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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

This Bulletin has been published continuously from Liverpool since its foundation by Edgar Allison Peers in 1923. Beginning with Volume 83 (2006) the Bulletin is published six times a year. It is intended that one issue each year will be a monograph.

Edited in one of the leading British University Departments of Hispanic Studies by an editorial team specializing in a wide range of Hispanic scholarship, and supported by a distinguished international Editorial Committee, the Bulletin of Hispanic Studies is the foremost journal published in Britain devoted to the languages, literatures and civilizations of Spain, Portugal and Latin America. It is recognized across the world as one of the front-ranking journals in the field of Hispanic scholarship.

The journal's interests are broad-ranging and cover the linguistic areas of Spanish, Portuguese, Galician, Catalan, Basque and Amerindian. While contributions are mainly in the areas of literature, linguistics, cultural history, film and visual arts, cultural and gender studies, it likes to reflect and engage with all aspects of 'Hispanic Studies', both traditional and modern. All articles are peer-reviewed to maintain the journal's reputation for outstanding academic quality. Contributions should be original and should not have been previously published in any form, including all forms of electronic publication. Contributors are required to assign copyright to Liverpool University Press, and not to publish accepted articles or book reviews on web pages before they appear in BHS.

Instructions to Authors

Guidelines for Contributors

Articles for publication should be original material not published or under consideration for publication elsewhere. They should not exceed 8,000 words and should preferably be shorter. Unsolicited reviews are not accepted. Contributors are requested to provide abstracts of their article, in both English and Spanish, the length of each abstract not to exceed 150 words.

Articles should be submitted (preferably in MS Word) either via email as a file attachment to bhs@liverpool.ac.uk or on PC-compatible diskette together with two paper copies. All contributions must be submitted in a form ready for publication, with double line-spacing and one space only after a full stop. All quotations and references should have been verified.

Single quotation marks should be used throughout the article, but long indented extracts do not require quotation marks. Double quotation marks should be used only within single ones.

Articles are peer reviewed anonymously. The author's name should not appear on the title page; references to the author's own work should be made in the third person.

Please submit articles in the end-bibliography and textual reference (author–date) style. Titles of books and periodicals should be in italics, titles of articles within single inverted commas and periodical volume numbers in Arabic numerals.



Badía Margarit, Antonio, 1958. El habla del Valle de Bielsa (Barcelona: CSIC).

Bustos Gisbert, E., 1992. "La alternancia ove pudeien castellano medieval y clásico" in Estudios filológicos en homenaje a Eugenio de Bustos Tovar, ed. Jose   Antonio Bartol Hernández, Juan Felipe García Santos, Javier de Santiago Guervós (Salamanca: Univ. de Salamanca), I, pp. 137-65.

Dworkin, Stephen, 1985. "From –ir to –ecer in Spanish: the loss of O.Sp. de-adjectival –ir verbs" Hispanic Review, 53: 295-305.

Mena, Juan de, 1989. Obras completas, ed. Miguel Ángel Pérez Priego (Barcelona: Planeta).

Rico, Francisco, 1986. El pequeño mundo del hombre: varia fortuna de una idea en la cultura española, 2a ed., Alianza Universidad, 463 (Madrid: Alianza).

Notes to articles should be kept to a minimum; reviews must not have footnotes. Footnotes should be indicated serially within the text using superscript Arabic numerals. References within the text or within footnotes should cite the author's name and the year of publication of the item, with pagination where necessary, in parentheses as follows: (Dworkin 1985: 295).

Editorial Board

Editors and Editorial Committee

General Editor: Dorothy Sherman Severin OBE
Associate Editor: Roger Wright
Assistant Editors: Astvaldur Astvaldsson, Christopher Harris, Kirsty Hooper, Fiona Maguire, Lisa Shaw, Claire L. Taylor and Claire Williams
Editorial Assistant: Angela Romero

Editorial Board

Lola Badia, Universitat de Barcelona
Patrizia Botta, Universita di Chieti
Anny Brooksbank Jones, University of Sheffield
Sara Castro-Klarén, Johns Hopkins University
Pedro M. Cátedra, Universidad de Salamanca
Trevor Dadson, Queen Mary, University of London
Catherine Davies, University of Nottingham
Aurora Egido Martínez, Universidad de Zaragoza
Barry Ife, Guildhall School of Music and Drama
Dominic Keown, Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge
Jo Labanyi, New York University
Jeremy Lawrance, University of Manchester
John Macklin, University of Paisley
Francisco Márquez-Villanueva, Harvard University
Margherita Morreale, Universita di Padova
Christopher Perriam, University of Manchester
William Rowe, Birkbeck College, London
Paul Julian Smith, University of Cambridge

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