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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Basic Information

Synthesis (en línea) is an annual publication by the Área Filología Griega of the Centro de Estudios de Lenguas Clásicas of the Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación of the Universidad Nacional de La Plata. It publishes original work on all areas included in the concepts of Greek Philology, Philosophy and Literatures, and its reception in later authors.

Frequency: annual (1 issue/year).

The title is abbreviated as Synthesis (en línea), and this should be used in bibliographies, footnotes, legends and bibliographical references.



Indexed in

Synthesis (en línea) are indexed or abstracted by:

  • Francis (INIST)
  • MLA
  • Linguistics Abstracts
  • Willey Blackwell
  • Academic One File
  • Memoria académica (Fahce. UNLP)
  • Redalyc


Synthesis maintains a commitment to the policies of Open Access to scientific information, as it considers that both scientific publications as well as research investigations funded by public resources should circulate freely without restrictions.

Synthesis ratifies the Open Access model in which scientific publications are made freely available at no cost online, with no time embargos and with no publication costs transferred to the authors. This policy seeks to dismantle the economic barriers that have created inequalities in the access to both information and the ability to publish investigation results.

Instructions to Authors

Scope and editorial policy

Revista Synthesis accepts unpublished work and collaborations on all areas included in the concepts of Greek Philology, Philosophy and Literatures, and its reception in later authors. The editors of Revista Synthesis do not necessarily share the scientific views expressed by the authors.
Original articles will be evaluated by the International Refereeing Committee and, where necessary, by other specialists of recognised prestige, who will take into account in approving the text the originality of the article, the writing style and how it fits with editorial guidelines, as well as the seriousness of the Bibliography and editions used, and will express their opinion on evaluation tables in ad hoc forms.
Work will be accepted if it receives two positive evaluations, which in all cases will be confidential.
After being accepted, work will be published according to available space.



Form and preparation of manuscripts

The body of the work should follow the following editorial guidelines for Revista Synthesis:
1.- Concise and informative title.
2.- Full name and surnames of author(s).
3.- Organization that author(s) belong to.
4.- The floppy disk with the article text and a printed copy should be accompanied by an abstract in the original language of the work and in English, preceding the article in the publication, no longer than 150 words, and 3 to 6 keywords in the original language of the work and English, to feed the journal’s databank and that of TOCS-IN (Tables of Contents of Journals of Interest to Classicists).
[Work originally written in English should be accompanied by an abstract and keywords in Spanish]
5.- The article should be no longer than 20 pages, up to 40,000 characters, including footnotes. Text in Times New Roman 12, 1.5 spaced, on A4 page (21x29.7), on a single side, with upper, lower, left and right margins of 3cm. Notes should be numbered consecutively at the end of the article, in letter size 11 and single-spaced.
6.- Articles may be presented and published in the author’s original language and citations in other languages should go in inverted commas. For example, for an author writing in Spanish (...)la denominación de Whitman, “The anatomy of Nothingness”, en 1964...
Isolated words or self-contained phrases in a language different to the language of the article’s text should be written in italics to indicate this to the editor:
E.g., in Spanish: (...)son el preludio del clímax báquico, que progresa in crescendo desde la mención ...

7.- Citations in Greek should be reasonable brief. Cases of translations of Greek texts should appear entirely in italics, to indicate this to the editor. Where possible, citations in Greek should be typed in Athenian font, if the author does not have this font, another Greek font may be used, and this should be attached in the floppy disk.
8.- Remember not to leave a space before a comma, colon, full-stop or semi-colon:
E.g.: En efecto,
Do not leave a space between parentheses, hyphens or inverted commas and the text contained in them. Footnote numbers should come after the punctuation mark:
E.g.: (...) human life and divine eternity. 6
            (...) also belong to prehistory, 9, so that...
6. At the end of the article include the cited bibliography as follows:
a) Books:
            Nagy, G. (1996) Poetry as Performance, Cambridge.
            Rodríguez Adrados, F. (1997) Democracia y Literatura, Madrid.
            Jouan, F. (1996) Euripide et les legendes des Chants Cypriens, Paris.
b) Chapters of books:
Lens Tuero, J. (1995) “Sobre la pueritia de Agatocles en Timeo y en Diodoro”, en López Férez, J. A. (ed.) De Homero a Libanio, Madrid: 329-338.
Handley, E. (1989) “Comedy”, en Easterling, P. & Knox, B. (eds.) The Cambridge History of Classical Literature, vol I, Cambridge: 127-131.
 c) Articles:
For the title of specialist journals follow the abbreviations of L’Année Philologique and include the volume number, year of publication and pages.
Pozzi, D. ( 1986) “The pastoral ideal in Birds of Aristophanes”, CJ 81: 119-29.
d) Texts and commentaries:
These can be separated from the rest of the bibliography and are cited by editor or commentator:
Willink, C. (19892) Euripidis; Orestes, Oxford.     
10. Notes should only include author’s name, year of publication and page number.
E.g.: 1. Cfr. Peradotto (1990: 32-58). 
11.- In the case of citations from Greek texts the verse number may be incorporated into the body of the citation, if the edition used has previously been indicated.
12.- References to classical authors should be written as follows:
Thucydides. 3.21
Pindar. Nemean 6.2
Homer. Iliad XXIV.13
Homer. Odyssey 14.43
13. We request that each collaborator indicate the data to be presented in the list of collaborators.
E.g.: A.M Smith is a professor of the Greek Department and Director of the Centre of Classical Language Studies. Greek Department of the National University of La Plata.


Sending manuscripts

Work sent for publication should be posted before the 30 April each year, in duplicate, on paper and in Word, WordPerfect or compatible PC program, to Dirección de la Revista Synthesis, Centro de Estudios de Lenguas Clásicas, Área Filología Griega, Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación, UNLP. Calle 48 entre 6 y 7, 8vo piso, oficina 536, (1900) La Plata.

Editorial Board




Associate editors


International Refereeing Committee

  • Osvaldo Guariglia
    Buenos Aires, Argentina.
  • Giuseppe Mastromarco
    Bari, Italy.
  • Jaume Pòrtulas
    Barcelona, Spain.
  • Dora Pozzi
    Houston, USA.
  • Francisco Rodríguez Adrados
    Madrid, Spain.
  • Carmen V. Verde Castro
    La Plata, Argentina.
  • Juan Antonio López Férez Zelia de Almeyda Cardoso
    Sao Paulo, Brazil.


Publishing output

  • Articles
    M.C. Schamun
    M.F. Nelly
  • Reviews
    G.N. Ámame
  • News
    A.M. Errecalde

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