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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

HTS Teologiese Studies/Theological Studies is an influential and frequently cited accredited peer reviewed, Open Access journal, published since 1942, that promotes multidisciplinary, religious, and biblical aspects of studies in the international arena.

Editor-in-Chief: Andries G. van Aarde, Honorary Professor, University of Pretoria, South Africa.

Financial support and affiliations: Reformed Theological College of the Netherdutch Reformed Church of Africa, at the Faculty of Theology of the University of Pretoria, Pretoria (South Africa).

Since 2010, Practical Theology in South Africa united and merged into HTS Theological Studies/Theological Studies, being permantently incorporated. Each second issue of HTS Teologiese Studies/Theological Studies is dedicated to the publication of articles themed and focused on practical theology. Practical Theology is a home studying communication act that serves the gospel of the Kingdom.

Editor: Malan Nel, University of Pretoria, South Africa.

Financial support and affiliation: Society for Practical Theology in South Africa (South Africa).

After publication in HTS Teologiese Studies/Theological Studies, the complete text of each article is deposited immediately and permanently archived in major bibliographic databases:

Instructions to Authors

We ask our authors to ensure that they submit original work that:

  • have been honestly carried out according to rigorous scientific standards that has not been obtained fraudulently or dishonestly, or fabricated or falsified
  • present an accurate account of the research performed and the results obtained and offer an objective discussion of the significance thereof
  • present sufficient detail and reference to public sources of information in order to permit peers to repeat the work if needed
  • report data accurately and never ‘fudged’, with any problematic data also treated accordingly
  • cite all relevant references; it is the duty of the author to check the references that are cited very carefully to ensure that the details are accurate and in the correct format
  • declare any (potential) conflicts of interest
  • do not claim originality if others have already reported similar work in part or as a whole
  • give credit to the work and findings of others that have led to your findings or influenced them in some way
  • identify any hazards inherent in conducting the research
  • do not contain plagiarised material or anything that is libellous, defamatory, indecent, obscene or otherwise unlawful and that the work does not infringe on the rights of others
  • provide all the statements required by the journal in order to prove that the experimental protocols were approved appropriately and that they meet all the guidelines of the agency involved, including obtaining informed consent where required if investigations have involved animals or human subjects
  • contain explicit permission of the individuals from whom information was privately obtained and that they have accompanying appropriate letters confirming permission to include this information , as may be acquired by journals
  • avoid fragmenting research to maximise the number of articles submitted, also known as ‘salami publishing’
  • have not been submitted to multiple journals or other publication media.

Although an experimental or theoretical study may sometimes justify criticism of the work of another scientist, in no circumstances is personal criticism appropriate. Do not present work, or use language, in a way that detracts from the work or ideas of others.

Cover page: The format of the compulsory cover letter forms part of your submission and is located on the first page of your manuscript and should always be presented in English. You should provide all of the following elements:

  • Article title: Provide a short title of 50 characters or less.
  • Significance of work: Briefly state the significance of the book being reported on.
  • Full author details: Title(s), Full name(s), Position(s), Affiliation(s) and contact details (postal address, email, telephone and cellphone number) of each author. 
  • Corresponding author: Identify to whom all correspondence should be addressed to. 
  • Authors’ contributions: Briefly summarise the nature of the contribution made by each of the authors listed.
  • Summary: Lastly, a list containing the number of words, pages, tables, figures and/or other supplementary material should accompany the submission. 

Formatting requirements: Please use British English, that is, according to the Oxford English Dictionary. Avoid Americanisms (e.g. use ‘s’ and not ‘z’). Consult the Oxford English Dictionary when in doubt and remember to set your version of Microsoft Word to UK English.

  • Language: Manuscripts must be written in British English, Afrikaans and Dutch.
  • Line numbers: Insert continuous line numbers.
  • Font:
    • Font type: Palatino 
    • Symbols font type: Times New Roman 
    • General font size: 12pt 
  • Line spacing: 1.5
  • Headings: Ensure that formatting for headings is consistent in the manuscript.
    • First headings: normal case, bold and 14pt
    • Second headings: normal case, underlined and 14pt
    • Third headings: normal case, bold and 12pt
    • Fourth headings: normal case, bold, running-in text and separated by a colon.

Our publication system supports a limited range of formats for text and graphics. Text files can be submitted in the following formats only:

  • Microsoft Word (.doc): We cannot accept Word 2007 DOCX files. If you have created your manuscript using Word 2007, you must save the document as a Word 2003 file before submission.
  • Rich Text Format (RTF) documents uploaded during Step 2 of the submission process. Users of other word processing packages should save or convert their files to RTF before uploading. Many free tools are available that will make  this process easier.

 For full details on how to ensure your manuscript adheres to the house style, click here.

Publication ethics 

AOSIS OpenJournals endorses and applies the standards of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), which promotes integrity in peer-reviewed research publications.

Experimental research on animals and/or humans must follow internationally recognised guidelines. A statement to this effect must appear in the Ethical Considerations section of the manuscript, including the name of the body that gave approval, with a reference number where appropriate. Informed consent must also be documented. Manuscripts will be rejected if the editorial office considers that the research has not been carried out within an ethical framework (e.g. if the severity of the experimental procedure is not justified by the value of the knowledge gained.)

The author should aim to post answers to the following questions:

  • What risks to the subject are entailed in involvement in the research? Are there any potential physical, psychological or disclosure dangers that can be anticipated? What is the possible benefit or harm to the subject or society as a result of their participation or from the project as a whole? What procedures have been established for the care and protection of subjects (e.g. insurance, medical cover) and the control of any information gained from them or about them?
  • Was there any sense in subjects being ‘obliged’ to participate – as in the case of students, prisoners, learners or patients – or were volunteers being recruited? If participation was compulsory, the potential consequences of non-compliance must be indicated to subjects; if voluntary, entitlement to withdraw consent must be indicated as well as when that entitlement lapses.
  • Authors must include how informed consent was handled in the study and include, in detail, the way in which data protection was handled.

Plagiarism: It should be noted that salami publishing and parallel publishing detract from the innovative nature of research findings. The journal publisher, AOSIS OpenJournals, is a member of the CrossCheck plagiarism detection initiative. In the event of suspected plagiarism in submitted works CrossCheck, is available to the editors of HTS Teologiese Studies/Theological Studies to detect instances of overlapping and similar text.

Instructions on how the submission process work 

The authors of an article need to decide who the corresponding author will be that will take responsibility during the submission, peer review and editing processes. By submitting an article for publication you confirm that you are the corresponding/submitting author and that AOSIS OpenJournals will be communicating with you about the article. 

Firstly, register or ensure you have an author account with HTS Teologiese Studies/Theological Studies. Secondly, ensure your contact details are updated in your profile.

After you have logged in and clicked on Author, click on the link start a new submission to go to Step 1 of the five-step submission process (scroll down and click on the Next button on each screen to save your work and advance to the next screen):

  • Select the journal section and complete the submission checklist.
  • Upload submission file. Click on the Browse button and locate the file on your computer. When you have selected the file you wish to upload, click the Upload button. Review your submission (in a Word .doc) before sending it to the editors and ensure you have included your manuscript cover page.
  • Complete the manuscript metadata, author(s) details, manuscript title, manuscript abstract and keywords.
  • Upload either a separate cover page or other multiple supplementaryfile(s), such as large tables and photographs:
    • Click on the Browse button and locate the file on your computer.
    • Select the designation of your supplementary files (.eps, .xls).
    • When you have selected the file you wish to upload, click the Upload button. Note: You have a limit of 15MB for a single file you upload.
    • Repeat the process until all supplementary files have been uploaded. Note: You can only upload 1 supplementary file at a time.
  • Review your submission online in Step 5.
  • Click the Finish Submit button when you would like to complete the manuscript submission to the journal.

Support videos:

  • Click here to view a video on how to submit a paper online.
  • Click here to view a video on how to copyedit and proofread your article.

The submission process can be interrupted at any time; when you return to the site you can continue from where you left off. After completing the manuscript submission, you will receive a submission confirmation via email. You can also log into HTS Teologiese Studies/Theological Studies at any time to check the status of your manuscript.

Editorial Board


Andries G. van Aarde
Honorary Professor, University of Pretoria, South Africa

Associate Section Editors

Yolanda Dreyer
University of Pretoria, South Africa

Practical Theology: Editor

Malan Nel
University of Pretoria, South Africa
Jaco S. Dreyer  University of South Africa, South Africa

Chairperson of Editorial Board

Ernest van Eck
University of Pretoria, South Africa

Editorial Board

Alicia Batten Conrad Grebel University College and University of Waterloo, Canada
Giovanni Bazzana Harvard Divinity School, United Sates
Jaco Beyers University of Pretoria, South Africa
Johan Buitendag University of Pretoria, South Africa
Warren Carter Texas Christian University, United States
Pamela Couture Emmanuel College, University of Toronto, Canada
Annemie Dillen Faculteit Theologie en Religiewetenschappen, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, België
Wim A. Dreyer University of Pretoria, South Africa
Graham A. Duncan University of Pretoria, South Africa
Cornel du Doit
University of South Africa, South Africa
Robert Dykstra Princeton Theological Seminary, United States
Ananda Geyser-Fouché
University of Pretoria, South Africa
David Grafton
Lutheran Theological Seminary, United States
David Fergusson
University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Leslie Francis
University of Warwick, United Kingdom
Ulrich Körtner
University of Vienna, Austria
James Alfred Loader
University of Vienna, Austria
John S. Kloppenborg
University of Toronto, Canada
Jean-Claude Loba-Mkole
Bible Society of DR Congo, Democratic Republic Congo
Jan Muis
Protestant Theological University, the Netherlands
Mbengu D. Nyiawung
Presbyterian Theological Seminary, South West Region Cameroon
Jerry Pillay
World Communion of Reformed Churches and University of Pretoria, South Africa
Marcel Sarot
Tilburg University, the Netherlands
David C. Sim Australian Catholic University, Australia
Daniel Smith
Huron University, Canada
Luco J. van den Brom
Protestant Theological University Utrecht, the Netherlands
Christo van der Merwe
University of Pretoria, South Africa
Tanya van Wyk
University of Pretoria, South Africa
Elaine M. Wainwright
University of Auckland, New Zealand


Practical Theology: Editorial Board

Rein Brouwer Protestant Theological University, the Netherlands
Johan H. Cilliers University of Stellenbosch, South Africa
Anita L. Cloete University of Stellenbosch, South Africa
Kenda Creasy-Dean Princeton Theological Seminary, United States
Ben J. de Klerk North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, South Africa
Yolanda Dreyer University of Pretoria, South Africa
Ruard R. Ganzevoort Free University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Gerben Heitink Emeritus, Free University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Simanga R. Kumalo University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
F. Gerrit Immink Protestant Theological University, the Netherlands
Rantoa Letsosa North-West University, South Africa
Daniel J. Louw University of Stellenbosch, South Africa
Vhumani Magezi North-West University, South Africa
Bonnie J. Miller-Mclemore Vanderbilt University, United States
Julian C. Müller University of Pretoria, South Africa
James Mwangi African Christian University, Kenya
Marilyn Naidoo University of South Africa, South Africa
Richard R. Osmer Princeton Theological Seminary, United States
Andrew P. Phillips University of South Africa, South Africa
J. (Hans) A. van der Ven Emeritus, Radbound University, the Netherlands
Calvin W. Plaatjes Helderberg College, South Africa
Hendrik (Hennie) J.C. Pieterse University of Pretoria, South Africa
Hans-Georg Ziebertz Würzburg University, Germany
Kobus Schoeman University of the Free State, South Africa
Friedrich Schweitzer Universität Tübingen, Germany
William F. Storrar Princeton Theological Seminary, United States
Casper (Cassie) J.H. Venter North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, South Africa
Jan Albert van den Berg University of the Free State, South Africa

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