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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal


The Journal of African Archaeology is currently abstracted/indexed in:


Arts and Humanities Citation Index (ISI Thomson) 

Current Contents / Arts & Humanities (ISI Thomson) 

International Bibliography of the Social Sciences (IBSS)   

International Bibliography of Periodical Literature (IBZ)

International Bibliography of Book Reviews (IBR)

Anthropological Literature (Harvard University)

African Studies Abstracts (ASA)  

Anthropological Index Online (AIO)

Instructions to Authors

Submission of Papers 

The Journal of African Archaeology publishes overview articles, articles on current research results as well as book reviews, article replies and announcements. Contributions should not exceed a length of 10,000 words, including abstract/résum? acknowledgements and references

Papers can be easily submitted to the Editors electronically via the following link: File-upload

If common mail is used for submitting a paper, authors should provide a CD ROM containing the final text as well as photos, drawings and tables.

PDF for authors

The Journal of African Archaeology provides authors with ten off-prints and a pdf-file with the publisher-created version of their articles free of charge. Note, however, that the use of the publisher-created pdf is restricted to the conditions stated in the Copyright Transfer Agreement.

Text and its Elements 

Whatever way is chosen for submitting a paper to the Journal of African Archaeology, contributors should be aware of the following instructions:

1. All elements of the manuscript (title, abstract, text body, footnotes, bibliography and captions) must be typed in double space with a typeface not smaller than 12 points;

2. Each element of the text should always begin on a new page, their order being as follows: title page, abstract, body of the text, references, captions of tables and figures;

3. The < title page > should include the title itself, and, below this, the name of the author, his/her institutional affiliation with address for correspondence as well as e-mail address.

4.  The abstract page(s) should include brief texts, both in English and French, touching upon the main subjects discussed in the paper. Abstracts in each language should not surpass two hundred words and should not contain any kind of references, bibliographic citations or footnotes

5.  Authors are free for the inclusion of footnotes, if these concern relevant points of the text, but the number of footnotes should be kept to the minimum necessary.

6.  The bibliographical references should only contain works cited in the text. References in the text are to be made to conform to the current international literature. Page numbers are required, save for references on an entire work. Page numbers should never be followed by 'f' or 'ff', but indicated specifically. If several works are going to be cited for one single text passage, entries should be set in chronological order from the earliest to the youngest. Cited works having more than two authors must make use of 'et al.', but the bibliographical list at the end of the manuscript has to include the name of all authors of each single publication. Below, some examples on the manner of citing in the text and in the references.

Citations in the text should occur as follows:

Mustermann (1997) or (Mustermann 1997)

Mustermann (1998: 55) or (Mustermann 1998: 55)

Musterfrau (1999: 33-34) or (Musterfrau 1999: 33-34)

Mustermann & Musterfrau (2001: 56-69) or (Mustermann & Musterfrau 2001: 56-69)

Musterfrau et al. (2002: 1-10) or (Musterfrau et al. 2002: 1-10)

The bibliographical references should be typed in alphabetical order at the end of the text as a list and follow the structure of the fictive examples showed below:


Mustermann, J. 2003. The rural surroundings of Great Zimbabwe. Journal of African Archaeology 1(1), 22-34.


Musterfrau, P. 1995. Human Responses to Climatic Change in the Chaco Region of Argentina: An Ecological and Cultural Approach. Editora Felicitas, Buenos Aires.

Unpublished (Masters/Ph.D.) Thesis

Mustermann, J. 1975. Individuality, Community Life and Social Conflicts among the Nupe of Nigeria. Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis, University of Ibadan, Ibadan

Published (Masters/Ph.D.) Thesis

Musterfrau, P. 1981. The Guaran?and the Catholic View of the World: Cultural Change and Extinction of an Autochtonous People in Southern Latin America. Ph.D. Thesis, Universidade Católica de Porto Alegre, Porto Alegre.

Monograph in a Series

Mustermann, J. & Musterfrau, P. 1988. Aspects of Cultural Convergence among Societies living in the Tropics. Paideuma ?Studien zur Kulturkunde 35. Frobenius Institut, J-W-Goethe Universität Frankfurt, Frankfurt.

Article in a book

Musterfrau, P., Mustermann, J. & Mustersohn, K. 1992. The sword of the king: How far did coercion influence the development of African early states? In: Wonder, D. (ed.), The Emergence of African Complex Societies: Archaeological and Anthropological Approaches. Maiduguri University Press, Maiduguri, pp. 45-76.

Conference proceedings

Mustermann, J. 1997. Tobacco pipes of American origin in African archaeological sites. In: Proceedings of the XXX Pan-African Congress. Cairo University Press, Cairo, pp. 67-70.

To avoid misunderstandings in reporting radiocarbon dates, the Journal of African Archaeology opted for standardized abbreviations as follows:

Uncalibrated radiocarbon years before present


Calibrated radiocarbon years

 BC or cal BC, AD or cal AD

Historical years

 BC or AD

Uncalibrated radiocarbon years before present in 1000 years

 ka bp

Calibrated radiocarbon years in 1000 years

 ka cal BC

Tables and Figures 

Always provide a separate

electronic data file of each table and figure. Contributors should send the tables complete and ready to print, but

the final layout remains the decision of the publisher.

Black & white as well as colour photographs and graphics are welcomed by the editor, however,

colour prints are restricted to 4 half page units or 2 full page units per contribution. Authors are,

therefore, advised to choose by themselves which of their figures should be printed in colour and

which not. If further colour illustrations are necessary, please contact the publishers.


Contributors should be concerned with the quality of their illustrative materials, as a need for

improvement can result in their return to the author. When submitted digitally,

illustrations should have a minimum of 600 dpi and preferably in one of the following formats:

.pdf  / .tif / .jpg / .wmf / .ai / .psd.

When submitted digitally, the images should not be smaller than the size in which they will be published

Editorial Board

Editorial Advisory Board:
Graham Connah, Australia
Els Cornelissen, Belgium
Manfred K.H. Eggert, Germany
Elena Garcea, Italy
Diane Gifford-Gonzalez, USA
Olivier Gosselain, Belgium
Randi Haaland, Norway
Augustin F.C. Holl, USA
Tom Huffman, South Africa
Eric Huysecom, Switzerland
David Killick, USA
Tilman Lenssen-Erz, Germany
Savino di Lernia, Italy
Scott MacEachern, USA
Susan Keech McIntosh, USA
David W. Phillipson, U.K.
Gilbert Pwiti, Zimbabwe
Peter Robertshaw, USA
Friedemann Schrenk, Germany
Wim Van Neer, Belgium
Robert Vernet, France
Book Review Editor:
Timothy Insoll, U.K.
Copy Editors:
Richard Byer, Germany
Gaby Franke, Germany
Annabelle Gallin, France

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