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出版社:WILEY, 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN, USA, NJ, 07030-5774

期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Aims and ScopeCovering the whole range of archaeology, from Palaeolithic to medieval times, the Oxford Journal of Archaeology is the premier English language journal of European and Mediterranean archaeology. Publishing four issues a year, it provides topical coverage of current research in Prehistoric, Classical and later European archaeology, with contributions from an international cast of academics and field workers. It encourages debate and is essential reading for anyone studying European archaeology.

TopIndexed / Abstracted in

Academic Search (EBSCO)

Academic Search Premier (EBSCO)

Anthropological Literature (Harvard University)

Arts & Humanities Citation Index® (Thomson ISI)

BIAB: British & Irish Archaeological Bibliography (Council for British Archaeology)

CSA Biological Sciences Database (CSA/CIG)

CSA Environmental Sciences & Pollution Management Database (CSA/CIG)

Current Abstracts (EBSCO)

Current Contents®/Arts & Humanities (Thomson ISI)


Ecology Abstracts (Elsevier)


GEOBASE/Geographical & Geological Abstracts (Elsevier)


IBSS: International Bibliography of the Social Sciences (LSE)

Linguistics & Language Behavior Abstracts (CSA/CIG)

OCLC FirstSearch Electronic Collections Online (OCLC)

Proquest 5000 (ProQuest)

Proquest Research Library (ProQuest)

SCOPUS (Elsevier)

Instructions to Authors

1. Submission of a paper to Oxford Journal of Archaeology will be held to imply that it represents an original article, not previously published; that it is not being considered for publication elsewhere; and that, if accepted for publication, it will not be published elsewhere without the consent of the editors.

2. Papers should normally not exceed 8,000 words (though longer papers may be published from time to time). The Notes section is intended for shorter contributions and for debate. Only papers presented in a manner conforming with the 'Notes' will be considered by the editors for publication.

3. Fairly short titles are preferred, indicating the contents of the article; there may be a subtitle. They are set in capitals at the head of the article, preceded by the author's name(s). The author's address should be typed flush with the right-hand margin at the end of the text, before the abbreviations and bibliography. Any acknowledgements should appear as a separate paragraph headed 'Acknowledgements', immediately preceding the address.

4. A short summary of about 100-150 words should be included at the head of the text, following the title.

5. Authors should remember that the scope of the Journal is very wide, and that while we are always prepared to take specialist papers, it would be particularly helpful if authors provided a few paragraphs on the context within which their research fitted.

6. Style

It is essential to observe the following conventions (typescripts which do not conform to these instructions will be returned for correction). (See also References, paragraph below).

6.1. For spellings in general follow the Concise Oxford Dictionary (preferring the first variants where offered).

6.2. Numbers under 10 should be spelt out except where attached to a unit of quantity (e.g., 1 mm or 3 kg). Numbers 10 and above should be numerals except where the context makes this awkward (e.g., use spelt-out forms at the beginning of a sentence). Write 0.5, 0.67 not .5 and .67, etc.

6.3. Avoid excessive capitalization, inverted commas for words, and parentheses.

6.4. Use Metric units rather than Imperial.

6.5. Use italics for emphasis very sparingly.

6.6. Initial-letter abbreviations should be typed with no full points (e.g., UK, UNESCO, BBC). Abbreviations in which the last letter of the abbreviation is the same as the last letter of the word should also have no full point (e.g., Mr, St, but frag., str., etc.; no. is an exception). Latin abbreviations such as ibid., id., op. cit., e.g. and cf. should not be underlined.

6.7. Transliterate Greek, where possible, especially in book titles; occasional words or short passages may be used in the text, if clearly printed in the submitted typescript.

7. Headings

Three forms of subheading are used, with the following conventions which should be followed in the typescript:

a). subheading......................... CAPITALS, centred (separate line)

b). subsubheading.................. italics, left-justified (separate line)

c). subsubsubheading........... italics (embedded in the first line of the paragraph)

Please avoid using more than three weights of subheading.

8. Artwork

8.1. Artwork may be supplied in either electronic or paper format (high resolution TIFF and EPS files are preferred). Maps, diagrams and figures should be provided on separate sheets duly numbered. Finished artwork suitable for reproduction should normally be submitted with figure numbers and author's name on the back. If in doubt, please consult the editors. For further information on how to prepare your electronic artwork, please click here.

8.2. Black-and-white photographs will be printed in the text, not as separate plates. They should be numbered consecutively among the text maps, diagrams and figures and not separately.

8.3. Captions of figures and photographs should be typed in full on a separate list headed 'Captions of Illustrations'. For drawings, the draughtsman's name should be given in the captions or in a general acknowledgement in the text or footnotes. For photographs, the photographer's name should similarly be given or other suitable acknowledgement of source, (e.g., '- Museum photograph').

9. Tables should be typed on separate sheets and numbered consecutively. Captions should be typed above the tables.

10. Footnotes should not be numerous or lengthy. They will be printed at the foot of the text, but they should be numbered consecutively and typed on a separate sheets (i.e. as if they were endnotes).

11. References

11.1. The Harvard system should be followed (except where frequently-used sources are abbreviated: in this case, a full list of abbreviations should precede the bibliography: see below). In the text, references should be indicated by giving the author's name and year of publication (with page and illustration references). For example:

¡­ Clark (1967, 23) was of the opinion that ¡­.

¡­ it therefore represents a variation of a comb technique seen in a Grooved Ware context at Marden (Wainwright 1971, 212).

The references should be listed in full at the end of the paper in the following form: (Individual items should be separated by clear lines, with the authors' names capitalized, and the year of publication followed by a colon.)

a) Journal article

MODDERMAN, P.J.R. 1971: Bandkeramiker und Wandernbauerntum. Archäologisches Korrespondenzblatt 1, 7-9.

b) Book

MARTIN, R. 1981: Tacitus (London).

c) Article in a book

WORMALD, F. 1978: Bede, Beowulf and the conversion of the Anglo-Saxon aristocracy. In Farrell, R.T. (ed.), Bede and Anglo-Saxon England (Oxford, BAR Brit. Ser. 46), 96-117.

We recommend the use of a tool such as EndNote or Reference Manager for reference management and formatting.

EndNote reference styles can be searched for here:


Reference Manager reference styles can be searched for here:


11.2. But for some subject areas, where standard abbreviations for some much-quoted books and periodicals are in common use, these abbreviations may be employed in text, footnotes, or bibliography, and they should be listed separately before the bibliography.

Please note

 (i) If several papers by the same author and from the same year are cited, a, b, c, etc. should be added to the year of publication (1972a, 1972b, etc.).

 (ii) The use of the phrase et al. (= et alii) to indicate multiple authorship is permissible in the text, but not in the list of references, where all names should be given. Full page numbers should be supplied, not just ff.

(iii) Volume and plate numbers in references should be given in Arabic, and lower case used for fig., pl. (However, refer to your own figures as Figure 1, 2, 3, etc).

11.3. There are several software packages available to help authors manage and format the references and footnotes in their journal article. We recommend the use of a software tool such as EndNote or Reference Manager for reference management and formatting.

EndNote reference styles can be searched for here:


Reference Manager reference styles can be searched for here:


12. Proofs will usually be supplied only once and in the form of page proofs, and therefore it is of the utmost importance that the typescript is in perfect order before submission. Authors may correct only printer's errors or alterations that have been introduced by the editors and with which they disagree. We will expect proofs to be returned within two weeks of receipt. If they are not, it may be necessary to return them without the author's corrections if the printer's timetable makes this essential. If you plan to be away during the months following submission of the typescript, please let us know.

13. Quotations and copyright

When quoting from an author please always do so from the same edition (unless you say why you are not doing so) and state what this is.

There are no internationally accepted rules about the extent to which copyright matter can be quoted without the need to ask permission. UK copyright extends to fifty years after the death of the author or fifty years after publication of a scholarly edition.

The editors will assume that the authors have obtained permissions where necessary. However, please note that short quotations from recent works are allowed without the need for permission.

14. Supplementary Material

Supplementary electronic material that can be published as part of the online version of a paper is welcomed. Supplementary material must be important, ancillary information that is relevant to the parent article but does not or cannot appear in the printed edition of the journal. For further information, please click here.

15. Copyright Transfer Agreement

Authors will be required to sign an Copyright Transfer Agreement (CTA) for all papers accepted for publication. Signature of the CTA is a condition of publication and papers will not be passed to the publisher for production unless a signed form has been received. (Government employees need to complete the Author Warranty sections, although copyright in such cases does not need to be assigned). After submission authors will retain the right to publish their paper in various medium/circumstances (please see the form for further details). To assist authors an appropriate form will be supplied by the editorial office. Alternatively, authors may like to download a copy of the form here.

Please return the form to the following address:

Oxford Journal of Archaeology

Institute of Archaeology

36 Beaumont Street

Oxford OX1 2PG


The editors are only prepared to consider papers presented according to the guidelines

16. Manuscripts should be prepared on good-quality paper (A4 size preferred), double-spaced and with generous margins. Two copies of the article should be submitted to:

The Editor

Oxford Journal of Archaeology

Institute of Archaeology

36 Beaumont Street

Oxford OX1 2PG


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Editorial Board


Barry Cunliffe, Professor of European Archaeology, University of Oxford, UK

Phone: + 44 0 1865 278240

Fax: + 44 0 1865 278254

Chris Gosden, Professor of European Archaeology, University of Oxford, UK

Helena Hamerow, Lecturer in European Archaeology, University of Oxford, UK

Phone: +44 01865 278245

Fax: +44 01865 278254

Email: helena.hamerow@history.oxford.ac.uk

Nicholas Purcell, Lecturer in Ancient History, University of Oxford, UK

Editorial Assistant

Lynda Smithson

Phone: +44 01865 278249

Fax: +44 0 1865 278254

Email: Lynda.smithson@arch.ox.ac.uk


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