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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Temenos is the journal of the Finnish Society for the Study of Religion. The journal was founded in 1965 as a joint-publication with the learned societies of Comparative Religion in Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden to promote the research and communication of ideas between scholars. Temenos publishes scholarly articles, academic discussions, conference reports and book reviews within the field of the study of religion and culture. The notion of religion is looked at both as a folk category and a scholarly construct the various uses of which in diverse socio-cultural arenas and contexts - whether in traditional, modern, or late-modern settings - are important objects of critical inspection. Temenos hopes to capture the actual intellectual climate in which present-day scholars of religion and culture work, not only in the Nordic countries, but throughout the world. One of the major themes that the editors wish contributors to pay growing attention concerns the role of religious traditions, religious ideas and representations in the making of nationalities, history, individual identities and various sorts of socio-cultural and political formations in different geographical locations. The old and new conversation partners in the fields of cultural and social anthropology, archaeology, folklore studies, cognitive science, economics, geography, history, political science and sociology are invited to join in. The papers addressing the northern aspect are given special consideration.

Temenos is a referee publication. The language of the publication is English. The journal is supported by the Nordiska Publikationsnnden f Humanistiska Tidskrifter (NOP-H).

Articles in TEMENOS are indexed in Arts & Humanities Citation Index (Philadelphia), ATLA Religion Database published by the American Theological Library Association (Chicago), MLA International Bibliography (New York) and Science of Religion: abstracts and index of recent articles (Amsterdam).

Instructions to Authors


Manuscripts should be written in English and submitted to the Chief Editor Veikko Anttonen. All manuscripts undergo peer review. Articles should not exceed 10,000 words and they should be accompanied by keywords and an abstract of no more than 200 words. Authors should submit their manuscript both as an electronic file in rtf-format and a printed version. It is the author's responsibility to obtain a written permission to reprint any material under copyright law and to supply such permission when submitting the manuscript.

Review Articles

Manuscript for review articles should be submitted to the Chief Editor Veikko Anttonen. A Review article should not exceed 5000 words.

Book Reviews

Proposals for book reviews should be addressed to the Review Editor Teemu Taira. The optimal length of a book review is 1300 words.

Author's contact information

All texts submitted should be accompanied by the contact information of the author including author's name, title, academic affiliation, postal address, telephone and fax number, and e-mail address.


Only two levels of subtitles should be used. The subtitles are not numbered.

Abundant use of footnotes is not encouraged.

Tables, figures and photographs should be of professional quality. All illustrations should be presented on separate sheets, titled, numbered and cited in the text.

If special fonts / characters are used in the text, a proper font should be submitted to the editor with the manuscript.


References to publications should be included in the text, not in the footnotes. They should include the name of the author, year of publication and page number(s), e.g. (Blacker 1976, 17-18) or (Blacker 1976).


The bibliography should be listed in full at the end of the manuscript and conform to the following model.

Anthony, Dick & Thomas L. Robbins

1978 The Effect of Detente on the Growth of New Religions. - Jacob Needleman & George Baker (eds), Understanding the New Religions, 80-100. New York: The Seabury Press.

Blacker, Carmen

1976 The Catalpa Bow. London: Allen and Unwin.

Gothóni, Ren?o:p>

1982 Modes of Live of Theravada Monks. A Case Study of Buddhist Monasticism in Sri Lanka. Helsinki: Societas Orientalis Fennica. (Studia Orientalia, 52.)

Rothstein, Mikael

1988 Religion er s?meget - religiøs selvforståelse i Unification Church. - Chaos 9, 18-43.

Sperber, Dan

1996 Why Are Perfect Animals, Hybrids, and Monsters Food for Symbolic Thought? - Method & Theory in the Study of Religion 8(2), 143-169

Editorial Board

Chief editor:

Professor Veikko Anttonen

The Dept. of Comparative Religion

School of Cultural Research

Henrikinkatu 3

University of Turku,

20014 Turku, Finland

Phone: +358-2-333 5241; Fax: +358-2-333 5049

e-mail: veikko.anttonen@utu.fi

Books for review should be mailed to:

Review editor:

PhD Teemu Taira

The Dept. of Comparative Religion

School of Cultural Research

Henrikinkatu 3

University of Turku,

20014 Turku, Finland

e-mail: teemu.taira@utu.fi

Editorial Secretaries:

MA Minna Opas

The Dept. of Comparative Religion

School of Cultural Research

Henrikinkatu 3

University of Turku,

20014 Turku, Finland

e-mail: minna.opas@utu.fi

PhD Tiina Mahlamäki

The Dept. of Comparative Religion

School of Cultural Research

Henrikinkatu 3

University of Turku

20014 Turku, Finland

e-mail: tiina.mahlamaki@utu.fi

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