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  出版社网址: http://www.scielo.br

期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Basic information

      The journal Trans/Form/Ação publishes articles in the field of philosophy.

The journal is directed primarily to academic research in Philosophy but also aims at the learned and interested layman, thus allowing the researchers that propose the articles to reach a universal criterion of clarity.

The journal Trans/Form/Ação publishes original articles in the form of regular papers, translations, reviews and interviews.

The journal is published two times a year.

Its abbreviated title is Trans/Form/Ação, which should be used in bibliographies, footnotes and and bibliographical references and strips.                                                                   


Sources for Indexation

      Papers published in TRANS/FORM/AÇÃO are indexed by:

  • CCN/Ibict
  • Bibliografia Teol¨gica Comentada;
  • Bibliographie Latinoamericaine D'Articles;
  • Clase-Cich-Unam;
  • International Directory of Philosophers Index;
  • International Philosophical Bibliography;
  • Revista Interamericana de Bibliographia;
  • MLA International Bibliography;

Dare Databank                                                                          


      Philosophy Department of Faculty of Philosophy and Sciences of Unesp, campus de Mar¨ªlia.

The concepts and political/ideological opinions expressed in the works are the responsibility of the authors.
Articles may be photocopied or electronically printed, provided the source is cited.


  •   Pro-Rectory of Research of Paulista State University "J¨²lio de Mesquita".
  • Philosophy Department of Faculty of Philosophy and Sciences of Paulista State University "J¨²lio de Mesquita", campus de Mar¨ªlia.
  • The Pos-Graduate Program in Philosophy of the Paulista State University "J¨²lio de Mesquita".

Instructions to Authors

Scope and Policy

       The Journal Trans/Form/Ação publishes articles in the field of philosophy. Proposals are blind-examined by two anonymous referees. All the articles published are peer-reviewed by referees of academic titulation equal to or higher than that of the author, except when the editor invites a thinker of notorious knowledge in Philosophy to contribute with an essay. The journal is directed primarily to academic research in Philosophy but also aims at the learned and interested layman, thus allowing the researchers that propose the articles to reach a universal criterion of clarity.

Also, the goal of the journal is to maintain its ranking as a high-standard publication, as attested by the Qualis score issued by Capes (Classification of Periodicals, Annals, Journals and Magazines of Capes, Coordination for Higher Level Graduates Improvement, a Foundation within the Brazilian Ministry of Education); therefore, Capes requirements will also be followed. This poses the need to establish a regional proportionality in the publication of articles from 2006 onwards, always preserving the quality of the submissions: a desirable maximum of 10% articles from Unesp, a maximum of 60% articles from São Paulo (including Unesp), and a minimum of 1 article from abroad. Exceptions may take place depending on the editor's decisions.
The mission of the Consulting Commission is to advise the Editorial Commission, that is, to express its view on submitted articles, refer articles from third parties, issue opinions, and present articles for publication (which may be forwarded to referees).  

Form and preparation

       Submission Guidelines

The journal TRANS/FORM/AÇÃO publishes original articles in the form of regular papers, interviews, translations of classical texts and reviews of books published less than two years. 

Theme: The themes dealt with must pertain to the field of philosophy or present a philosophical approach. They may derive from research work or be informative in nature.  Reviews from Referees: Modifications and/or corrections suggested by the referees regarding the manuscript (clarity of the text or grammar) or the content of its contributions shall be forwarded to the respective authors, who will be allowed a short stated time period to make the proposed modifications. 

General information

Works submitted for publication must be sent as Word (.doc) or RTF (.rtf) files. Papers are accepted in Portuguese, Spanish, French, English or Italian. The text must be in font Times New Roman 12-points size, with 1.5 spacing, and average length of 18 pages.

The following sequence should be observed: Title, name and academic affiliation of authors (Department, Institute or Faculty, University and, optionally, electronic address), abstract (maximum of 200 words), keywords (maximum of seven terms), main text, acknowledgements (whenever desired), abstract translated into English, keywords translated into English, and bibliography (reference papers cited in the main text and, optionally, backing references, i.e., works consulted or recommended but not quoted in the main text)

The abstract and keywords, which come before the main text, must be in the original language. They are also to be translated into English and included after the main text, or presented in Portuguese after the main text when the original manuscript is submitted in English. Remarks should be included in footnotes and the bibliographical references (Bibliography) at the end of the main text.

The manuscripts without the name(s) of the writer(s) will be evaluated by a peer of titulation equal to or higher than that of the author. The evaluator may or may not be a referee.

The writer who publish paper at Trans/Form/Ação must wait four numbers (two years) to submit another appreciation to this journal.

Manuscript Preparation

References must be listed in alphabetical order of the first author's last name and follow the ABNT guidelines.

The titles of periodicals must be written in full.

= Books and other monographs

CHAUI, Marilena. A nervura do real. São Paulo: Companhia das Letras, 1999.

= Book chapters

MOURA, Carlos A.R. de. Hobbes, Locke e a medida do direito. Racionalidade e crise. São Paulo: Discurso Editorial, 2001. p. 43-61.

= Dissertations and theses

FORTES, Luiz R.S. Rousseau da teoria ¨¤ pr¨¢tica, 1973. 157 f. Thesis (Doctorate in Philosophy) ¨C Faculty of Philosophy, Literature and Human Sciences, University of São Paulo , São Paulo, 1973.

= Articles from journals

LEBRUN, G. La sp¨¦culation travestie. Trans/Form/Ação, Assis, v. 1, p. 49-70, 1974.

Citations in text:
In an indirect citation, the author must be quoted in parentheses by surname and separated from the year of publication by a coma; an additional coma is to be used before the page number preceded by p. (e.g. Moura, 2001, p.55). Whenever the page number is irrelevant it should be excluded (e.g. Souza, 2002).
In a direct citation, only the year is placed in parentheses: ¡°Moura (2001) points out...¡±. Several works of the same author in the same year are to be differentiated by small letters added after the year without spacing (M¨¢rques, 2003a), (M¨¢rques, 2003b). In works with two authors, both names are cited separated by a semi-colon (Broens; Gonz¨¢les, 2005) In the case of three or more authors, the form et al. is used after the first author¡¯s name (Haselager et al., 1999).

Notes : must be reduced to a minimum and placed in footnotes. Footnote cross-references should be designated with consecutive numbers in the upper line spacing.

Annexes and/or supplements: should be included only when vital for the understanding of the text.


The data and concepts presented in the works as well as the preciseness of bibliographical citations are the entire responsibility of the authors. 

Manuscripts that do not conform to the aforesaid guidelines will be returned to the authors with comments on the alterations needed.                      


Remitting the manuscripts

       The proposals of articles and essays for publication must obey the Guidelines for Presentation of Originals and be sent, together with an official letter from the author containing pertinent information (Institution, address, telefone, e-mail), to the Editorial Commission, requesting evaluation for publication in the Journal Trans/Form/Ação. Manuscripts may be submitted by e-mail, or by post provided a diskette containing an electronic version of the paper (Word or RTF format) is included.

E-mail: transformacao@marilia.unesp.br
E-mail editor: arlenice@uol.com.br
Comissão Editorial da Revista Trans/Form/Ação
Departamento de Filosofia
Faculdade de Filosofia e Ci¨ºncias da Unesp, Campus de Mar¨ªlia
Av. Hygino Muzzi Filho, 737 - Cidade Universit¨¢ria
17525-900 Mar¨ªlia/SP - Brazil

Editorial Board


                 Arlenice Almeida da Silva; Department of Philosophy of Faculty of Philosophy and Sciences of Paulista State University "J¨²lio de Mesquita" - Unesp, campus de Mar¨ªlia; Mar¨ªlia/SP, Brazil   

Publishers associates

  •   Alain Grosrichard; University of G¨¦n¨¨ve; Genebra, Su¨ªça.
  • Antônio Carlos dos Santos; Federal University of Sergipe; São Crist¨®vão/SE, Brazil.
  • Bertrand Binoche; University of Sorbonne-Paris I; Paris, France.
  • Carlos Arthur Ribeiro do Nascimento; University of Campinas; Campinas/SP, Brazil.
  • Catherine Larr¨¨re; University of Sorbonne-Paris I; Paris, France.
  • Elias Humberto Alves; University of Campinas; Campinas/SP, Brazil.
  • Greg¨®rio Piaia, University of P¨¢dova, P¨¢dova, Italy.
  • Hugh Lacey; Swarthmore College; Swarthmore, USA.
  • Ítala Loffredo d´Ottaviano, University of Campinas, Campinas/SP, Brazil.
  • Marco Aur¨¦lio Werle, University of São Paulo; São Paulo/SP, Brazil.
  • Marcos Barbosa de Oliveira; University of São Paulo; São Paulo/SP, Brazil.
  • Maria das Graças de Souza; University of São Paulo; São Paulo/SP, Brazil.
  • Marilena de Souza Chau¨ª; University of São Paulo; São Paulo/SP, Brazil.
  • Michael Löwy; Conseil National de Recherche Scientifique - CNRS; Paris, France.
  • Oswaldo Giac¨ia J¨²nior; University of Campinas; Campinas/SP, Brazil.
  • Oswaldo Porchat de A. Pereira da Silva, University of São Paulo, São Paulo, SP, Brazil.
  • Paulo Eduardo Arantes; University of São Paulo; São Paulo/SP, Brazil.
  • Willem F.G. Haselager; University of Nijmegen; Nijmegen, Holland
  • Wolfgang Fritz Haug; University of Berlin; Berlin, Germany.
  • Wolfgang Leo Maar; Federal University of São Carlos; São Carlos/SP, Brazil. Unesp
  • Alfredo Pereira J¨²nior; Institute of Bioscience of Unesp-Botucatu; Botucatu/SP, Brazil.
  • Carlos Eduardo Jordão Machado; Faculty of Sciences and Letters of Unesp-Assis; Assis/SP, Brazil.
  • H¨¦rcules de Ara¨²jo Feitosa; Faculty of Sciences of Unesp-Bauru; Bauru/SP, Brazil.
  • Isabel Maria Loureiro; Faculty of Philosophy and Sciences of Unesp-Mar¨ªlia; Mar¨ªlia/SP, Brazil.
  • Jairo Jos da Silva; Institute of Geoscience and Exact Sciences of Unesp-Rio Claro; Rio Claro/SP, Brazil.
  • Jzio Hernani Gutierre; Unesp Press; São Paulo/SP, Brazil.

M¨¢rio Fernando Bolognesi; Institute of Arts of Unesp-São Paulo; São Paulo/SP, Brazil.   

Editorial Commission

  •   Arlenice Almeida da Silva (Editor respons¨¢vel); Department of Philosophy of Unesp - campus de Mar¨ªlia; Mar¨ªlia/SP, Brazil
  • Carlos Eduardo de Oliveira; Department of Philosophy of Unesp - campus de Mar¨ªlia; Mar¨ªlia/SP, Brazil
  • Maria Cl¨¢udia Cabrini Gr¨¢cio; Departamento de Psicologia da Educação da Unesp - campus de Mar¨ªlia; Mar¨ªlia/SP, Brasil
  • Mariana Cludia Broens; Department of Philosophy of Unesp - campus de Mar¨ªlia; Mar¨ªlia/SP, Brazil
  • Ricardo Monteagudo; Department of Philosophy of Unesp - campus de Mar¨ªlia; Mar¨ªlia/SP, Brazil

Ubirajara Rancan de Azevedo M¨¢rques; Department of Philosophy of Unesp - campus de Mar¨ªlia; Mar¨ªlia/SP, Brazil                 

Editorial Production

  •   Revision
    Nome: Jandira Lobo de Oliveira
  • Composition and art
    Nome: Estela Mleetchol

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