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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

 Basic information

 The Revista Musical Chilena is published by the Music Department of the Faculty of Arts of the University of Chile. It was created in 1945. Its main areas of interest cover the music cultures of Chile and Latin America, considered both in terms of the musical aspects themselves, as well as in terms of the historical, social and cultural contexts, from the standpoint of musicology and various other related scholarly disciplines.

It appears twice a year, during the months of June and December.

Its abbreviated title is RMCh. It schould be used in bibliograhies, footnotes, references and bibliographic strips.

Information services

 The articles published in the RMCh are indexed or summarized by:

ISI, Institute for Scientific Information ¨CArts & Humanities Citation Index- Thomson Reuters Services.

Scientific Electronic Library Online ScIELO - www.scielo.cl

HAPI, Hispanic American Periodicals Index.

Music Index.

RILM Abstracts.

Latin American Music Center. Indiana University.

Latindex. M¨¦xico.

Humbul Humanities. Intute: Arts & Humanities Service.

Harmonie Park Press.


 Faculty of Arts, University of Chile


 The publication of this Journal in financially supported by:

Music Department, University of Chile, Faculty of Arts


Chilean Society of Authors Rights ¨C SCD

Instructions to Authors

Scope and policy

  Since 1945, the main areas of interest of the RMCh cover the musics of Chile and Latin America, considered both in terms of the musical aspects themselves, as well as in terms of the historical, social and cultural contexts from the standpoint of musicology and various other scholarly disciplines. It appears twice a year, during the months of June and December.

Upon reception, manuscripts of the articles are submitted to the consideration of the members of the publishing board. The decision of the publishing board as to the publication of the article in the RMCh will be communicated to the author without further appeal.

For this purpose the publishing board may request reviews by peers from Chile or abroad. This entire process may last six months approximately. In some cases the communication to the author of the final decision of the publishing board may last between six months and a year in approximate terms. The subsequent publication of the article may last six or more months, depending upon the editorial priorities of the RMCh.

Form and preparation of manuscripts

  1. Preferably the RMCh publishes articles in Spanish. Notwithstanding articles in Portuguese may be considered exceptionally for publication. Manuscripts must include an abstract not longer than half a double spacing sheet letter size in both Spanish and English accompanied by a brief biographical r¨¦sum¨¦ of the author.

Manuscripts should not be longer than 25 to 30 double spacing sheets letter size in the case of research articles and 15 double spacing sheets letter size in the case of documents.

2. All opinions and points of view contained in the articles and reviews are of the exclusive responsibility of authors . Besides authors are the sole responsible for securing the authorizations for including in their articles musical examples or printed materials subject to copyright laws in Chile and abroad. Therefore the RMCh will disclaim all responsibility for the inclusion of any unauthorized material in both articles and documents.

3. Manuscripts should be sent in two copies double spacing, accompanied by CDs in a program compatible with Microsoft Word, in RTF format. The name of the author must be included along with the page number at the top of every page. All musical examples, along with tables, maps, photographs and any other similar material, must be included on separate sheets with a different page numbering and with a precise indication of their position in the manuscript. Captions for musical examples must indicate the title of the composition in italics, followed by comma, the opus number (if necessary) followed by comma and the measure number o numbers of the musical excerpt as follows:

Bolero, cc. 1-12.

4. 4. Bibliographic references should be listed separately at the end of the manuscript.

Books, articles and monographs must be arranged alphabetically by author. Two or more bibliographical items written by the same author must be arranged according to the date of publication. The spelling should follow the norms of the language in which the item is written. In case of books, the authors name, title of the publication, city, editor and year of publication must be indicated as follows:

Salgado, Susana

  1980 Breve historia de la m¨²sica culta en el Uruguay. Montevideo: Monteverde y a.

  If the book is part of a series, then the entry should go as follws:

  Corr¨ºa de Azevedo, Luis Heitor

  1956 150 Años de Musica no Brasil (1800-1950) [Coleção Documentos

Brasileiros, dirigida por Octavio Tarquinio de Souza]. Rio de Janeiro: Livraria Jos¨¦ Olympio.

  In the case of a chapter of a book or an entry of a dictionary or encyclopedia, the bibliographic entry should go as follows:

  Bhague, Gerard

  1980 Tango, The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians.

Editado por Stanley Sadie. Tomo XVIII. Londres: Macmillan, pp. 563-565.

  In the case of a book written by two or more authors, the entry should go as follows:

  Claro Valds, Samuel y Jorge Urrutia Blondel

  1973 Historia de la m¨²sica en Chile. Santiago : Editorial Orbe.

  In the case of articles published in scholarly journals, the entry should go as follows:

  Reis Pequeno, Mercedes

  1988 Brazilian Music Publishers, Inter-American Music Review, IX/2 (primavera- verano), pp. 91-104.

  Manuscript sources should be arranged chronologically in a separate list. The same applies to newspapers. They must be arranged alphabetically according to the first word of the title, be it noun or article, indicating the year or years of publication of the numbers referred to in the text of the manuscript or in the footnotes.

5. Bibliographic references in the text of the manuscript can be presented enclosed between parenthesis in the text itself or as footnotes. In both cases the reference must include the authors family name followed by the year of publication and the page number, as follows:

  Hirsch 1988 :49-50

  References to newspaper articles must include the name of the author (if known), the title of the article, the name of the periodical followed by the volume number, the number of the issue, the complete date of the issue, page number and column number, as follows:

  Marie Escudier, Concert Guzman, La France Musicale, XXXII/9 (1 de marzo, 1868), p. 65, c.2.

  If the name of the author is not known, or if the article carries no title, the remaining information of the reference should be entered as completely as possible, as in the following example: 

  Jornal do Commercio, LX/336 (3 de diciembre, 1881), p.1, c.6.

  In the case of a reference to the same publication in two or more consecutive footnotes, the bibliographic reference should be repeated in complete form, changing the indication of the page number if applicable, so as to avoid the usage of such abbreviations as op. cit., loc. cit., ibid. or ibidem.

  Acknowledgements to persons or institutions must appear as the first footnote inmmediately after the title of the article submitted for publication, but not as part of the title. The meaning of abbreviations employed in the text of the article or in bibliographic references, should be indicated in an alphabetical listing at the end of the article.

6. The editorial staff of the RMCh will introduce all the corrections of spelling, punctuation and style in general in the text of articles accepted for publication that are considered necessary in terms of the standards of the RMCh. This includes shortening all unnecessary reiterations. All authors are entitled to receive free of charge three copies of the number of RMCh in which their articles are published.

Sending of manuscripts

  Manuscripts submitted for publication, as well as books, journals, CDs or DVDs submitted for reviews, must be sent to the Editorial Office of the RMCh, P.O.Box (Casilla) 2.100, Santiago, Chile, or to the email lmerino@uchile.cl

Editorial Board


 • Mr. Luis Merino

University of Chile

Music Department

Faculty of Arts

Compañia 1.264

P.O. Box (Casilla) 2.100

Santiago ¨C Chile

Phone: (56-2) 978-1337

Fax: (56-2) 978-1327

Email: lmerino@uchile.cl

Associate editor

 Fernando Garc¨ªa

University of Chile

Music Department

Faculty of Arts

Email: fgarcia@uchile.cl

Dean of the Faculty of Arts

 Pablo Oyarz¨²n Robles

Facultad de Artes, Universidad de Chile

Honors Committee

 • Miguel Aguilar, emeritus, University of Concepci¨®n, Chile

Gustavo Becerra-Schmidt, emeritus, University of Oldenburg, Germany; University of Chile, Santiago, Chile

Juan Orrego-Salas, emeritus, University of Indiana, Bloomington, USA

Robert Stevenson, emeritus, University of California, Los Angeles, USA

Publishing board

 • Lina Barrientos, University of La Serena, Chile

Miguel Castillo-Didier, Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities,

University of Chile

Manuel Mamani , University of Tarapac¨¢, Arica, Chile

V¨ªctor Rond¨®n, Faculty of Arts, University of Chile

Rodrigo Torres, Faculty of Arts, University of Chile

Publishing production

 Editorial office

Music Department

Musicology Center

University of Chile

Faculty of Arts

P.O.Box (Casilla) 2.100

Compañ¨ªa 1.264

Santiago ¨C Chile

Editorial assistant

Nancy Sattler

(56-2) 978-1337

e-mail: nsattler@uchile.cl

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