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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal



Modern Chinese Literature and Culture (ISSN # 1520-9857), formerly Modern Chinese Literature (1984-1998), is a peer-reviewed, scholarly journal devoted to the culture of modern and contemporary China, with "China" understood not in the narrow, political sense. The journal publishes on literature of all genres, film and television, popular culture, performance and visual art, print and material culture, etc. MCLC is edited by Kirk A. Denton at the Department of East Asian Languages and Literatures, The Ohio State University. Publication of the journal is generously supported by the East Asian Studies Center and the Institute for Chinese Studies at The Ohio State University. Vol. 11 was made possible with a generous grant from the Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation. MCLC is listed in the Arts and Humanities Citation Index. Back issues (with a three year gap) are available through JSTOR. Beginning in fall 2003, book reviews (see "MCLC Book Reviews" below) no longer appeared in the print journal; instead, they are published on the MCLC Resource Center, a website devoted to modern China cultural studies and affiliated with the journal. Information on book review submission can be found in the "Submission" page below. The MCLC Resource Center also has an online publication series that complements the publications in the print journal.


Modern Chinese Literature and Culture is a peer-reviewed, multi-disciplinary cultural studies journal. In addition to literary studies, MCLC publishes on a broad range of subjects from film to popular culture, to performance and visual arts, to architecture, to regional cultures, to print and material cultures. Our view of culture includes the elite and the popular, the visual and the literary, as well as the less "textual" culture of everyday life. The journal encourages the use of photographs, graphics, film or video stills.

We see it as a very important mission of the journal to communicate to those outside our field the globally-important issues involved in the culture of Taiwan, Hong Kong and the People's Republic of China. MCLC maintains a high scholarly standard in which cutting-edge views of modern Chinese culture, informed by critical theory, are articulated clearly and accessibly. With the growing importance of China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong in the world economy, the rise of Chinese nationalism and a Chinese military threat in East Asia, not to mention the emergence of a disturbing China-bashing in the West, this is a critical moment for China scholars to communicate their work to an expanded constituency, to challenge the way China is represented in the Western media, and to help a broad intellectual readership come to a deeper understanding of issues related to modernity and its cultural formations in China.

We also see it as part of our mission to introduce to a Western readership some of the excellent scholarship being published in China, Taiwan and Hong Kong. We will therefore sometimes publish translations of work done by scholars working primarily in the Chinese language.


Instructions to Authors
Article Format:
    The Editorial Board welcomes the submission of manuscripts written in English on any aspect of modern Chinese literature and culture, including film, television, performing and visual arts, architecture, popular culture, material and print culture. Authors should write in a style that is comprehensible to non-specialists in other fields and disciplines, but that is at the same time theoretically informed and original. Literary translations are published only if they are essential to an accompanying critical/analytical study. (MCLC publishes editor-reviewed translations, interviews, multimedia-intensive articles, and other miscellaneous essays on its sister website, MCLC Resource Center). Manuscripts should be double-spaced and submitted in duplicate to the address below. along with a cover letter that includes contact information. An e-copy of the submission should be sent at the same time to the editor, Kirk A. Denton. Length of submissions ranges from 30 to 60 pages.

    MCLC adheres to a modified MLA author/date in-text bibliographic style. This means all references appear between parentheses at the relevant point in the text, with author's last name (include the first name if there is more than one author in the bibliography with the same surname), date of publication (if an author has more than one entry with the same date, distinguish them by adding an italicized letter "a," then "b," and so on), a colon, followed by relevant page numbers (MCLC uses full page numbers, e.g., 132-145, not 132-45). For example, a reference to James Lull's book (listed below) might read (Lull 1991: 21). If the author's name is mentioned in the text, you may wish to place the reference immediately after the name, in which case you would simply put date and page number. These in-text references point the reader to the bibliography. Bibliographic format should be as follows:


    • Lull, James. 1991. China Turned On: Television, Reform, and Resistance. London: Routledge.

    Edited Book

    • Dutton, Michael, ed. 1998. Streetlife China. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

    Article in Edited Book:

    • Williams, Linda. 1992. "When the Woman Looks." In Gerald Mast, Marshall Cohen, and Leo Braudy, eds., Film Theory and Criticism: Introductory Readings, 4th ed. New York: Oxford University Press, 561-577.

    Article in Journal

    • Zizek, Slavoj. 1991. "Grimaces of the Real, or When the Phallus Appears." October 58, no. 1 (Fall): 45-68.

    Chinese Language Article

    • Wang Meng 王蒙. 1992. "Zhongguo de xianfeng xiaoshuo yu xin xieshizhuyi" 中国的先锋小说与新写实主义 (Chinese avant-garde fiction and new realism). Dangdai zuojia pinglun 54, no. 6: 4-5.

    Chinese Language Book

    • Wang Dewei 王德威. 1993. Xiaoshuo Zhongguo: wanqing dao dangdai de Zhongwen xiaoshuo 小说中国:晚请到当代的中文小说 (Fictionalizing China: Chinese language fiction from the late Qing to contemporary times). Taipei: Maitian.


    • Mo, Yan. 2004. Big Breasts and Wide Hips. Tr. Howard Goldblatt. New York: Arcade Publishing. [note : translator is indicated by "Tr," not "Trs." or "Trans."]

    Please note that Chinese characters are used only for authors' or editors' names and titles of articles or books. Do not include characters for journal titles or publishing houses. Pinyin titles are not capitalized, except for the first letter of the first word and proper names. English translations of Chinese titles are also not capitalized, except for the first letter of the first word and proper names, when they are first given next to Pinyin titles. All subsequent uses of English titles in the body of the article should use capitals.

    Footnotes should be used only to elaborate a point in the text or draw the reader's attention to certain sources, not for simple bibliographic references. If you have a footnote at the same place as an in-text reference, you may place the reference at the very beginning of the footnote, followed by your elaboration.

    Pinyin is the required romanization system, except for names that are commonly romanized otherwise (e.g., Chiang Kai-shek, Sun Yat-sen, Kowloon, etc.)

    Electronic copies of articles, preferably in Macintosh versions of Microsoft Word, must be sent upon acceptance of the article.

    Glossary and use of Chinese characters . Key terms, important names, etc. should include original language (Chinese characters) placed in a separate glossary, not in the body of the essay. MCLC uses both complex characters (fanti zi) and simplified characters (jianti zi); authors must use one or the other. In the glossary, terms are NOT italicized (even though they do appear as such in the body of the paper); book titles, journal titles, film titles, and drama titles are italicized; article titles, poem titles, and essay titles are put between quotations marks. Characters (e.g., author names and titles) included in the bibliography do not need to be included in the glossary. Ideally, if you are using Mac, fanti characters should be in the Apple Li Gothic Medium font. For jianti, use the Hei font.

    An abstract, to be published on-line, is required for all accepted submissions. The abstract should be a 2-3 paragraph description of the contents and argument of the essay.

    Photographs, film and video stills, graphics, etc. should be submitted on CD-RW disks or Zip disks in tiff or eps format, with a resolution of no less than 300 dpi (preferably 600 dpi). Camera-ready copy is also acceptable (600 dpi laser print @ 131 lpi). Number your image files in the order in which they will appear in the essay. Be sure to include with your images, a Word document giving, in the same order, captions for each of the images. In the text of your essay, you must also include a "call-out" in parenthesis [e.g., (fig. 1)] for each of the images, indicating the placement of that image. Generally speaking, capturing images from videos results in an unacceptable poor quality. If at all possible, use film stills or capture images from DVD format.

    Submitters from outside the US should remember to use American spellings and to place all commas and periods inside quotation marks (e.g., "'Diary of a Madman,' Lu Xun's famous story." NOT: "'Diary of a Madman', Lu Xun's famous story".)

Criteria for evaluation:

    MCLC is a blind, peer-reviewed scholarly journal. All submissions are first reviewed internally by the editor. Submissions that pass the internal review are then sent to two external reviewers, who base their evaluations on the following criteria:

    Originality. A submission should make some new and original contribution to the field(s). Originality ranges from presenting research on new material and increasing our knowledge of unknown aspects of modern Chinese culture, to treating known material in fresh and interesting ways, to offering new theoretical approaches or paradigms that have a more general import. Of course, to help us assess originality, authors should situate their contribution in the context of similar and related scholarship in the field.

    Scholarship. The argument should be substantiated with relevant and sufficient evidence and examples. The scholarship should be sound and the theoretical apparatus or methodology applied sensibly and fruitfully.

    Argument and style. The essay should be argued logically, coherently, and with clarity. Language should be clear, precise, and correct. An essay accepted for publication should not require a large amount of editorial work. MCLC encourages its authors to write in a fashion that is accessible to those outside a narrow sinological and/or literary studies readership. At the same time, we seek scholarship that is informed by issues raised in current theoretical discussions.

Submissions of Articles to Modern Chinese Literature and Culture should be sent to the following address (2 paper copies and a cover letter):

    Kirk A. Denton
    Editor, MCLC
    Hagerty Hall 398
    The Ohio State University
    1775 College Rd.
    Columbus, Ohio 43210-1340

    Inquiries and submission e-copies should be sent to Kirk A. Denton

Book Review Format:

In fall 2003, MCLC stopped publishing book reviews in print format. All reviews are published online at the MCLC Resource Center.

Reviewers should adhere to the MCLC style for articles outlined above. Chinese characters are permitted in the body of the review. They should be placed at the relevant spot in the text proper, not in a glossary, as is the style for MCLC articles. Footnotes are also acceptable, though not necessarily encouraged.

Book reviews will appear simultaneously in two formats: published on the MCLC Resource Center and on the MCLC LIST, an email discussion list affiliated with the journal. Book reviews are housed in the "Book Review" section of the MCLC Resource Center, which one can link to from the resource center homepage or the MCLC journal homepage. Links to book reviews will be added to entries for those books in the MCLC Resource Center bibliographies. Book review authors should, if possible, scan the book's cover and include the image with the book review.

Book Review Editors:

Responsible for English-Language Scholarly Works on Chinese Film and Media Studies:

    Yomi Braester
    Comparative Literature, Box 35433
    University of Washington
    Seattle, WA 98195-4338

Responsible for English-Language Scholarly Studies of Modern Chinese Literature:

    Nicholas Kaldis
    Asian and Asian American Studies
    Binghamton University
    State University of New York
    PO Box 6000
    Binghamton, NY 13902-6000

Responsible for English Translations of Modern Chinese Literature:

    Michael Berry
    Contemporary Chinese Cultural Studies
    East Asian Languages and Cultural Studies
    HSSB #2214
    University of California, Santa Barbara
    Santa Barbara, CA 93106-7075
    (O) 805-893-7807
    personal webpage

Responsible for Chinese-Language Scholarly Works in Modern Chinese Literature and Media Studies

Esther M. K. Cheung 張美君
Comparative Literature
School of Humanities
Centennial Campus
The University of Hong Kong
Pokfulam Road
Hong Kong
personal webpage

Editorial Board

Associate Editor

Book Review Editors (since fall 2003, reviews have been published online only on the MCLC Resource Center)

Responsible for Scholarly Studies of Chinese Film and Media Studies:

Responsible for Scholarly Studies of Modern Chinese Literature:

    Nicholas A. Kaldis
    Asian and Asian American Studies
    Binghamton University
    State University of New York
    PO Box 6000
    Binghamton, NY 13902-6000

Responsible for Translations of Modern Chinese Literature:

Responsible for Chinese-language Literary and Media Studies

Esther M. K. Cheung
Comparative Literature
School of Humanities
Centennial Campus
The University of Hong Kong
Pokfulam Road,
Hong Kong
homepage: http://www.complit.hku.hk/faculty/esthercheung.html

Editorial Board

    Judy Andrews (The Ohio State University)
    Michael Berry (University of California, Santa Barbara
    Yomi Braester (University of Washington, Seattle)
    Xiaomei Chen (University of California, Davis)
    Ying-hsiung Chou (Chung-cheng University, Taiwan)
    Esther M. K. Cheung (Hong Kong University)
    Dai Jinhua (Beijing University)
    Theodore Huters (UCLA)
    Andrew Jones (UC, Berkeley)
    Paul Pickowicz (UC, San Diego)
    Nicholas Kaldis (Binghamton University)
    Lydia Liu (Columbia University)
    David Der-wei Wang (Harvard University)
    Michelle Yeh (UC, Davis)
    William Tay (UC, San Diego/Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)
    Zhang Longxi (City University of Hong Kong)

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