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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Aims & Scope

Brontë Studies is the only journal solely dedicated to research on the Brontë family. Published continuously since 1895, it aims to encourage further study and research on all matters relating to the Brontë family, their background and writings, and their place in literary and cultural history. Original, peer-reviewed articles are published as well as papers delivered at conferences, notes on matters of interest, short notices reporting research activities and correspondence arising from items previously published in the journal.
The journal also provides an official record of the Brontë Society and reports new accessions to the Brontë Parsonage Museum and its research library

Instructions to Authors

The Editor invites authors to submit original articles, papers delivered at conferences, and notes on matters of interest to its readers, for possible publication in Brontë Studies. It is a condition of publication that papers become the copyright of the Brontë Society and an assignment form will be circulated with proofs. All editorial correspondence should be sent, via email wherever possible, to the Editor: Amber M Adams, The Editor, Brontë Studies, 2416 Sandhurst Ave SW, Calgrary T3C 2M6, Alberta, Canada. Email:brontestudies@talk21.com or to the North American Editor: Dr Manette R Berlinger, 233 West 83rd Street, Apt 5B, New York, NY 10024, USA. Email:MBerlinger@qcc.cuny.edu. Books for review should be sent to: Carolyne van Der Meer, Book Reviews Editor, Brontë Studies, 91 Granada Drive, Kirkland, Quebec H9H 317, Canada. Email:cvdm@ca.inter.net.

The Journal
Brontë Studies is the official journal of the Brontë Society and has been published continuously since 1895 (previously known as Transactions of the Brontë Society). Brontë Studies is a refereed journal with an Editorial Advisory Board of distinguished authorities in the field of Brontë studies. It is the only journal solely dedicated to Brontë research. Brontë Studies is mailed to personal members of the Brontë Society worldwide and is available on subscription. It is published three times a year.
Brontë Studies aims to encourage further study and research on matters relating to the Brontë family, their writings, background and place in literary and cultural history.

Contributions must be original material that has not been previously published and is not submitted elsewhere for consideration and may comprise: original articles; text of papers presented at conferences and seminars; transcriptions of previously unpublished writings of, or relating to, the Brontës; surveys of the documentation and resources relating to Brontë studies; book reviews; notices reporting research or discussing specific items of interest; correspondence.

Form of submissions
Articles should not normally exceed 6,000 words in length. Articles must be accompanied by a short abstract outlining the contents (c. 100 words). Contributions should ideally be emailed to brontestudies@talk21.com as attachments or presented on disk in any well-known word processor software (eg Word, WordPerfect). In preparing the electronic version, there is no need to format articles. Please use plain style and avoid elaborate layout or typography, but include italics or bold type when necessary, and make sure that headings and subheadings are clearly visible as such. Photographs, maps, and other supporting material are encouraged. Contributors are responsible for supplying such material themselves and for obtaining any necessary permissions, though they are advised to await the Editor's acceptance before committing themselves to expense. Potential authors are invited to write to the editor with ideas and suggestions for articles.

The receipt of contributions will be acknowledged by the Editor.

Refereeing procedure
Brontë Studies is a refereed journal. Each submission is assessed by the Editor for general suitability and may then be forwarded to two referees who are experts in the particular subject concerned. The decision whether or not to publish is the responsibility of the editor based on the referees' reports. In cases of difficulty the Editor will seek the advice of members of the Editorial Advisory Board. In the event of rejection, the Editor may give reasons, but will not enter into any debate. In some cases an invitation to resubmit will be made on lines suggested by the referees.

Submission of electronic files

Once an article has been accepted for inclusion in the journal, disks should be supplied whenever possible, or text sent by email to the Editor (brontestudies@talk21.com). This does enable costs to be kept down and assists accuracy. Contributors should submit files from any well-known word processor software (e.g. Word, WordPerfect). PC disks are preferred to Mac in High Density formats. ASCII text files should not be submitted since font codes will not be preserved. Please indicate on the disk label the computer software and file format used along with author's name. The disk must be accompanied by hard-copy typescript. Please check with the Editor if this causes difficulty.In preparing your article for publication we would be grateful if you would follow the recommendations below:

1. When typing endnotes, please do so without using any automatic endnote feature, numbering them sequentially through the article from 1.
2. Do not use hard page breaks or hard returns (except at the end of paragraphs, after headings, or in lists and verse where definite line breaks are required). Do not use hard or discretionary hyphens to improve line endings.
3. If your article contains unusual characters or accents please highlight them on the typescript or list them on a separate sheet of paper. This does not apply to the diaeresis in the name 'Brontë' which will be assumed unless indicated to the contrary.
4. Please do not put extra space between paragraphs. Start paragraphs with a single tab rather than multiple spaces. Do not put double spaces at the end of sentences.
5. Always type a space after initials in name, and before and after p., pp., vol., no., etc.
6. Do not use headers and footers.

All illustrations (including photographs and diagrams) should be numbered sequentially using Arabic numerals and referred to as Figures (e.g. Figure 1; Table 1), and their position indicated in the text. Captions should be submitted on a separate sheet. Images should be submitted as photographs or supplied electronically in CMYK format as good-quality TIFF or EPS files, suitable for printing. As a guide images should be submitted at a minimum input scanning resolution of 300 dpi for full colour, 350-400 dpi for half tones, 600 dpi for slides or transparencies, 800 dpi for simple line and 1200 dpi for fine line illustrations. Please note that the final reproduction quality is dependent on original supply of correct format and resolution. The author must obtain written evidence of permission to reproduce images (in all formats, in perpetuity and in all geographical regions worldwide) from the copyright owner for the use of any illustrative matter in the journal and will be liable for any fee charged by the owner of the image. The caption should include relevant credit of the permission of the copyright holder to reproduce the image. For more information please see www.maney.co.uk/authors/copyright.

Online Colour
It is now possible for colour illustrations to be published in the online version of Brontë Studies free of charge. Images submitted in colour will be published in greyscale in the printed journal (unless otherwise agreed with the journal editor) but will be posted online in colour. Authors should consider the use of colour within their article carefully to ensure meaning is not lost in the translation of images from colour to greyscale for the printed volume. Authors should bear this in mind when preparing the format of the images for submission and when obtaining permission to use material from third parties. For more information please see www.maney.co.uk/authors/copyright.

Authors who wish to reproduce material from previously published sources or where the copyright is owned by a third party, such as sections of text, tables or images, must obtain written permission from the copyright holder (usually the publisher) and the author(s)/artist(s) of the original material. A line giving the full source of the material should be included in the manuscript. If material from the author's own published work is to be used, permission must still be obtained from that publisher. Copyright is required for use in all formats (including digital), in perpetuity and in all geographical regions worldwide. For more information, please see the copyright advice for authors section of the author section of the Maney website www.maney.co.uk/authors/copyright.

Proofs of articles will be sent to contributors, who are asked to return them to the Editor without delay. Please be sure to supply a contact email address with your final submission since, where possible, proofs will be emailed to authors in PDF format. Please indicate to the Editor if you are unable to receive emails, in which case hard copy proofs will be despatched. Where emailed proofs can be received, the email will be sent to the author with the proof attached in PDF format. Instructions will be provided on how to download the proof and make corrections for return to the Editor. Corrections may be marked on the hard copy print-out and posted to the Editor; or, if only a few corrections are required, a list of amendments may be emailed to the Editor.
Corrections must be restricted to what is absolutely necessary and be clearly marked.

Any reproduction from Brontë Studies, apart from for the purposes of review, private research or 'fair dealing', must have the permission of the Brontë Society. Requests for such permission must be addressed to permissions@maney.co.uk or Permissions Section, Maney Publishing, at the above address, who acts on behalf of the Society. In all cases, acknowledgement must be made to Brontë Studies.

Brontë Studies is currently published three times a year in February, June and October. Final decisions on which submissions will be included will be made four months prior to publication. In many cases, the Editor will have contacted authors beforehand.


Style should follow that set out in the MHRA (Modern Humanities Research Association) Style Guide, 2008 obtainable in print format for £6 and downloadable in online format from the Modern Humanities Research Association website at www.style.mhra.org.uk. Some of the important points in this are:

1. Pages should be consecutively numbered in the top right-hand corner.
2. The first line of each paragraph (except for the first and those after headings) should be indented. Do not drop a line between paragraphs.
3. Footnotes and sources cited should be placed at the end of the article. The text reference to the note should be indicated by a running number at the end of the sentence (after punctuation) in which they occur and the sources cited in full at the end of the article in numerical order using the Vancouver method.
4. Do not use 'loc. cit.'; 'op. cit.'; and 'ibid.', since these can be confusing. A clear, shortened form of the source should be used for subsequent  mentions.
5. Use italics for titles of books and journals.
6. Short quotations should be enclosed in single quotation marks. Quotations within quotations use double quotation marks. Long quotations and verse quotations should not have quotation marks and should be separated from the text above and below by an additional line of space.
7. British spelling should be followed but with 'ize', not 'ise' where both spellings are permissible. Connection, reflection, etc. are preferred to connexion etc.
8. Dates take the forms '1845-48', '1811-14', '1804-08', 'October 1845', '11 October 1845' and 'nineteenth century', 'mid-nineteenth-century architecture'.
9. Compound adjectives should be hyphenated: 'nineteenth-century manuscript', 'part-time bookseller'.

Particular points that concern Brontë Studies include:
1. Where pages in the Brontë novels are noted, please specify the edition used at the first mention.
2. Make clear which Brontë is being referred to.
3. The Reverend Patrick Brontë or the Reverend P. Brontë at the first mention, and Rev. Brontë thereafter. (The Revd or The Rev. may be substituted for The Reverend.) Always use the definite article and P. or Patrick.
4. When quoting verbatim from manuscript sources, indicate incorrect spellings by [sic], or give other clear indication that the spelling or grammar is not to be corrected!
5. When quoting from Transactions or Brontë Studies, do distinguish between volume, part and page numbers. Year or part number is recommended in addition to volume number.

Authors are now requested to supply up to five keywords (in alphabetical order) with their paper to be used as an aid to indexing.
Authors are also asked to remember that the readership of Brontë Studies is wide-ranging and international in scope. Please keep technical terms to a minimum. Priority will be given to articles which are accurate, lucid and original.

Authors of papers in Brontë Studies receive a screen-resolution PDF file of the published version. Orders for digital reprints may be made at the time proofs are distributed. This PDF may be forwarded to co-authors without separate permission being required from the publisher. The PDF cannot be used for commercial purposes. Brontë Studies must be cited as the original source of publication and a link to www.maney.co.uk/journals/bronte should be included with any listing. This PDF may be posted on authors' individual website or that of their institution. Authors are entitled to make copies of the article for reasonable personal use only. For more information please see Maney's copyright and permissions policy and advice for authors page available in the Maney Author Area www.maney.co.uk/authors/permissions. Authors should note that eprints are produced as screen resolution PDFs, so the printed quality will not match that of the print copies of the journal.
Contributors to Brontë Studies are entitled to buy copies of the issue where their article appears or full individual* subscriptions to the journal at a discounted rate on the RRP. A form for orders will be issued to you with proofs of your article or you can email subscriptions@maney.co.uk to place your order.
*Individual subscribers should be aware that their subscription does not include membership to the Brontë Society.

Editorial Board


Amber Adams (Alberta, Canada)

UK Editor:

Robert Duckett

North American Editor:

Manette R. Berlinger

Book Reviews Editor:

Carolyne Van Der Meer

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