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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Aims & Scope

Norwegian Archaeological Review published since 1968, aims to be an interface between archaeological research in the Nordic countries and global archaeological trends, a meeting ground for current discussion of theoretical and methodical problems on an international scientific level. The main focus is on the European area, but discussions based upon results from other parts of the world are also welcomed. The comments of specialists, along with the author's reply, are given as an addendum to selected articles. The Journal is also receptive to uninvited opinions and comments on a wider scope of archaeological themes, e.g. articles in Norwegian Archaeological Review or other journals, monographies, conferences. The journal will also present review articles and book reviews to enhance the international visibility of current research in the Nordic countries. All articles are peer-reviewed.

Abstracting & Indexing

Indexed/abstracted in: Anthropological Literature; Bibliography of the History of Art (BHA); British Archaeological Abstracts; Chemical Abstracts; Geographical Abstracts. Human Geography; GeoREF (Online Database for Bibliography and Index of Geology); Nordic Archaeological Abstracts; Norske Tidsskriftartikler; Numismatic Literature

Instructions to Authors

Instructions for Authors:

***Note to Authors: please make sure your contact address information is clearly visible on the outside of all packages you are sending to Editors.***

AIMS and SCOPE NORWEGIAN ARCHAEOLOGICAL REVIEW, published since 1968, aims to be an interface between archaeological research in the Nordic countries and global archaeological trends, a meeting ground for current discussion of theoretical and methodological problems on an international scientific level. Discussions based upon results from all parts of the world are welcomed. The comments on articles in Norwegian Archaeological Review are welcomed, and will normally be presented in the next issue, along with the author's reply. The Journal is also receptive to opinions and comments on a wider scope of archaeological themes, e.g. articles in other journals, monographs, conferences. The Journal will also present review articles and book reviews to enhance the international visibility of current research in the Nordic countries. All articles are peer-reviewed.

Norwegian Archaeological Review is published in English. Articles should not exceed 20 pages in print (including illustrations and references), and must be preceded by an abstract of not more than 1500 characters (incl. spaces). Book reviews / Comments shall not exceed 3 printed pages. A full text page is equivalent to 4200 characters. Manuscripts must be submitted as files on CD or as attachment to e-mail. For further details (and submittal form), cf. Instructions for Authors at www.tandf.no/nar.

Norwegian Archaeological Review eencourages creative use of illustrations to emphasize main points and to facilitate the understanding of data. Note that only black and white/greytone illustrations can be reproduced in the printed edition of the Journal, but that these illustrations can be reproduced in full colour in the online edition. Please submit illustrations on disk along with three laser-quality printouts. These digital versions of line drawings should be presented on disk as EPS or TIFF files 800 dpi. No other format can be accepted. Photographic material for scanning, e.g. micrographs or radiographs should preferably be submitted on disk as TIFF files, 300 dpi. If photographic material cannot be supplied in digital format, please submit three glossy prints instead. Rapid handling of proofs is assured, however, if both a digital version and a camera-ready version of each illustration are supplied.

The Harvard author/date system of referencing is used in the Journal.
Text indicators:
"As several authors have reported (Klopfer & Davidson 1962, Spitz 1993:24-28, Gisiger et al. 2000)", i.e. note chronological order of publication and use of the comma. "As Gisiger et al. (2000) have reported ¡­".
List of references: List alphabetically, adhering to the international alphabetical order of Scandinavian and German vowels: AA = AA, Å= A, Æ and Ä =AE, Ö = OE, Ü = UE. Note especially the order of elements and punctuation in each reference. Books: Author's surname/initials/date of publication/title of book (in italics)/publisher/place of publication. Articles in journals: Author's surname/initials/date of publication/title of article/name of journal (in italics)/vol. no. (in italics)/page span. Articles in multi-author books: Author's surname/initials/date of publication/title of article or chapter/editor's name/title of book (in italics)/publisher/place of publication.

Hagen, A. 1997. Gåten om kong Raknes grav - hovedtrekk i norsk arkeologi. Cappelen, Oslo. Prescott, C. 1996. Was there really a Neolithic in Norway? Antiquity 70, 77- 86. Bergsvik, K. A. & Olsen, A. B. 2002. Traffic in stone adzes in Mesolithic western Norway. In Kindgren, H., Knutsson, K., Larsson, L., Loeffler, D. & Åkerlund, A. (eds.) Mesolithic On the Move. Oxbow Books, Oxford.

The first-named author will receive one copy of the first proof, sent by e-mail as a PDF file. This should be carefully corrected and returned within two or three days of receipt. Changes must be kept to a minimum. Authors will be charged for extensive changes against the manuscript.

Offprints of articles can be ordered on the order form that will accompany the proofs. The corresponding author of articles will receive 5 copies of the issue, and corresponding author of reviews will receive 3 copies.

Manuscripts conforming to the instructions above should be adressed to: For articles: Hein Bjartmann Bjerck, Dept. of Archaeology, Vitenskapsmuseet, NTNU, NO-7491 Trondheim, Norway. E-mail: hein.bjerck@vm.ntnu.no. For reviews: Håkan Karlsson, Göteborg University, Department of Archaeology and Ancient History, Box 200, 405 30 Göteborg, Sweden. Email: hakan.karlsson@archaeology.gu.se

Editorial Board


Hein Bjartmann Bjerck - Department of Archaeology, Museum of Natural History and Archaeology, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), NO - 7491 Trondheim, Norway
Tel: +47 73 59 03 35; Fax: +47 73 59 22 38

Book Review Editor:
Håkan Karlsson - University of Gothenburg, Department of Archaeology and Ancient History, Box 200, SE-405 30, Gothenburg, Sweden 


Knut Andreas Bergsvik - University of Bergen, Norway
Siv Kristoffersen - Archaeological Museum of Stavanger, Norway
Bjørnar Olsen - University of Tromsø, Norway
Håkan Karlsson - Göteborg University, Sweden (Book Review Editor)
Marie Louise Stig Sørensen - University of Cambridge, UK
Brit Solli - University of Oslo, Norway

Editorial Secretary:

Marianne Utne Nilsen - Trondheim, Norway

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