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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Media of Home Cultures

Home Cultures is an interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed journal dedicated to the critical understanding of the domestic sphere, its artifacts, spaces and relations, across timeframes and cultures. 'Home' is a highly fluid and contested site of human existence that reflects and reifies identities and values.

In this context Home Cultures explores the relationship between body and building, consumption, material culture, the meaning of home, moving cultures and social consequences of planning and architecture.

Home Cultures is covered by the following abstracting/indexing services:

* AIO Anthropological Index Online
* Art and Architecture Index
* ARTbibliographies Modern
* Australian Research Council 2010 rankings - Grade A 
* British Humanities Index
* Current Contents / Arts & Humanities
* DAAI Design and Applied Arts Index
* IBR International Bibliography of Book Reviews of Scholarly Literature in the 
  Humanities and Social Sciences
* IBSS International Bibliography of Social Sciences
* IBZ International Bibliography of Periodical Literature on the Humanities and Social
* ISI Arts and Humanities Citation Index 
* Scopus
* Sociological Abstracts

Instructions to Authors

1) Manuscript Submissions

Should you have an article you would like to submit, please write to homecultures@bloomsbury.com

2) Book and Exhibition Reviews

Please contact Nicolette Makovicky for consideration for review in Home Cultures:
Nicolette Makovicky
Junior Research Fellow
Review Editor, Home Cultures
Wolfson College
Oxford, OX2 6UD

Email: nicolette.makovicky@area.ox.ac.uk

Notes for Contributors

  • Articles should be approximately 5,000 to 8,000 words, (but not exceeding 8,000 words in length unless by prior agreement please).
  • They must include a three-sentence biography of the author(s) and an abstract.
  • Interviews should not exceed 15 pages and do not require an author biography.
  • Exhibition and book reviews are normally 500 to 1,000 words in length but review articles can be between 1,000-2,000 words.
  • The Publishers will require a disk as well as a hard copy of any contributions.

From time to time, Home Cultures plans to produce special issues devoted to a single topic with a guest editor. Persons wishing to organize a topical issue are invited to submit a proposal which contains a hundred word description of the topic together with a list of potential contributors and paper subjects. Proposals are accepted only after a review by the journal editors and in-house editorial staff at Bloomsbury Publishers.


  • Manuscripts should be submitted to:
    Jan Geisbusch, Editorial Administrator, Home Cultures, Department of Anthropology, University College London, 14 Taviton Street, London WC1H 0BW, UK or to homecultures@googlemail.com 
  • Manuscripts will be acknowledged and entered into the review process discussed below.
  • Manuscripts without illustrations will not be returned unless the author provides a self-addressed stamped envelope.
  • Submission of a manuscript to the journal will be taken to imply that it is not being considered elsewhere, in the same form, in any language, without the consent of the editor and publisher. It is a condition of acceptance by the editor of a manuscript for publication that the publishers automatically acquire the copyright of the published article throughout the world. Home Cultures does not pay authors for their manuscripts nor does it provide retyping, drawing, or mounting of illustrations.


  • US spelling and mechanicals are to be used. Authors are advised to consult The Chicago Manual of Style (15th Edition) as a guideline for style.Webster's Dictionary is our arbiter of spelling. We encourage the use of major subheadings and, where appropriate, second-level subheadings.
  • Manuscripts submitted for consideration as an article must contain:
    - a title page with the full title of the article, the author(s) name and address,
    - a three-sentence biography for each author.
  • Do not place the author's name on any other page of the manuscript.

Manuscript Preparation

  • Manuscripts must be typed double-spaced (including quotations, notes and references cited), on one side only, with at least one-inch margins on standard paper using a typeface no smaller than 12pts.
  • The original manuscript and a copy of the text on disk (please ensure it is clearly marked with the wordprocessing programme that has been used) must be submitted, along with original photographs (to be returned).
  • Authors should retain a copy for their records.
  • Any necessary artwork must be submitted with the manuscript.


  • Footnotes appear as 'Notes' at the end of articles.
  • Authors are advised to include footnote material in the text whenever possible.
  • Notes are to be numbered consecutively throughout the paper and are to be typed double-spaced at the end of the text.
  • (Please do not use any footnoting or end-noting programs which your software may offer as this text becomes irretrievably lost at the typesetting stage.)


  • The list of references should be limited to, and inclusive of, those publications actually cited in the text.
  • References are to be cited in the body of the text in parentheses with author's last name, the year of original publication, and page number - e.g., (Rouch 1958: 45).
  • Titles and publication information appear as 'References' at the end of the article and should be listed alphabetically by author and chronologically for each author.
  • Names of journals and publications should appear in full. Film and video information appear as 'Filmography'.
  • References cited should be typed double-spaced on a separate page.
  • References not presented in the style required will be returned to the author for revision.

All tabular material should be part of a separately numbered series of 'Tables'. Each table must be typed on a separate sheet and identified by a short descriptive title. Footnotes for tables appear at the bottom of the table. Marginal notations on manuscripts should indicate approximately where tables are to appear.

All illustrative material (drawings, maps, diagrams, and photographs) should be designated 'Figures'. They must be submitted in a form suitable for publication without redrawing. Drawings should be careful done with black ink on either hard, white, smooth-surfaced board or good quality tracing paper. Ordinarily, computer-generated drawings are not of publishable quality. Color photographs are encouraged by the publishers. Whenever possible, photographs should be 8 x 10 inches. The publishers encourage artwork to be submitted as scanned files (600 dpi or above) on disk or via email. All figures should be clearly numbered on the back and numbered consecutively. All captions should be typed double-spaced on a separate page. Marginal notations on manuscripts should indicate approximately where figures are to appear. While the editors and publishers will use ordinary care in protecting all figures submitted, they cannot assume responsibility for their loss or damage. Authors are discouraged from submitting rare or non-replaceable materials. It is the author's responsibility to secure written copyright clearance on all photographs and drawings that are not in the public domain. Copyright should be obtain for worldwide rights and on-line publishing.

Criteria for Evaluation
Home Cultures is a refereed journal. Manuscripts will be accepted only after review by both the editors and anonymous reviewers deemed competent to make professional judgments concerning the quality of the manuscript.

On publication, authors will be sent a PDF of the final version of their article for personal use only. Authors are also entitled to a complimentary copy of the issue they contributed to. Details on how to obtain it will be sent upon publication. Additional copies of the issue can be purchased at a discount rate from Bloomsbury.

Editorial Board
Victor Buchli, University College London, UK
Alison Clarke, University of Applied Arts Vienna, Austria
Pauline Garvey, National University of Ireland, Maynooth, Ireland
Setha Low, City University of New York, USA

US Exhibition Reviews
Shelley Nickles, Smithsonian National Museum of American History, USA

UK Book & Exhibition Reviews 
Nicolette Makovicky, University of Oxford, UK. 

Please send books for consideration to:
Nicolette Makovicky
Review Editor, Home Cultures 
School of Interdisciplinary Area Studies 
University of Oxford
12 Bevington Road
Oxford OX2 6LH, UK

Editorial Advisory Board
Leora Auslander, University of Chicago, USA
Iain Borden, The Bartlett School of Architecture, University College London, UK
Peter Burke, University of Cambridge, USA
Sophie Chevalier, Université de Franche-Comté, France
Irene Cieraad, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
Elizabeth Cromley, Northeastern University, USA
Inge Daniels, University of Oxford, UK
Sir Christopher Frayling, Rector of the Royal College of Art, UK
Alice Friedman, Wellesley College, USA
Paul Groth, University of California at Berkeley, USA
Craig Gurney, Cardiff University, UK
Ian Hodder, Stanford University, USA
Miwon Kwon, University of California at Los Angeles, USA
Patrick Laviolette, Tallinn University, Estonia
Orvar Löfgren, University of Lund, Sweden
Ellen Lupton, Maryland Institute College of Art, USA
Lydia Martens, Keele University, UK
Kathy Mezei, Simon Fraser University, Canada
Daniel Miller, University College London, UK
Gerald Pocius, Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada
Martin Raymond, Viewpoint, UK
Suzanne Reimer, University of Southampton, UK
Elizabeth Shove, University of Lancaster, UK
Dell Upton, University of California, Los Angeles, USA
Ilya Utekhin, European University at St Petersburg, Russia
Ann Varley, University College London, UK

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