyrologists is maintained at the University of Cincinnati by William A. Johnson. The site was originally developed by D. L. Clinton under the direction of Jennifer Sheridan at Wayne State University. Please direct comments and suggestions on the web pages to william.johnson@uc.edu.

Last edited: September 10, 2007

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