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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)   

About the journal

Tyndale Bulletin

Summaries of all articles from November 1993 (44.2)

Full text of all articles from Vol.1 up to a few years ago

Subscription and Back-copies

The Tyndale Bulletin (formerly the Tyndale House Bulletin) which is an assessed journal, is published twice a year and is the journal of Tyndale House, Cambridge, and of the Tyndale Fellowship for Biblical and Theological Research.

Offers of articles for publication are welcome. Contributions are expected to be compatible with the doctrinal basis of the House and Fellowship. Before submitting an article, please read our guidelines on Submission of Articles.

ISSN 0082-7118

Instructions to Authors

Tyndale Bulletin Submission of Articles

Submission of Articles

The Tyndale Bulletin publishes articles which make an original contribution to biblical and theological research. Contributions are expected to be compatible with the doctrinal basis of the House and Fellowship.There is no need to conform to the Tyndale Bulletin style for an initial submission.

Articles to be considered for publication should be sent as a Word or RTF file by email or by post to: Tyndale Bulletin Editor, Tyndale House, 36 Selwyn Gardens, Cambridge, CB3 9BA, England. If the article contains non-Roman fonts, please also send a PDF file or a printout. Please include your contact details (postal address & email) and confirmation that the article has not been published previously, and is not being submitted simultaneously elsewhere. If there is any overlap with books and articles the author has published or intends to publish, this should be made clear.

Authors are asked to write as concisely as possible and to avoid lengthy footnotes. Preference will be given to articles and short notes of less than 8,500 words (including footnotes). Manuscripts other than short notes and reviews should begin with a summary of between 75 and 200 words. Please take care to write clear prose. The journal has an international readership with a wide range of disciplines, so specialist terminology should be explained and an English translation should be provided when referring to foreign languages.

Style Guide

When an article has been accepted, the author will be asked to revise it to conform to the Tyndale Bulletin style guide. This is similar to the styles used by other academic journals so it may to useful to consult it while writing the article.

EndNote Styles

If you use EndNote, you can download the Endnote Tyndale Short-Title style, which will format your references automatically with the correct style.

When you have downloaded this Endnote styles, save it in the folder where EndNote keeps style files. (If you are not sure where that is, you can find out by clicking Edit, then Preferences, then Folder Locations, then Style Folder.) When you restart EndNote, the Tyndale style should be ready to use.

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