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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

The Journal for General Philosophy of Science is a forum for discussion concerning the philosophy of science. Its subject matter encompasses the philosophical, especially methodological, ontological, epistemological, anthropological, and ethical foundations of the individual sciences. The coverage brings the natural, cultural, and technical sciences into a philosophical context, including discussion of historical presuppositions and conditions of the current problems of the philosophy of science.

The Journal bridges gaps between the different sciences, especially the natural, cultural, and social sciences. Its discussion exposes the common as well as the divergent methodological and philosophical foundations of the individual sciences, and takes into account all currently relevant positions of the philosophy of science.

The journal considers the historical dimension of the sciences as context for understanding current problems of philosophy of science.

Abstracted/Indexed in:

Academic OneFile, Academic Search, Arts & Humanities Citation Index, Bibliography of Linguistic Literature, Cengage, Current Abstracts, Current Index to Statistics, Dietrich's Index Philosophicus, Digital Mathematics Registry, Expanded Academic, FRANCIS, Google Scholar, International Bibliography of Book Reviews (IBR), International Bibliography of Periodical Literature (IBZ), JSTOR, OCLC, PASCAL, R¨¦pertoire Bibliographique de la Philosophie, SCOPUS, Summon by Serial Solutions, The Philosopher's Index, TOC Premier

Aims and scope

The Journal for General Philosophy of Science is a forum for the discussion of a variety of attitudes concerning the philosophy of science. It has as its subject matter the philosophical, especially methodological, ontological, epistemological, anthropological, and ethical foundations of the individual sciences. Particular emphasis is laid on bringing both the natural, the cultural, and the technical sciences into a philosophical context, within which the historical presuppositions and conditions of the current problems of the philosophy of science are also included in the discussion.
The Journal for General Philosophy of Science has been successful in its attempt to serve as a forum that bridges the gap between the different sciences, especially the natural, cultural, and social sciences. One of its purposes is to discuss and contrast the common as well as the different specific methodological and philosophical foundations of the individual sciences, taking into account all currently relevant positions of the philosophy of science.
In recent years considerable insight has been gained into the problems of current philosophy of science by considering the historical dimension of the sciences. This is why more intensive efforts will be made in the future towards the integration of historical and systematic considerations.
The journal contains:

reports on the state of the philosophy of science in individual countries
a bibliography of the major journals in the field of the history and philosophy of science.

The journal is of interest to philosophers, especially philosophers of science, as well as to scholars from the field of the natural, cultural, social and technical sciences who are interested in becoming aware of the philosophical implications of their disciplines and in being stimulated by the transfer of methods, leading ideas, concepts and theories from other fields


Instructions to Authors

Manuscripts and editorial correspondence should be sent to:


 Prof. Dr. Helmut Pulte

 Ruhr-Universität Bochum

 Institut f¨¹r Philosophie

 Universitätsstraße 150

 D-44780 Bochum


The email-address (for correspondence only) is: jgps@ruhr-uni-bochum.de

 Books for review may be sent to the address given above. 

 Manuscripts must be forwarded in  four copies. They should be typed doublespaced on one side of plain paper, with wide margins to allow for editorial notes and instructions to the printer. Equations and symbols should be typed if possible; in any case, clarity is essential. The first page of the manuscript should contain the article title, and if necessary a running head (condensed title) which should not exceed 45 characters, including spaces. 

 Title, author¡¯s name, and full address (including an email-address) are to be supplied on a separate page, so that authors are not identified to reviewers. Each page of the manuscript should be consecutively numbered, including pages of references and captions.  

A Summary of 100-150 words in English (also for articles in German) should precede the article. For articles in German the summary should start with the (translated) English title.  

Keywords: Please provide also 5-10 keywords in alphabetical order at the end of the summary.   When a manuscript is accepted, the author(s) will be asked for an electronic copy (word document preferred) and a consent to publish, which will have to be submitted on a special form. 

Symbols: Unusual symbols should be indentified in the margin, and an alternative or equivalent symbol or sign should be provided if the one required is rare. Special care should be taken to distinguish between the letter O and zero, the letter l and the number one, kappa and k, mu and u, nu and v, eta and n etc. Subscripts and superscripts should be marked if not clear. The use of italics and bold face  is possible according to the Journal¡¯s standards and should become obvious from the copies transmitted;  no additional indication is necessary in this case. Note that letters used as symbols will be set in italics unless otherwise indicated. 

Notes which do not belong to the head of the article should be numbered consecutively. They should be placed at the end of the article, not as footnotes. A note which refers to the head of the article should be indicated by an asterisk.   

Figures should be referred to as ‚Fig.¡¯ in the captions, but spelled out in the text. They should be numbered conse-cutively. Give a detailed caption to each figure, refer to it in the text and note the approximate location in the margin.

Collect all captions on a separate sheet or sheets. Only originals, or if unavailable, first class photocopies are accep-table. Figures which are not reproducible may hold up publication until new figures are obtained. Please indicate the author¡¯s name, the figure number and its top in blue pencil on the back of each illustration. Digitalized figures should be submitted as jpeg files of high resolution (min. 600 dpi).


Proofs: The author will receive an electronic message by the publisher which gives him access to the electronic ver-sion of his manuscript. This version is already proof-read by the editors. The author is asked to carry out his correc-tions as soon as possible. In those cases where corrections are delayed the editor will check the final version and pass it for publication without the author¡¯s comments.  

Offprints:  The author will receive 25 copies of the article without charge. Additional offprints may be ordered when he returns his corrections to the publisher. 

No page charges are levied on authors or their institutions.
Editorial Board


Helmut Pulte
Institut f¨¹r Philosophie der Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany

Gregor Schiemann
Philosophisches Seminar der Bergischen Universität Wuppertal, Germany

Michael Anacker, Book Reviewer editor
Institut f¨¹r Philosophie der Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany

Editorial Advisory Board:

Evandro Agazzi, Fribourg; Hans Albert, Mannheim; K.O. Apel, Frankfurt;  Michael Friedman, Stanford University; Frankfurt; Gottfried Gabriel, Jena; M. Garrido, Madrid; Dimitri Ginev, Sofia;  Rudolf Haller, Graz; Jiro Hayakawa, Tokyo; Paul Hoyningen-Huene, Hannover; Kurt H¨¹bner, Kiel; Max Jammer, Amsterdam and Ramat-Gan; Bernulf Kanitscheider, Gießen; Theodore Kisiel, DeKalb; Alan Musgrave, Otago; J.C. Ny¨ªri, Budapest;  S. Psillos, Athens; Henk W. de Regt,  Amsterdam; M. Su¨¢rez, Madrid; Erhard Scheibe, Heidelberg; Herbert Schnädelbach, Hamburg; F. Stadler, Vienna; V.S. Stjopin, Moscow

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