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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

The Journal of the Musical Arts in Africa, produced in collaboration with the South African College of Music at University of Cape Town, will henceforth also be published by NISC. The young journal, currently in its fourth volume, aims to combine ethnomusicological, musicological, music educational and performance-based research in a unique way to promote the musical arts on the African continent. Other than publishing research, the journal provides practical suggestions for music teachers as well as general arts and culture practitioners on instrumental and vocal training, and publishes audio and audiovisual media on a supplementary DVD.

Instructions to Authors

Full-length articles
The following factors are considered when evaluating a manuscript’s suitability for publication in JMAA:
?The manuscript offers new, original insights or interpretations and is not merely a restatement of published ideas and views;
?The manuscript makes a significant contribution to the field and extends the boundaries of musical arts discourse;
?The manuscript is likely to arouse readers?interest and stimulate debate;
?The manuscript reflects sound scholarship and uses a research design with appropriate, correctly interpreted references to other authors and works; or
?Should the manuscript challenge the conventions and/or boundaries of published scholarly presentation, it is sufficiently credible and persuasive to warrant publication.
Reviews and review articles

Succinct, critical, evaluative reviews of professional books, texts and other resources, including computer software and audio and audio-visual recordings. Reviews should provide a descriptive and evaluative summary, briefly discussing the work’s significance in the context of current theory and practice. In addition to adopting conventional review formats, reviewers are encouraged to use alternative methods of presentation, such as critically engaging the author in a dialogue.
Brief reports and summaries

Short reports on any aspect of theory and practice in academia (conferences, workshops, etc.). We encourage the submission of manuscripts that either showcase preliminary findings of research in progress or focus on larger studies.
General guidelines

1. Papers are accepted for submission provided that:
The work is original;
The copyright is transferred to the publisher (NISC Pty Ltd);
The work has not previously been published and is not under consideration for publication elsewhere;
The author has secured the permission of all named co-authors, who have agreed on the order of the names for publication;
The author has secured all permissions for reproducing original or derived material from copyright sources;
If the work includes statistical calculations, a declaration from an institution (e.g. a university department which offers statistical services) that the calculations and interpretation of the statistics are correct, has been included;
The work is accompanied by an abstract of not more than 200 words typed on a separate sheet;
Full-length articles are between 3000?0 000 words;
Reviews are between 1000?500 words;
Brief reports are between 3000?000 words;
The author-date system of refencing is used ?see JMAA house style at http://www.jmaa.uct.ac.za or http://www.nisc.co.za;
UK spelling conventions are adopted;
Comments and cross-references appear as footnotes and not endnotes;
Abbreviations and acronyms are avoided;
Music examples are submitted in .jpg, .gif, .tif or .eps format and are legible and clear;
Scanned images are at least 300 dpi and saved as eps or tif files;
Three hard copies and one electronic copy have been submitted;
Electronic copies are in Windows-compatible Microsoft Word document format;
Hard copies are typed in 1.5 spacing on A4, single sided;
Biographical note of 75 words with the name(s) of author(s), postal address, major publications, etc. is included on a SEPARATE sheet to enable anonymous reviewing.
2. The cost of colour printing must be borne by the author and needs to be discussed with the editors.
3. Authors need to liaise with the editors about the cost for inclusion of digital material such as VCD, CD, etc.
4. The editors of JMAA reserve the right to make editorial changes in any manuscript accepted for publication to enhance clarity or style. The author will be consulted only if the editing has been substantial.
5. The views expressed by contributors to JMAA do not necessarily reflect those of the editors or the editorial board of JMAA.
6. Contributors are reminded that the language and content of papers should be non-discriminatory, i.e. it should be non-sexist and non-racist:
(a) The notion that ‘man?is a generic term which includes women is now unacceptable; thus when reference is to both sexes, ‘man?and ‘men?should be avoided. Some alternatives are ‘person? ‘people? ‘human beings?or ‘men and women? The use nt -" ft">of ‘he?and ‘him?can be avoided in most cases by using the plural forms ‘they?or ‘their? Examples of sexist and non-sexist formulations are:
The child ?he                        Children ?they
Man’s achievements               Human achievements, people’s achievements
Headmasters                          Headteachers, Heads, Principals
Wives/husbands                     Spouses/families
(b) In empirical research, avoid generalisations from a single sex group or an unrepresentative group to a broader category such as ‘youth? ‘children?or ‘teachers?
Manuscripts that do not conform to the requirements listed above will not be considered for publication.
For additional guidelines, please refer to www.jmaa.uct.ac.za or www.nisc.co.za
Submissions should be sent to:
Associate Professor Anri Herbst
SA College of Music, University of Cape Town
Private Bag, Rondebosch 7701, South Africa
Michael Nixon
SA College of Music, University of Cape Town
Private Bag, Rondebosch 7701, South Africa
Associate Professor Hetta Potgieter
School of Music
Faculty of Arts, Potchefstroom Campus, North-West University
Private Bag X6001, 2520, South Africa
Music Department, University of Pretoria 0002, South Africa

Editorial Board



Anri Herbst (South Africa: intercultural neuromusicology, music education, aural perception studies, performance studies)


Hetta Potgieter (South Africa: music education, performance studies)

Ian-Malcom Rijsdijk (South Africa: film media studies)

Reviews Editor

Michael Nixon (South Africa: ethnomusicology)

Publishing Manager

Contact regarding all aspects relating to the production of the journal, including scheduling and copyright issues:

Mike Schramm

NISC South Africa

1 Dundas Street

PO Box 377

Grahamstown 6140

South Africa

Tel: +27 (0)46 622 9698

Fax: +27 (0)46 622 9550

e-mail: publishing@nisc.co.za

Editorial Board

Akosua Addo (Ghana-USA: music education)

Kofi Agawu (Ghana-USA: musicology, ethnomusicology)

Ediwn Hees (South Africa: film, theatre)

Jean Kidula (Kenya-USA: ethnomusicology)

Zabana Kongo (DRC-Ghana: ethnomusicology, music technology)

Franklin Larey (South Africa: performance studies)

Minette Mans (Namibia: ethnomusicology, choreology, music education, integrated arts)

Florence Miya (Kenya: ethnomusicology, music education)

Penina Muhando Mlama (Tanzania: theatre arts)

Meki Nzewi (Nigeria-South Africa: ethnomusicology, performance studies, composition, music education)

Chris Walton (Switzerland-South Africa: musicology)

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