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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal



 História, Ciências, Saúde – Manguinhos is a quarterly journal published by Casa de Oswaldo Cruz, a center of documentation, science communication and research in the history of sciences and health which is part of a Brazilian medical institution, Fundação Oswaldo Cruz. The journal was first published in July 1994 and currently has a printed and an online version (see also in www.scielo.br/hcsm). This journal publishes original articles and other material related to the history of the sciences and health, after evaluation by the editorial board or by ad hoc peer-reviewers. At least one additional thematic issue is published each year. The journal is indexed in Brazil and abroad.


The essence of our journal is captured by the three words in its title: History – Sciences - Health. By History we are not referring to the discipline per se but above all to a way of looking at things and interpreting and addressing them that is common to a gamut of academic fields. Health, which might be considered our hallmark, embraces the vast realm of issues that defines our place as scholars and as social actors. Sciences must by definition appear in the plural, because the number of fields exploring the processes of life is so broad, because the institution we are part of is devoted to a wide range of activities, and because the interdisciplinary approach is sine qua non to progress in the biological sciences as much as in the social sciences.

Although the life sciences are its focal theme, the journal is also opened to the entire scope of related fields of knowledge and practice, approached from a historical perspective.


Graphic Project

At first, journal covers showed details of the Morish Castle, the beautiful art nouveau building where the Fundação Oswaldo Cruz is located in Rio de Janeiro. In recent years, we have started to highlight photos, paintings, or illustrations of several journal topics, such as those on medicine and therapeutic practices; the history and perspectives of international health; science, health and power in Latin America; the traveller-naturalists; immunization in Brazil; science museums; views on the Amazon Region; transgenics; Darwinism; science and art, and the Spanish flu, among other epidemics. The Manguinhos architectonic elements still appear stylized on the cover and illustrate the journal.


Themes and target audience

In our journal, devoted to the history of the sciences, we aim to amalgamate readers and collaborators from different professional fields – history, medicine, sociology, public health, anthropology, philosophy, professionals who follow the clear tendency of our times: the end of isolation of the multiple kinds of knowledge.



The following departments of our journal accept original texts in Portuguese, English and Spanish:

Analysis: Analytical texts or essays based on research in areas of interest to História, Ciências, Saúde - Manguinhos.

Interviews - Interviews with individuals whose personal or professional stories are relevant to the history of the sciences or health.

Images - Pictorial essays, photographs, engravings, drawings, etc. in black and white or color, accompanied by captions or an introductory text, if necessary.

Sources – Information on collections relevant to research on the history of the sciences or health. Documents are transcribed partially or in whole and contain an introductory text. Rare works, scientific collections, and libraries and archives are described, analyzed, and/or partially reproduced through facsimiles.

Debate – Current or historical topics proposed by the editors or by collaborators are debated by specialists who deliver their opinions in writing or during live debates. In the case of written exchanges, collaborators may suggest topics and participants; the editors will be responsible for coordinating the debate and editing the final text. Live debates not organized by História, Ciências, Saúde - Manguinhos may be submitted in the form of cassette tape or transcribed and partially edited; the journal will be responsible for final editing.

Research notes – Shorter and less complete than an article, these preliminary research reports focus on research in progress – hypotheses, progress, and difficulties encountered. They should include observations on sources, methods, and techniques and comments on expected implications.

Books & Networks – Reviews and critical analyses of published works, films and videos; topics related to information flow via computer networks and data banks.

Letters – Comments and critiques on articles or any other text published in previous issues of História, Ciências, Saúde – Manguinhos, or opinions on topics of general interest to readers.

The texts submitted for publication in the sections Analysis, Debate, Images, Sources, and Research Notes are evaluated by the editorial board or by ad hoc peer-reviewers


Instructions to Authors

For Contributors



 In addition to publishing original articles, essays, book reviews, and research notes, História, Ciências, Saúde – Manguinhos reproduces facsimiles of historically relevant documents, illustrations, and photographs; edits debates and interviews, and presents summaries of theses and dissertations.

The texts submitted for publication in the sections Analysis, Debate, Images, Sources, and Research Notes are evaluated by the Editorial Board or by ad hoc peer-reviewers.

The Editor reserves the right to alter or cut articles and other contributions in order to adjust them to thejournal’s guidelines. Changes will not modify style or content.





Analysis - Analytical texts or essays based on research in areas of interest to História, Ciências, Saúde – Manguinhos (maximum of 9,000 words).


Interviews - Interviews with individuals whose personal or professional stories are relevant to the history of the sciences or health (maximum of 6,000 words).


Images - Pictorial essays, photographs, engravings, drawings, etc. in black and white or color, accompanied by captions or an introductory text, if necessary (maximum of 8 pages of images; maximum of 5,000 words).


Sources – Information on collections relevant to research on the history of the sciences or health. Documents are transcribed partially or in whole, accompanied by an introductory text. Rare works, scientific collections, and libraries and archives are described, analyzed, and/or partially reproduced through facsimiles (maximum of 5,000 words).


Debate – Current or historical topics proposed by the editors or by collaborators are debated by specialists who deliver their opinions in writing or during live debates. In the case of written exchanges, collaborators may suggest topics and participants; the editors will be responsible for coordinating the debate and editing the final text. Live debates not organized by História, Ciências, Saúde – Manguinhos may be submitted in the form of cassette tape or transcribed and partially edited; the journal will be responsible for final editing (maximum of 6,000 words).


Research note – Shorter - and less complete than an article, these preliminary research reports focus on research in progress - hypotheses, progress, and difficulties encountered. They should offer observations on sources, methods, and techniques and on expected implications (maximum of 3,000 words).


Books & Networks – Reviews and critical analyses of published works and videos; topics related to information flow via computer networks and data banks (2,000 words).


Letters – Comments and critiques on articles or any other text published in prior issues of História, Ciências, Saúde – Manguinhos or opinions on topics of general interest to readers (maximum of 1,000 words).

(In Word for Windows, the number of words per file may be obtained by clicking File and then Properties.)





Send the manuscripts by mail to the journal Secretary or as email attachments (hscience@coc.fiocruz.br).

História, Ciências, Saúde - Manguinhos accepts contributions to any department of the journal in Portuguese, Spanish, English and French. Originals should be submitted in Windows-compatible format. They may be sent via e-mail as attached files, beginning with a cover page bearing title, name(s) of author(s), institution to which affiliated (name in full), complete address(es).

When it is necessary to highlight text, please use single quotes rather than italics or bold. Only quotations, transcriptions, or epigraphs in a foreign language should be in italics.


Illustrations – Tables, figures, engravings, illustrations, graphs, and drawings in general should be submitted on separate pages. Digitally processed images may be sent by e-mail or CD-ROM, with a 400 dpi resolution in original format and saved as jpeg files. Black-and-white images should be scanned in gray tones; color images in RGB Tables and graphs should preferably be submitted on a diskette, with a hard copy in annex. Black-and-white photographs should be at least 9x12cm (3.5 x 5 in). Negatives of color photographs will ensure finest printing. All illustrations and their captions should be numbered.


Abstracts – Articles should include an abstract in the source language of the text (minimum of 100 words and maximum of 130). The journal will be responsible for the English translation of abstracts submitted in Portuguese, Spanish, or French.


Keywords – Authors should present three to five keywords in the language of the text.

Nomenclature – Authors should strictly observe norms regarding zoological and botanical nomenclature as well as abbreviations and conventions as adopted by specialized fields.


Endnotes – Footnotes should be succinct and used only when strictly necessary. They should be numbered and placed at the end of the text. No software resources for automatic insertion of notes should be used.


Titles – Only the first letter of the first word of titles of books, articles, theses, etc. in all languages should be capitalized (except for proper names). Subtitles must be separated by a colon.


Quotations – In the body of the text, references to authors should follow the order: (author, date) or (author, date, page). For example: (Rios, 1962) or (Rios, 1962, p. 13). Different works by the same author published the same year should be distinguished by a letter following the year, both in references within the text and in endnotes. For example: (Sevcenko, 1964a) and (Sevcenko, 1964b). When a work has up to three authors, authors last names should be used. In case of more than three authors the first author’s last name will be followed by et al. (Ferreira et al., 1985).

Complete references should be listed at the end of the article, in alphabetical order by the first author’s last name and by publication date, from most to least recent. Names of authors, titles of periodicals or books, publishers, cities, etc. should not be abbreviated.

Complete references should be listed at the end of the article, in alphabetical order by the first author’s last name and by publication date, from most to least recent. Names of authors, titles of periodicals or books, publishers, cities, etc. should not be abbreviated.


See the examples below.



Santos, Wanderley Guilherme. Cidadania e justiça. Rio de Janeiro: Campus. 1979.



Orenstein, Luiz. Do mal ao bem coletivo: jogos de tempo e a possibilidade de cooperação. Dados, Rio de Janeiro, v.36, n.1, p.93-115. 1993.



Glick, Thomas F. The Rockefeller Foundation and the emergence of genetics in Brazil,

1943-1960. In: Cueto, Marcos (Org.). Missionaries of science: the Rockefeller Foundation and Latin America. Indianapolis: Indiana University Press, p.149-164. 1994.



Andrade, Vera Lúcia Gomes de. A hanseníase no Rio de Janeiro. Tese (Doutorado) – Escola Nacional de Saúde Pública, Fiocruz, Rio de Janeiro. 1992.


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História, Ciências, Saúde – Manguinhos accepts only unpublished texts. After peer-review, manuscripts are returned to the authors. Upon publication, contributors automatically transfer all their copyrights to Casa de Oswaldo Cruz (COC).

Manuscripts will not be returned to authors after publication.





Editorial Board

  Editorial Committee                                                 


Researcher responsible for the enforcement of editorial guidelines and for the periodical’s scientific content.
Jaime L. Benchimol
Casa de Oswaldo Cruz/Fiocruz

Answers for all non-scientific aspects of the periodical and works with the science editor in all production and editing processes.
Roberta Cardoso Cerqueira
Casa de Oswaldo Cruz/Fiocruz

Researchers not necessarily belonging to the same institution as the science editor — responsible for the publication — who act as peer-reviewers and also share with the science editor the tasks concerning the journal’s editorial content, but who are not involved in operational aspects of production.
Charles Pessanha
, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, RJ
Gilberto Hochman
, Casa de Oswaldo Cruz/Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, RJ
Ildeu de Castro Moreira
, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, RJ
Luiz Antonio de Castro Santos
, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro
Marcos Cueto, Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia, Lima (Peru)
Margarida de Souza Neves, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro, RJ

Professionals who share with the science and the executive editor the tasks concerning each department’s editorial content, such as suggesting topics, delivering opinions, and checking originals.
Ana Maria Mauad
Universidade Federal Fluminense
Maria Teresa Villela Bandeira de Mello
Arquivo Público do Estado do Rio de Janeiro
Maria Rachel Fróes da Fonseca
Casa de Oswaldo Cruz/ Fiocruz
Carlos Henrique Assunção Paiva
(Livros e Redes)
Casa de Oswaldo Cruz/ Fiocruz

Academic multi-institutional body, formed of specialists from different fields of science, chosen by the science editor. This body of peer reviewers is responsible for judging submitted contributions.
Ana Maria de Almeida Camargo, USP, SP, Brazil
Ana Maria Carrillo, UNAM, Mexico
Ana Maria Alfonso-Goldfarb, PUC-SP, SP, Brazil
Ana Teresa A. Venâncio, Casa de Oswaldo Cruz/ Fiocruz, RJ, Brazil
Angela de Castro Gomes, UFF e CPDOC/FGV, RJ, Brazil
Anna Carolina K. P. Regner, Unisinos, RS, Brazil
Anne Emanuelle Birn, University of Toronto, Canada
Annick Opinel, Instituto Pasteur, France
Bárbara Wenstein, University of Maryland, USA
Benilton Bezerra Junior, UERJ, RJ, Brazil
Claudio Bertolli Filho, UNESP, SP, Brazil
Cristiana Facchinetti, Casa de Oswaldo Cruz/Fiocruz, RJ, Brazil
Diana Obregón, Universidad Nacional de Colômbia, Colombia
Diana Maul de Carvalho, UFRJ, RJ, Brazil
Diego Armus, Swarthmore College, USA
Durval Muniz de Albuquerque Júnior, UFRN, RN, Brazil
Elisa Reis, UFRJ, RJ, Brazil
Esteban Rodriguez Ocaña, Universidad de Granada, Spain
Flávio Edler, Casa de Oswaldo Cruz/Fiocruz, RJ, Brazil
Gustavo Caponi, UFSC, SC, Brazil
Hideraldo Lima da Costa, UFAM, Brazil
Ilana Löwy, Institute Supérieur d’ Études et Recherches Médicales, France
Ilmar Rohloff de Mattos, PUC-RJ, RJ, Brazil
João José Reis, UFBA, BA, Brazil
Joffre Marcondes de Rezende, UFG, GO, Brazil
José Augusto de Pádua, UFRJ, RJ, Brazil
Laurinda Abreu, Universidade de Évora, Portugal
Lea Velho, Unicamp, SP, Brazil
Luiz David Castiel, ENSP/Fiocruz, RJ, Brazil
Luiz Fernando Ferreira, ENSP/Fiocruz, RJ, Brazil
Luiz Jacintho da Silva, Unicamp, SP, Brazil
Madel Therezinha Luz, UERJ, RJ, Brazil
Maria Amélia M. Dantes, USP, SP, Brazil
Maria Cecília de S. Minayo, ENSP/Fiocruz, RJ, Brazil
Maria Margaret Lopes, Unicamp, SP, Brazil
Maria Nélida González de Gómez, IBICT, RJ, Brazil
Maria Silvia Di Liscia, Universidad Nacional de La Pampa, Argentina
Moacyr Scliar, Rio Grande do Sul, RS, Brazil
Nancy Leys Stepan, Columbia University, USA
Nísia Trindade Lima, Casa de Oswaldo Cruz/ Fiocruz, RJ, Brazil
Patrick Zylberman, Centre de Recherche Médecine, Sciences, Santé et Société, France
Paulo Buss, Fiocruz, RJ, Brazil
Paulo Gadelha, Fiocruz, RJ, Brazil
Renan Springer de Freitas, UFMG, MG, Brazil
Renato Lemos, UFRJ, RJ, Brazil
Regina Horta Duarte, UFMG, MG, Brazil
Ricardo Ventura Santos, UFRJ, RJ, Brazil
Sandra Caponi, UFSC, SC, Brazil
Sergio Goes de Paula, Farmanguinhos/Fiocruz, RJ, Brazil
Sidney Chalhoub, Unicamp, SP, Brazil
Silvia F. Figueirôa, Unicamp, SP, Brazil
Steven Palmer, University of Windsor, Canada                                        



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