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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Aims & Scope

Wherever modern European history is taught, the Russian revolutions of 1905 and 1917 are central to its concerns. These events marked a crucial turning point in the demise of autocracy and the rise of revolutionary socialism that would shape Russia, Europe and the international system for the rest of the twentieth century and beyond.
Launched in 1988, and supported by a prestigious Editorial Board, Revolutionary Russia is the only English-language journal to concentrate on the revolutionary period of Russian history, from c.1880-c.1932. As the journal of the
Study Group on the Russian Revolution (founded in 1975), it is interdisciplinary and international in approach, publishing original research, documentary sources, book reviews and review articles in the fields of history, politics, economics, sociology, art history and literary and intellectual history from scholars across the world, including Russia and other countries of the former Soviet Union. Submissions to the editor are welcome from established, young, and independent scholars.

Peer Review Policy:
All research articles published in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymized external refereeing.
Disclaimer for scientific, technical and social science publications:
Taylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the  Content ) contained in its publications. However, Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether express or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not the views of Taylor & Francis

Indexed/abstracted in:

America: History and Life; C S A Worldwide Political Science Abstracts (Cambridge Scientific Abstracts); Current Abstracts; Historical Abstracts; Lancaster Index to Defence & International Security Literature; OCLC; SCOPUS; Thomson Reuters Arts and Humanities Citation Index®
Instructions to Authors

Manuscripts. Articles submitted to Revolutionary Russia should be original contributions and should not be under consideration for any other publication at the same time. There is no standard length for articles but 10,000 words (including notes and references) is a useful target. The articles should begin with a summary of around 100 words, which should describe the main arguments and conclusions of the article. Details of all authors' institutional affiliations and full address, including email, for correspondence should be included on a separate cover sheet. Any acknowledgements should be included on the cover sheet, as well as a note of the exact length of the article.

Electronic Submission. Authors should send the final, revised version of their articles in both hard copy paper and electronic forms. It is essential that the hard copy (paper) version exactly matches the material on electronic file. Please print out the hard copy from the electronic version you are sending. Notes should be grouped at the end of the file. Electronic material should be in PC compatible MS Word format. Disks should be labelled with the journal name, author's name, article title and software used.

Submissions should be sent to:

Jonathan Smele, Department of History, Queen Mary, University of London, 327 Mile End Road, London E1 4NS (j.d.smele@qmul.ac.uk). 
Tables and captions to illustrations. Tables must be typed out on separate sheets and not included as part of the text. The captions to illustrations should be gathered together and also typed out on a separate sheet. Tables and Figures should be numbered consecutively by Arabic numerals. The approximate position of tables and figures should be indicated in the manuscript. Captions should include keys to any symbols used.
Please supply one set of artwork in a finished form, suitable for reproduction. Diagrams and maps should be prepared in black and white, and copied to a separate disk in uncompressed .TIF or .JPG formats in individual files. Tints should be avoided; use open patterns instead. Figures will not normally be redrawn by the publisher.
of other work should be limited to those strictly necessary for the argument. Any quotations should be brief, and accompanied by precise references.
Please follow the style used in the current issue of the journal. British spelling and punctuation are preferred, so use the Oxford Dictionary as a guide. The journal prefers  ize' rather then'-ise' in words such as  organize'. Quotations should be within single inverted commas; double within single.
Reference citation in the text should be as follows. The references should be given in shortened form in a footnote or endnote with a full version given in the list of references at the end of the article. Note reference numbers should appear as superior numerals following any punctuation marks (except the dash, which they should precede). The reference list should be given in alphabetical order following Chicago Humanities style:
Bellworthy, Cartright C.  Reform of Congressional Remuneration  Political Review 7, no. 6 (1990): 87¨C101.
Brett, P. D., S. W. Johnson, and C. R. T. Bach. Mastering String Quartets. San Francisco: Amati Press, 1989.
Kaiser, Ernest.  The Literature of Harlem.  In Harlem: A Community in Transition, edited by J. H. Clarke. New York: Citadel Press, 1964.
Cline, C. L., ed. The Letters of George Meredith. 3 vols. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1970.
Kulikowski, Stan.  Readability Formula.  In NL-KR (Digest vol. 5, no. 10) [electronic bulletin board]. Rochester, N.Y., 1988 [cited 31 January 1989]. Available from nl-kr@cs.rochester.edu; INTERNET.
Downright, Alice B.  Narrative Diffusion and the Professional Editor. Ph.D. diss., University of Chicago, 1992. Abstract in Dissertation Abstracts International 52 (1993): 3245A¨C3246A.
Titles of journals and names of publishers, etc. should not be abbreviated. Acronyms for the names of organisations, examinations, etc. should be preceded by the title in full.
will be emailed to the authors for correction, and should be returned to the publisher within three days of receipt. Major alterations to the text at this stage will not be accepted.
Free article access:
Corresponding authors will receive free online access to their article through our website (www.informaworld.com ) and a complimentary copy of the issue containing their article. Reprints of articles published in this journal can be purchased through Rightslink® when proofs are received. If you have any queries, please contact our reprints department at reprints@tandf.co.uk
Copyright. It is a condition of publication that authors assign copyright or license the publication rights in their articles, including abstracts, to Taylor & Francis. This enables us to ensure full copyright protection and to disseminate the article, and of course the Journal, to the widest possible readership in print and electronic formats as appropriate. Authors retain many rights under the Taylor & Francis rights policies, which can be found at www.informaworld.com/authors_journals_copyright_position. Authors are themselves responsible for obtaining permission to reproduce copyright material from other sources


Editorial Board


Jonathan Smele - Queen Mary, University of London, UK

Reviews Editor:

Matthew Rendle - University of Aberystwyth

Corresponding Editors (Russia):

Boris I. Kolonitskii - St Petersburg
Aleksandr I. Ushakov - Moscow

Editorial Board:

Edward Acton - University of East Anglia, UK
Abraham Ascher
- City University of New York, USA
Francesco Benvenuti
- University of Bologna, Italy
V.P. Buldakov
- Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
Paul Dukes
- University of Aberdeen, UK
R. Carter Elwood
- Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada
Marc Ferro
- Ecole des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Paris, France
Sheila Fitzpatrick
- University of Chicago, USA
Andrea Graziosi
- University of Naples, Italy
Anthony J. Heywood
- University of Bradford, UK
Manfred Hildermeier
- University of Göttingen, Germany
John Keep
- Bern, Switzerland
Peter Kenez
- University of California, Santa Cruz, USA
Andr¨¦ Liebich
- Graduate Institute of International Studies, Geneva, Switzerland
Michael Melancon
- Auburn University, USA
Alexander Rabinowitch
- Indiana University, USA
Erik van Ree - University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
Robert Service - St Antony's College, Oxford, UK
John Slatter
- University Of Durham, UK
Stephen A. Smith
- University of Essex, UK
Geoffrey Swain - University of Glasgow, UK
Stephen G. Wheatcroft - University of Melbourne, Australia
James D. White
- University of Glasgow, UK
Beryl Williams - University of Sussex, UK

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