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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Aims & Scope

The Journal of African Cultural Studies is an international journal providing a forum for perceptions of African culture from inside and outside Africa, with a special commitment to African scholarship. It focuses on dimensions of African culture including African literatures both oral and written, performance arts, visual arts, music, the role of the media, the relationship between culture and power, as well as issues within such fields as popular culture in Africa, sociolinguistic topics of cultural interest, and culture and gender. It has evolved from the journal African Languages and Cultures, founded in 1988 in the Department of the Languages and Cultures of Africa at the School of Oriental and African Studies, London. Although the journal no longer carries articles on African languages that are primarily linguistic in character, it remains strongly interested in the languages of Africa as channels for the expression of their culture. All views expressed are those of the authors and are not necessarily those of the editors.

 Peer Review Statement

All research articles in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review, with initial editor screening and anonymized refereeing.

Abstracting & Indexing

Journal of African Cultural Studies is currently noted in Abstracts in Anthropology, CAB Abstracts, MLA International Bibliography and the MLA Directory of Periodicals

Instructions to Authors

Submission. The editors welcome original contributions. Manuscripts will be acknowledged on receipt, and a decision on publication reached as soon as possible. Papers should not be submitted to several journals at once.

Editorial correspondence, including manuscripts for submission, should be addressed to the Editors, Journal of African Cultural Studies, Department of the Languages and Cultures of Africa, School of Oriental and African Studies, Thornhaugh Street, Russell Square, London, WC1H OXG, UK. (Telephone: 020 7898 4968; Fax: 020 7898 4399; email jacs@SOAS.ac.uk). Contributors should refer to the 'Notes for contributors' printed on the inside back cover.

Presentation. All material should be typewritten or printed. Two copies are preferred, but we will accept a single copy from addresses in Africa; please retain a copy for yourself. There should be an initial page with the title, author's name (as you wish it to appear), institution and mailing address (including email and fax if available); the title should be repeated on the first page of the text, without author's name. If typing, use a dark ribbon on one side of the paper only (allowing us to scan the paper electronically instead of retyping). If preparing on a computer, send a printed copy in the first instance, and we will request a diskette if your paper is accepted for publication. Manuscripts should normally not exceed 12000 words (about 22 pages of print).

Abstract. A short abstract of 150-300 words should precede the introduction. The abstract should be clear and informative giving an indication of the scope of the paper and its main arguments.

African language text. All examples and text in African languages will be distinguished in the journal by change of font, but may be distinguished in any convenient way in the ms.
Notes. Notes now appear as endnotes at the end of the article; they should be numbered consecutively throughout the text. Notes should not be used for references (see below).

Style guidelines
Description of the Journal's article style
Description of the Journal's reference style, Quick guide
Please use British (Oxford) spelling (e.g. colour, organize) and punctuation. Use single quotation marks with double within if needed.
If you have any questions about references or formatting your article, please contact
authorqueries@tandf.co.uk (please mention the journal title in your email).
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 Text organisation. If manuscripts are divided into sections/sub-sections, they should be numbered (not more than three digits) and each given a title.

Tables, figures and maps should be identified as Figure 3, Map 5 etc., and their preferred place in the text clearly indicated. Use explanatory 'notes to the editor' where necessary to make layout intentions clear. If word-processing, use tabs rather than multiple blanks in laying out a table.

Free article access: Corresponding authors can receive 50 free reprints, free online access to their article through our website (www.informaworld.com) and a complimentary copy of the issue containing their article. Complimentary reprints are available through Rightslink® and additional reprints can be ordered through Rightslink® when proofs are received. If you have any queries, please contact our reprints department at reprints@tandf.co.uk

Copyright. In order to safeguard authors' rights, the copyright of all material published is vested in Journal of African Cultural Studies, without prejudice to the authors' right to use their own material in other publications provided that the Journal is acknowledged as the original place of publication, and that the publishers are notified in advance of writing.


Editorial Board


Chege Githiora - School of Oriental and African Studies, London, UK
Editorial Committee:

Lindiwe Dovey - SOAS, University of London, UK
Kai Easton - SOAS, University of London, UK
Graham Furniss - SOAS, University of London, UK
Chege Githiora - SOAS, University of London, UK
Philip Jaggar - SOAS, University of London, UK
Martin Orwin - SOAS, University of London, UK
Kwadwo Osei-Nyame - SOAS, University of London, UK
Akin Oyetade - SOAS, University of London, UK
Alena Rettova - SOAS, University of London, UK

Production editor:

Michael Mann

International Advisory Board:

Oga Steve Abah - Ahmadu Bello University, Nigeria
Karin Barber - University of Birmingham, UK
Jan Blommaert - Ghent University
Eckhard Breitinger - Bayreuth University
Nhlanhla Maake - University of Witwatersrand
Mpalive Hangson-Msiska - Birkbeck College, University of London
Molara Ogundipe - University of Arkansas
Kimani Njogu - Kenyatta University
Alain Ricard - Centre d'Étude d'Afrique Noire, Universit¨¦ Montesquieu - Bordeaux IV
Mineke Schipper - Leiden University
Debra Spitulnik - Emory University, Atlanta
Olabiyi Yai - UNESCO

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