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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal
Aims and Scope

This leading international journal publishes scholarly papers and review articles on all aspects of the history of science. History of science is interpreted widely to include medicine, technology and social studies of science. BJHS papers make important and lively contributions to scholarship and the journal has been an essential library resource for more than thirty years. It is also used extensively by historians and scholars in related fields. A substantial book review section is a central feature. There are four issues a year, comprising an annual volume of over 600 pages.


...interesting and lively reading...The British Journal for the History of Science is alive and well, serving the broader interests of the subject, and maintaining the essential interplay between the past and the present.
Roy Porter, Times Literary Supplement

Instructions to Authors
British Journal for the History of Science
The British Journal for the History of Science (BJHS) is the journal of the British Society for the History
of Science, the major national body for this subject in Britain. One of the premier journals in the field, it
publishes high quality papers and review articles in all aspects of the history of science. There are four
issues each year comprising an annual volume of around 500 pages. BJHS also includes an extensive
book review section. Occasional thematic issues are published on important problems or topics.
Contributions are very welcome. They should be sent to the Editor, Simon Schaffer, Department of
History and Philosophy of Science, University of Cambridge, Free School Lane, Cambridge CB2 3RH,
email sjs16@cam.ac.uk. They are considered on the understanding that they are unpublished and are not
on offer to another journal. Contributions should be submitted in electronic form as an attachment or on
floppy disc, preferably in MS Word format. Hard copies on A4 or American quarto paper are, however,
acceptable, in which case two copies of the text should be sent to the editor.
Texts should be double spaced with a margin. Always include an abstract of 150-200 words. Long
quotations should be inset. Short quotations should be given single quotation marks. Spelling should
follow the Oxford English Dictionary. All papers should be rigorously documented. References to
primary and secondary sources must be set as endnotes, not as footnotes, and typed in double spacing
and numbered consecutively. Cite as follows:
1 B.Smetov and D.Blogski, Chemistry in the Eighteenth Century, 2nd edn (tr.R.Roe), 5 vols., Edinburgh,
1886-1914, iii, 237-8. Do not include the publisher unless there is some important reason.
2 J.Doe, "Searching for gravity waves" in The History of Physics (ed. A.Burn and Z.Trent), Oxford, 1982,
3 Doe, op.cit. (2), 23-4.
4 N.Brown, "Developments of the cathode ray"  Journal of Physics (1972), 7, 31-5. Spell out journal
titles. Give complete page run of articles cited and, where appropriate, the page number to which the
citation refers.
5 John Herschel to George Peacock, 17 May 1836, Herschel Papers, Royal Astronomical Society, London
(subsequently H P), Box 1234, 56. For manuscript sources please supply whatever information is
necessary for the reference to be found. Subsequent references can be cited as name, date, abbreviated
source, box, page or folio number.
Standard works such as D N B, D S B, may be cited thus. For theses, give University Microfilm order
number or at least Dissertations Abstract number.
Line drawings should be submitted electronically where possible, as jpg, tif or eps files, scanned at
300dpi or as Excel documents. (If drawn they should be bold in black ink on white paper, feint-ruled
graph paper or tracing paper.) Photographs should be sent as tif or jpg files on CD or on email if the files
are small, photographs can also be submitted as high resolution black and white glossy prints of good
contrast. The place of the illustration should be indicated in the margin of the text. Mark each illustration
with the author's name and its number lightly in pencil on the reverse. Type captions on a separate sheet
and include full details of the sources. Permission to reproduce material is entirely the author's
responsibility and this should be cited where given. Xerox copies may be sent with the article on first
submission, or pdf files.
The editor requires the final agreed version of the manuscript to be supplied double spaced and always in
electronic form as a Word document with appropriate electronic artwork files. Place your institutional
address and acknowledgements at the end of the paper before the notes. Do not include
acknowledgements or your own address as part of the first note.
Joint contributors should note that proofs and order forms for offprints will be sent to the first named
author unless the Editor is otherwise informed.
British Society for the History of Science. The British Society for the History of Science retains
copyright for all articles published. It is the author's responsibility to secure any necessary permission for
publication. Single copies of articles may be made for research or private study. Permission to make
multiple copies must be obtained from the Society. Authors receive twenty-five offprints of articles free.
Typescripts are not normally returned to authors. In all matters concerning the publication of the article,
the Editor's decision is final;. The Editor, Editorial Board, Officers and Council of the Society cannot
accept responsibility for any views expresssed by contributors in articles published in the Journal.
Editorial Board

Editorial Board


Professor Simon Schaffer
Department of History and Philosophy of Science
University of Cambridge
Free School Lane
Email sjs16@cam.ac.uk

Book Review Editor

Dr Gregory Radick
Division of History and Philosophy of Science
School of Philosophy, University of Leeds
Woodhouse Lane
Leeds LS2 9JT, UK
Email G.M.Radick@leeds.ac.uk

Editorial Board

Professor John Brooke
Oxford University, UK

Professor Janet Browne
Wellcome Institute for the History of Medicine, UK

Peter Dear
Cornell University, USA

Professor Ludmilla Jordanova
King's College London, UK

David Philip Miller
The University of New South Wales, Australia

Professor James Moore
Open University, Milton Keynes, UK

Iwan Rhys Morus
University of Wales, Aberystwyth, UK

Kapil Raj
Centre Alexandre Koyra, Paris, France

Lissa Roberts
Universiteit Twente, Netherlands

Professor Crosbie Smith
University of Kent, Canterbury, UK

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