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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Basic information

      Teología y vida is published by the Facultad de Teología, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.

The area of interest of the journal is Theology and it publishes Quarterly.

Its abbreviated title is Teol. vida, and it should be used in bibliographies, footnotes, references and bibliographic strips.      

Information services

       The articles published in Teología y vida are indexed or summarized by:

  • The Catholic Periodical and Literature Index
  • Institut de l'Information Scientifique et Technique
  • Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses
  • Stromata - Fichero de revistas latinoamericanas
  • Zeitschrifteninhaltsdiienst Theology - Indices Theologici
  • Bibliografía Teológica Comentada del Area Iberoamericana - ISEDET
  • Theologische Literaturzeitung - Leipzig

Scientific Electronic Library Online - SciELO                                                     


                      Faculty of Theology, Pontificia Universidad Catica de Chile.      


       The publication of this journal Teología y vida is financially supported by:

  • Editorial Funds for scientific journals, created by the decree N? 40 Ministry of Education, granted by a public call from the National Commission of Scientific and Technological Research. ( CONICYT

Instructions to Authors

Scope and policy

                 Teología y Vida is a publication of the Department of Theology of the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile. Four numbers are published annually. The publication has as its objective the diffusion of research and thought in the area of theology and related disciplines. The publication is directed towards researchers, teachers and students of an advanced level, as well as to persons at the university level, or to those of similar interests regarding themes in theological and related areas.  

Form and preparation of manuscripts

      Teología y Vida prints unpublished articles that fulfill requirements of scientific research, originality and depth. These must be made available for their publication in digital format using Word, letter size 12. The maximum length for the articles submitted is 40 pages of letter size using single spacing. The articles must come with an abstract of 10 to 15 lines. The bibliographical references of the works must be cited in footnotes. Articles in languages other than Spanish are accepted. The author must put his or her full name, position and the name of the institution that he or she works in.

Evaluation procedure: The Editorial Committee requests evaluations of the work by two professors of recognized competence in the discipline that the article represents. If the two evaluators both give a positive response, the article is published. If one is negative, a third evaluator is asked to decide. Eventually the author may be required or given the recommendation to make certain corrections (in any case, the author will be informed of each step of the procedure, while the evaluators?identities will be kept anonymous).   

Sending of manuscripts

       The manuscripts can be sent by regular post to Casilla 316—Correo 22 / Santiago, Chile, accompanied by a digital backup, or by e-mail to calborna@uc.cl The articles that appear in Teología y Vida may be published elsewhere afterwards, but this requires a written request to the Editorial Committee. After authorization, the article can be published with complete references to its origins (author, periodical, year, volume, number of pages).

The opinions expressed in the articles and published works of Teología y Vida are the exclusive responsibility of their respective authors.

The articles and abstracts published since the year 2000 can be viewed at www.uc.cl/teologia

Questions and suggestions for the director of this publication or for the authors of articles published can be directed to: ccasales@uc.cl

Editorial Board


                      Dr. Carlos Casale Rolle
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Facultad de Teología
Av. Vicuña Mackena #4860
Casilla 316, Correo 22
Santiago - Chile
Fono: (56-2) 3541637
Fax: (56-2) 3541635

Editorial Board

  •   P. Rodrigo Polanco
  • Peter Hünermann
  • Hna. Anneliese Meis W.
  • P. Carlos Schickendantz
  • P. Sergio Silva G., SS.CC.

P. Eduardo Pérez-Cotapos L., SS.CC.                                                               

Publishing production

  •   Administrative Secretary
    Sra. Cristina Albornoz
    Fono: 3541637
  • Drafting and Administration
    Av. Vicuña Mackena #4860
    Casilla 316, correo 22
    Santiago - Chile

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