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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal
Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering is a refereed international open access online journal, serving researchers in academic and research organizations and all practitioners in the building sector. The journal is jointly-edited by the Architectural Institute of Japan ( AIJ ), the Architectural Institute of Korea ( AIK ), and the Architectural Society of China ( ASC ) and published in January and May and September.

Asian academics and professions have made efforts to find solutions to the themes derived from natural, geographical, socio-economical and cultural conditions in Asia. Their achievements have contributed to the evolution of research in the field of architecture and building engineering.

For instance, achievements in structural engineering have contributed to the world by developing technology to assure safety of buildings in earthquake-prone areas. Asia has the largest share of the world's population with high densities in urban areas. It is a growing and the most energetic region in terms of building activities, which produces valuable empirical knowledge and lessons to architects and building engineers in Asia.

It is quite significant to contribute to global architecture and building engineering by presenting the knowledge and lessons beyond linguistic barriers. The three architectural institutions have decided to publish our achievements in English because we recognize a large number of potential achievements could contribute to the world. By publishing the journal in English, it is expected that Asian wisdom and experience will be disseminated to the world.

In the countries where these institutions are based, building professions can enjoy the collaborative and holistic approach because the three institutions distinctively possess the whole range of expertise relating to architecture and building engineering.

In virtue of these, the scope of the journal involves the aspects of science, technology and art. Namely, the global environment, architectural planning and design, project management, structural engineering, structural mechanics, building materials, environmental engineering, information technology, and other fields related to built environment should be included in this journal. Global and local problems relating to built environment require holistic approach.

The journal aims to contribute to resolve or mitigate these global and local problems by bringing together new ideas and developments from Asian countries as well as European, American and African countries. The editors welcome good quality contributions from all over the world.

Instructions to Authors

Manuscripts should be submitted as electronic files (both 1) *PDF files (excluding authors' information) for referees and 2) Word files (including authors' information) for editors) via website.

1) PDF ---- excluding authors' information
2) WORD ( Windows / Mac ) ---- including authors' information

*PDF files must exclude authors' information. As JAABE has a "double blind" referee process; The referees' name will remain anonymous while the authors' name of the paper will remain anonymous to referees.
Please check the following 1) to 4) before submitting your PDF file.
1) Authors' names and affiliations must NOT appear below the title.
2) Contact Author's information must NOT appear at the bottom left corner of the 1st page.
3) Footer must NOT include any authors' information.
4) PDF filename must NOT include any authors' information.

Note: The submission after the deadline is NOT ACCEPTED.
Authors (first author and co-authors) shall not be changed after the initial manuscript submission. (The addition and/or deletion of authors are unacceptable. The order of authors can not be changed.)
Submission of an article to this journal is taken to imply that it represents ORIGINAL, UNPUBLISHED WORK, not under consideration for publication elsewhere.

Online submission:
Submit your manuscript, which includes text, captions for tables and figures, tables and figures following the order indicated in "Manuscript Format Guidelines". Prepare contact information of the contact author and electronic files. Go to http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/jaabe and make your account and log into your "Author Center". Enter the necessary information and upload your manuscripts according to the instructions described there and in "Author Guide" and JAABE Author Manuals below:
1) JAABE Create Account Author Manual
2) JAABE Manuscript Central Author Manual
It is authors' responsibility to ensure high standards of English expressions in their manuscripts. Authors whose native language is not English are strongly advised to have their manuscripts checked by a native English speaker before submission. Soon after receiving manuscripts, the manuscripts that fail to satisfy this requirement will be rejected before review.
Should you have any inquiries regarding system operation, please contact the Secretariat at jaabe@aij.or.jp (System Operation ONLY tel: +81-3-3262-6605 between 10:00-17:00 (Japan Standard Time) on weekdays).

Description of JAABE Fields
Architectural History and Theory:
1. History of Architecture/City/Urban Planning
2. Theory of Architecture/Urban Planning
3. Architectural Criticism
Architectural/Urban Planning and Design:
1. Architectural Planning and Design
2. Urban Planning and Design
3. Building Economy and Construction Management
4. Architectural Behavioral Science
5. Lifecycle Design
6. Safety and Security Design
Building Structures and Materials:
1. Building Materials and Constructions
2. Building Structures
Environmental Engineering:
1. Building Physics and Indoor Environment (Sound, Vibration, Light, Heat, Humidity, Thermal comfort, Air flow, Air quality)
2. Building Service (Air-Conditioning System, Ventilation, Heat Source System, Water supply)
3. Urban Environmental Engineering

Acceptance Criteria

The journal accepts and publishes the academic papers that meet the following criteria for the type and quality:

1) The paper contains original materials of sufficient value and interest to the practitioners or researchers in a building-oriented discipline, 2) The paper gives concise and clear account of new research work, or project completed, together with an objective discussion of its significance, 3) The paper includes details of the work and reference to public source of the information sufficient to permit the reader to reproduce the work or verify its accuracy, 4) The paper is free of evident commercialism as well as private or political interest.

Acceptance of Other Contributions: Discussions providing significant comments or questions regarding the contents of the published papers are also acceptable for publication.

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Preparation of Manuscripts

Manuscripts for papers and discussions should meet the format defined by "Manuscript Format Guidelines."
Paper manuscripts should be written and arranged in a style that is succinct and easily followed. An informative but short title, a concise abstract with keywords, and a well-written introduction will help to achieve this. Simple language, short sentences and a good use of headings all help to communicate the information more effectively. Discursive treatment of the subject matter is discouraged. Figures should be used to aid the clarity of the paper. The reader should be carefully guided through the paper. Always think about your reader.
Discussion manuscripts should follow the requirements of paper manuscripts except that they do not have abstracts, keywords, introductions, or conclusions. They must be submitted within 6 months after the publication date of the paper.

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Refereeing Procedure

The Chief Editor assigns the manuscript to one of the Field Editors. When judging it qualified for refereeing process, the Field Editor identifies two competent referees who are the acknowledged experts in the subject. JAABE has a "double blind" referee process; The referees' name will remain anonymous while the authors' name of the paper will remain anonymous to referees. Based on the referees' evaluations, the Field Editor reports his/her decision to the Chief Editor. Only those receiving favorable recommendations from the referees will be accepted for publication. The Chief Editor informs the contact author of the publication status. To safeguard the author, the referees regard all information contained in the manuscript as confidential until it is published.
It is authors' responsibility to ensure high standards of English expressions in their manuscripts. Authors whose native language is not English are strongly advised to have their manuscripts checked by a native English speaker before submission. When accepting manuscripts for publication, the Field Editor may request improvement in English used therein. The Field Editor also retains a right of declining final manuscripts that fail to satisfy this request.

Online Submission and Review and Publication Flow Chart

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JAABE Best Paper Award

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The JAABE Best Paper Award is presented to outstanding papers published in this journal by the Architectural Institute of Japan, the Architectural Institute of Korea and the Architectural Society of China. This award is given to a maximum of four papers (not more than one per field) once a year and announced on the homepage of JAABE.

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Publication Fees and Charges

1) Publication fees
Publication fees(<--- please click here and check the fees) will be charged for the publication of papers and discussions. The payment should be made by the deadline date after galley proof for publication. If the payment has not been made by the deadline date, the paper will be rejected for publication. Contact the Secretarial Office for cost estimate and further information regarding these.
2) Additional charges
As all issues published from 2010 appear only on the web, no additional charge is made for color figures.
Excessive alterations of the proofs by the authors will be billed to the authors, unless they stem from printer's errors.

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Submission of an article to this journal is taken to imply that it represents original, unpublished work, not under consideration for publication elsewhere. Authors will be asked to transfer the copyright for their papers to the Architectural Institute of Japan if and when the article is accepted for publication, using the copyright transfer form provided. The copyright covers the exclusive rights to reproduce and distribute the article, including reprints, photographic reproductions, microfilm or any reproduction of a similar nature, and translations. If a third party requests permission to duplicate or reproduce the article, the Architectural Institute of Japan shall contact the author for his/her approval. Authors who wish to publish illustrations previously in print must obtain written permission from the original publisher, and should include acknowledgements in the figure captions. The written permission must be enclosed with the final version of the manuscript sent for publication.


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Type Area and Layout: The manuscript should be typed on A4-size(210 x 297mm) paper. Leave 25-mm margins on top and bottom, and 20-mm margins on left and right. Print the text in two columns, each measuring 82 mm across, with a blank space 6 mm wide in between. Insert and lay out figures, tables, and their captions in the text.

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Typescript: The manuscript must be typed in English, using Times Roman of 10.5-point font size. Adjust line spacing to accommodate 59 lines from top to bottom of the type area. Handwritten manuscripts will be rejected. Number all pages starting with the title page. If special characters or accents could not be typed, they may be substituted by alternative key/characters.

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Length: Submission must meet strict length limitations. Expedited paper manuscript must not exceed 8 pages, including spaces, figures, tables, and references. Discussion manuscript must not exceed 2 pages.

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Title page: The first page of the manuscript must contain the paper title, author full name(s), position(s), and affiliation(s), and contact author's name, position, affiliation, address, phone&fax number, and email address. The paper title should be not more than 200 characters long including spaces.

Authors are encouraged to use the JAABE manuscript template for manuscript preparation. (Preferred format is MSWord/MacWord. Other formats such as PageMaker and InDesign are not acceptable.)

template PC (Word)


template Mac (Word)

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Abstract and keywords: An abstract and keywords should be included on the title page. The abstract must not exceed 200 words and must precis the paper giving clear conclusions. Keywords of up to five words must be carefully selected to facilitate readers' search.

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Major Sections and Headings: The paper should involve the following major sections:

  • Introduction: Describe the motivation or purpose of the research.
  • Methods: Provide sufficient information to allow readers to repeat the work.
  • Conclusions: State conclusions concisely and without interpretation.
  • Acknowledgements: Recognize any advisory or financial help received.

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References: The Harvard System is used. References in the text should be quoted in the following manner: Smith(1975) or (Brown and Green, 1976) or if there are more than two authors, Jones et al. (1980). References should be listed at the end of the paper in alphabetical order by the first author's surname. If references to the same author have the same year, they should be differentiated by using 1980a and 1980b etc. The style should follow the examples below.

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Reference to a book
Author's Surname, Initials. (Year of publication) Title. Edition (if not the first). Place of publication: Publisher.

Kasai, K. and Yashiro, T. (2001) Elicitation of subjective probabilities for risk
analysis. 3rd ed. Tokyo: Architectural Institute of Japan.

Reference to an article in a journal
Author's Surname, Initials. (Year of publication) Title of article. Title of journal, Volume number and (part number), Page numbers of contribution.

Kasai, K. and Yashiro, T. (2001) Elicitation of subjective probabilities for risk
analysis. Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering, 1 (1), 77-82.

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Endnotes: A limited number of explanatory endnotes are permissible. These should be numbered as 1, 2, 3, consecutively in the text and denote by superscripts. Endnotes should be listed at the end of the paper with numbers linked to those in the text.

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Mathematics: Number the equations consecutively, e.g., (1), (2) and (3). Make sure that subscripts and superscripts are legible.

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Measurement: International System of Units (SI) should be used; if other units are used, SI equivalents should be given in parentheses.

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Tables: Insert tables in the text and arrange them across one (82 mm) or two (170 mm) columns of the page. Number the tables consecutively with Arabic numerals, e.g., Table 1. and Table 2.. Make sure the typeface in the tables is still legible after reducing the table to the final size.

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Figures (line art and photographs): Insert figures in the text and arrange them across one (82 mm) or two (170 mm) columns of the page. Number the figures consecutively with Arabic numerals, e.g., Fig. 1. and Fig. 2.. Original figures should be included in the final submission. Make sure the typeface in the figure is still legible after reducing the figure to the final size.

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For final publication approval, the contact author should submit the following materials 1)-6):

1)A Word file of the final manuscript. (Preferred format is MSWord/MacWord. Other formats such as PageMaker and InDesign are not acceptable.)

Your manuscript will be re-edited by the publisher, and therefore we strongly recommend that you use the JAABE template for your final manuscript preparation.

template Windows (Word)



template Mac (Word)

/ Fonts other than "Times New Roman" can not be used. Do not use two-byte characters such as Chinese, Japanese and Korean fonts.
/ For special characters such as Greek letters, please use symbol fonts. We recommend that you utilize the equation-editor tool included in MS Word or MathType (Design Science, Inc.) for numerical expressions.
/ Also, please do not hyphenate manually, and be sure to cancel the hyphenation function before starting.

Photographs and Graphics
/ Insert caption(s) below photographs and other graphic elements.
/ Photographs and graphics inserted and laid out in the text should be reduced in size to 50 percent of the original, or smaller.
/ Please attach the photos and graphics in the original size in separate files.
/ Photographs should have good contrast and resolution.

A PDF file of the final manuscript. The PDF should be matched with the Word version above.

3)Original figures (line art and photographs). The identity of the figures (Fig.1, etc.) should appear on the back. Make sure the typeface in the figure is still legible after reducing the figure to the final size. Do not use color for line art if it is to be reproduced in black and white. Photographs should have good contrast and intensity.
4)Copyright transfer form signed by each author. (form - available in PDF )
5)Online Publication Order Form (Publication fees & form - available in PDF)

(Note: There is no reprint service available from 2009.)


6) English Proof Certificate (examples)

*All the submitted data and documents will not be returned to the authors.

Notes: A signed copyright transfer form warrants that adequate permission has been obtained and attribution made for any quotation or use of the work of authors, whether published or not, and that proper authorization has been obtained for publication of the results. Any figures or photographs reproduced from the work of others must be credited and the written permission of the originator must be attached to the completed copyright form. This release does not preclude authors from using the manuscript or parts therein for their own work.

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Proofs will be sent to the contact author for correction. This should be checked and returned as soon as possible. The authors must prepare their manuscript carefully: no alterations to the original text are accepted. Our aim is rapid publication: this will be helped if authors follow the above instructions scrupulously, and return their proofs as quickly as possible.

Editorial Board
Chief Editor
JAABE Publication Department
Architectural Institute of Japan
26-20 Shiba 5-chome
Tokyo 108-8414 Japan

Tel: +81-(0)3-3456-2017
Fax: +81-(0)3-3456-2058
Email: jaabe@aij.or.jp

Editorial Board

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