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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Spiritus covers a wide range of disciplines within the field of religious studies: history, philosophy, theology, and psychology. Ecumenical in its approach, Spiritus explores the connections between spirituality and cultural analysis-including literary and artistic expression, social activism, and spiritual practice. Filled with lively insightful articles, reviews, and new translations of important texts, Spiritus appeals not only to scholars and academics, but also to general readers such as pastors, practitioners, and those in the helping professions. The journal's goal is to promote research in the field of Christian spirituality while fostering creative dialogue with other non-Christian traditions. Sponsored by the Society for the Study of Christian Spirituality (SSCS

Instructions to Authors

Author Guidelines

Manuscripts should follow the endnote system specified in the latest edition of the Chicago Manual of Style. All text must be double-spaced in a clear, easy-to-read 12 point typeface on 8 1/2 x 11 inch white paper. Text should be left justified with all margins at least 1 inch. Submissions should use endnotes. You may cite your work, but do not use wording that identifies you as the author. Articles are not to exceed thirty (30) typewritten, double-spaced pages, including endnotes and other printed matter. Spiritus will acknowledge receipt of your manuscript, but will not return it after review. Prospective contributors are urged to correspond with the editors prior to submitting manuscripts (dburton@lmu.edu).

Submit four (4) copies of the manuscript to:

Douglas Burton-Christie
Department of Theological Studies
Loyola Marymount University
1 LMU Drive
Los Angeles, CA 90045

Inquiries concerning book reviews should be made to:

J. Matthew Ashley                  
Department of Theology
University of Notre Dame
Notre Dame Indiana, 46556.

Please supply an abstract of 100 or fewer words with your paper.

Information for Authors

Spiritus will consider for publication essays written on topics that pertain to the discipline of Christian spirituality. The journal is committed to creative engagement with Christian tradition and to critical reflection on the relationship of Christian spirituality with non-Christian religious traditions. We encourage interdisciplinary inquiry into the subject of spirituality that includes literature and the arts, philosophy, science and politics. We encourage authors to submit essays that focus on the contemporary situation and speak to current issues and debates.

On these pages you will find instructions for submitting and formatting an article or poem, a style sheet for articles, and special guidelines for book reviews.

All essays submitted to Spiritus are subjected to a blind, peer-review process. Therefore please omit any information that would identify you as author.

Style Sheet for Essays

  1. Format
    • Use one-inch margins on all four sides of the page.
    • Use a 12-point font (Times New Roman is preferred), with 24-point (double line) spacing for all text, including endnotes.
    • Number the pages, but do not include any other information in headers or footers.
    • Do not include a bibliography. For instructions about citation, see point 6 on endnotes below. Endnotes should also have a first-line indent at the beginning of every endnote, including the number.
  2. Spelling and editing
    • Unless this style sheet has different instructions, follow The Chicago Manual of Style on general editing questions.
    • Use U.S. spellings.
    • Use the final "series comma" in lists of three or more items.
    • Use italics for emphasis, book and journal titles, and foreign words. Do not use underlining or bolding at all.
    • Do not use page, section, or endnote numbers that refer, within your article, to the article itself.
    • When there is any question as to capitalization, do not capitalize words.
    • As stated in the Chicago Manual, omit hyphens wherever possible.
    • Greek and Hebrew words, which should be used sparingly, must be transliterated and italicized.
    • Use only one space to separate sentences.
  3. Biblical citations

References to the Bible may be included within the text of the article, in parentheses, before the final punctuation of the sentence. Use the abbreviations of biblical books in the Chicago Manual. Separate chapter from verse with a colon. The version you are quoting should be mentioned in the first citation only.

  1. Abbreviations Spiritus does not use any Latin abbreviations. Use English phrases instead of i.e., etc., and e.g. Instructions for avoiding cf., ibid., and op. cit. in endnotes are in point 6 below.
  2. General matters of style
    • Spiritus is read not only by scholars, but also by an educated but general audience. When technical or specialized terminology is necessary, explain it.
    • Wherever possible, use gender-inclusive language.
    • Write in the active, not the passive voice. Avoid the "editorial we." First-person singular pronouns are quite acceptable.
    • In longer articles, include headings and, if necessary, subheadings. In general, these should not be numbered.
  3. Endnotes

(a) General rule for endnotes

The general rule is simple. Your first citation of a published work should give all the relevant information. Every reference thereafter should use only the original author's last name and a short title for the book or article, followed by a page number.

This general rule has two negative corollaries, both noted above. Spiritus does not use ibid. or loc. cit. or op. cit., and we do not use bibliographies or lists of works consulted. Bibliographical information for any work consulted will appear in the first endnote that refers to that work.

(b) First endnote - books

In the first endnote for a book, give the author's name, the title, and (in parentheses) the place of publication, publisher, and date; the page number follows, as in this example.1

1 Cristina Mazzoni, The Women in God's Kitchen: Cooking, Eating, and Spiritual Writing (New York: Continuum, 2005), 33-37.

(c) First endnote - articles

For an article, the order is: author's name, title of the article, name of the journal, volume number, year (in parentheses), and after a colon and a space, the page number. It is helpful, though not absolutely necessary, to provide the range of pages for the whole article, as well as the page or pages you are referring to, as in the example.2

2 Belden C. Lane, "Merton's Hermitage: Bachelard, Domestic Space, and Spiritual Transformation," Spiritus 4 (2004): 123-150, at 128.

(d) First endnote - chapters in an edited book

The form for a chapter in an edited book combines (b) and (c), like this.3

3 Constance FitzGerald, "Impasse and the Dark Night," in Joann Wolski Conn, ed., Women's Spirituality: Resources for Christian Development, 2nd ed. (New York: Paulist Press, 1996), 410-450.

(e) Subsequent endnotes

Once complete information has been given, use a short title (which you should determine) in each subsequent endnote, whether of a book4 or an article or chapter.5

4 Mazzoni, The Women in God's Kitchen, 131.

5 FitzGerald, "Impasse and Dark Night," 415.

(f) Some additional instructions

    • References to classical works that have been published in many editions and translations should be numbered according to the original scheme.6 It is for the author to decide whether to include, as well, information about the modern edition consulted. If you do include this, it should follow the usual format for books as outlined above.

6 Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologiae III q. 2 a. 1 reply; see also Augustine, De Trinitate VIII 4 (6).

    • The ban on Latin abbreviations includes cf. Write "see" or "see also" or "compare" or "consult," depending on what you mean.
    • Longer, explanatory endnotes that include bibliographical information should include it in the format prescribed here.7 For example, the endnote may itself include a quotation.

7 According to Sedgwick, "Of these articles, only Rachel Hosmer provides a view of the field" (Sedgwick, "Accounting," 177)

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Editorial Board


Douglas Burton-Christie, Loyola Marymount University

Book Review Editor

J. Matthew Ashley, University of Notre Dame

Managing Editor

Kelly Bothamley

Editorial Board

Joann Wolski Conn, Neumann College
Amy Hollywood, Harvard Divinity School
Dwight Hopkins, University of Chicago Divinity School
Belden C. Lane, St. Louis University
Bernard McGinn, University of Chicago Divinity School
Barbara Newman, Northwestern University
Stephanie Paulsell, Harvard Divinity School
Don E. Saliers, Candler School of Theology, Emory University
Leigh Schmidt, Princeton University
Sandra M. Schneiders, Jesuit School of Theology, Berkeley
Philip Sheldrake, The University of Durham, England
Claire Wolfteich, Boston University
Wendy Wright, Creighton University

Advisory Editors

Hein Blommestijn, Titus Brandsma Institut, The Netherlands
Roberta Bondi, Candler School of Theology, Emory University
John Chryssavgis, Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology
Sarah Coakley, Harvard Divinity School
Anita de Luna, Mexican American Cultural Center, San Antonio
Georgia Frank, Colgate University
E. Glenn Hinson, Baptist Theological Seminary at Richmond (Retired)
Kwok Pui-lan, Episcopal Divinity School
Meredith McGuire, Trinity University
Hugh Page, University of Notre Dame
William Reiser, S.J., College of the Holy Cross
Janet Ruffing, Fordham University
Jon Sobrino S.J., University of Central America
Columba Stewart, O.S.B., Saint John's University
Linda E. Thomas, Lutheran School of Theology
Rowan Williams, Archbishop of Canterbury
Philip Zaleski, Smith College

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