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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal
As a digital scientific library, Inist-Cnrs has been helping researchers, engineers and information professionals with their work for the past 20 years by providing access to, referencing, distributing and archiving information. Access is provided through the creation of Refdoc, a document supply one-stop shop for users searching for copies of scientific and technical documents. Inist also provides portals which allow researchers to consult on line the major scientific journals and databases in each field of study. Referencing information is carried out through the production of bibliographic databases in the fields of Science, Technology, Medicine, the Humanities and Social Sciences. Distributing information through Inist’s platform dedicated to digital scientific publishing providing technical and editorial support for research laboratories. Finally Inist archives information to ensure the long-term storage of scientific data and journals. For more information: http://international.inist.fr

Instructions to Authors
Terms and Conditions of Use Scope These terms and conditions of use define the means of application of all services provided by the www.refdoc.fr, site, hereafter “the service” and the conditions for use of the service by the user. All access to and/or use of the www.refdoc.fr site by the user means that the user unconditionally accepts and shall respect all of these terms and conditions of use. Thus, these terms and conditions effectively constitute a contract between the service and the user. In the event that the user does not wish to accept all or part of these terms and conditions of use, the user is requested to stop using the service completely. Legal notices The www.refdoc.fr site is published by: INIST Diffusion SA located at
2, allée du Parc de Brabois
registered with the French “Registre du Commerce et des Sociétés” under number 352 016 067 The director of publication is Raymond DUVAL The www.refdoc.fr site is hosted by: Inist-Cnrs A service unit of the French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) located at
2, allée du Parc de Brabois
CS 10310 54519 VANDOEUVRE LES NANCY CEDEX and represented by Raymond DUVAL Definitions - User: The user is any person who uses the site or any of the services made available by the site. - Identifier: The term "Identifier" covers all information required to identify a user on the site to allow access to the areas of the site which are reserved for site members. - Password: The "Password" is confidential information which must be kept secret by the user and which allows the user, when used along with the identifier, to prove his or her identity. Access to the service Access to the service is free for all users with internet access. All costs of access to the service, such as the costs of hardware, software or internet access shall exclusively be paid for by the user. The user is solely responsible for the correct functioning of his/her computer equipment and internet access. INIST Diffusion reserves the right to refuse access to the service unilaterally and without prior notice to any users who do not respect the terms and conditions of use. Inist-Cnrs (as host) shall employ all reasonable means at its disposal to ensure quality access to the service but shall be in no way obliged to succeed in doing so at all times. Inist-Cnrs (as host) shall also be in no way held responsible for any problems that may arise with the network or servers or any other event deemed to be reasonably beyond Inist-Cnrs’s control which may prevent or impair access to the service. Inist-Cnrs (as host) reserves the right to interrupt, suspend temporarily or modify user access to all or part of the service without prior notice to carry out maintenance work, or for any other reason, and shall be in no way liable for any such interruption to the service. Copyright and intellectual property The www.refdoc.fr site, and more specifically its content, is protected by current French copyright laws. Inist-Cnrs (as host) is the exclusive intellectual property rights and copyright holder for the whole site and its content (text, photographs, illustrations, images, logos, etc...). All content reproduced on the site is covered by copyright and any reproduction or distribution of that content without the prior written authorization of Inist-Cnrs (as host) shall be considered a breach of copyright for which the breaching party shall be subject to legal action and criminal penalties. All texts and illustrations which are specified as being covered by a Creative Commons licence may be reproduced, distributed or modified under certain conditions without necessarily requesting prior authorization. "INIST Diffusion SA" and "Inist-Cnrs" are registered trademarks. Any unauthorized reproduction of these trademarks, logos and all distinguishing signs linked to them shall be considered an infringement of copyright punishable by legal action and civil and criminal penalties. Any party breaching these rights shall be liable for civil and criminal prosecution and shall be subject to the specific penalties set out in articles L. 335.2 and L. 343.1 of the French "Intellectual Property Code" (Code de la Propriété Intellectuelle). Personal Data To respect the privacy of its users, INIST Diffusion SA warrants that the collection and management of personal data carried out on this site shall be carried out in compliance with French Act 78-17 of January 6th 1978 on Data Processing, Data Files and Individual Liberties (Art 34 and Art 36), known as the "Data Protection and Individual Liberties Act" (Loi Informatique et Libertés). In compliance with article 34 of the aforementioned French "Data Protection and Individual Liberties Act", INIST Diffusion SA grants the user the right to reject, access and modify all personal data. The user may exercise this right by: - using the contact form available on the site - by sending an e-mail to this address: infoclient@inist.fr Responsibility The www.refdoc.fr site provides free consultation of around 35 million bibliographical records in the fields of Science, Technology, Medicine, Humanities and Social Sciences. It also allows users to buy document copies and track their orders on line. As such, INIST Diffusion SA shall be in no way responsible for the use of the information and content available on the whole site. Access to certain sections of the www.refdoc.fr site shall require the use of an identifier and a password. This password shall be chosen by the user and shall be personal and confidential. The user hereby undertakes to keep his/her password secret and not to reveal it in any way whatsoever. The user shall use this identifier and password on the internet at his/her own risk. The user shall take all necessary steps to protect his/her personal data. However INIST Diffusion SA hereby undertakes to employ all necessary means to guarantee the security and confidentiality of all data provided by the user. The user is hereby informed that one or more cookies containing no personal information may be placed on his/her hard disk to permit user identification. The user hereby declares his/her knowledge of the limits and constraints associated with the internet network and thus recognizes that it is impossible to guarantee completely the security of internet data exchanges. INIST Diffusion SA shall not be held responsible for any damages incurred by the user which are linked to the transmission via the service of any information including the identifier and password. INIST Diffusion SA shall be in no way held liable, within the limits of all applicable laws, for any damages and/or losses, whether they be direct or indirect, material or non-material or indeed of any kind, which result from the unavailability of the service or any form of use of the service. The term "use" shall be understood in its broadest sense namely any form of usage of the site, legal or not. The user hereby undertakes to comply with all current statutes and regulations in France on an overall basis. Force majeure INIST Diffusion SA shall be in no way held responsible for any cases of "force majeure" as defined by French law and case law or any other events beyond its control. Modifications to this contract INIST Diffusion SA reserves the right to modify the terms, conditions and notices of this contract at any time. Therefore the user is advised to regularly consult the latest version of these terms and conditions of use on the www.refdoc.fr site. Duration and termination The parties enter into this contract for an indefinite period which shall start with the first use of the service by the user. Applicable law and jurisdiction All legal rules applicable to content and the transmission of data on and around the site shall be governed and construed in accordance with French law. In the event of any dispute which cannot be settled by amicable agreement, the French "Court of Appeal of Nancy" courts have sole jurisdiction. Sales terms and conditions Effective 15 March 2010 INIST Diffusion SA is a Cnrs subsidiary whose objects are the publication, dissemination, and distribution of scientific and technical information products and services in France and abroad, notably the products and services of Inist (Institut de l’Information Scientifique et Technique), a Cnrs service unit. 1. General 1.1 These General Terms and Conditions of Sale are available online on our internet websites. Consequently, by placing an order a customer fully and unreservedly accepts these General Terms and Conditions of Sale, which are applicable to all orders accepted by INIST Diffusion SA. 1.2 In the event of a conflict between these General Terms and Conditions of Sale and any other document made out before the date of the order (e.g. permanent subscription contract, primary document supply agreement, monthly invoicing agreement) or the customer’s Terms and Conditions of Purchase, these General Terms and Conditions of Sale shall prevail. Accordingly, unless they are explicitly accepted in writing, any other terms and conditions of the customer shall be unenforceable against INIST Diffusion SA, regardless of when INIST Diffusion SA was made aware of such other terms and conditions. Notwithstanding the provisions of these General Terms and Conditions of Sale, INIST Diffusion SA may stipulate special terms and conditions for the use of its products and services. 1.3 In the event of purchase using Units of Credit (Unité de Compte - UC), an "order" is deemed to include any request made by the customer for the supply of a product delivered as part of a service (hereafter the "Product") or for the opening of an account, such request being made by means of a purchase order sent to INIST Diffusion SA by post or any other reliable means not subject to tampering. Copy and copyright fees are debited in UCs according to the prices in effect at the time. UCs are non-refundable and are valid for three (3) years from the month of purchase. After three (3) years, unused UCs are no longer valid. 1.4 In the case of any other method of payment (credit card payment, PayPal®, etc.), a request made electronically for the supply of a product is considered an order. 1.5 Any modification or cancellation of an order requested by the customer shall only be considered if proper notice is given in writing prior to acceptance of the initial order as defined by French law. If INIST Diffusion SA does not accept the modification or cancellation, any down payment(s) made by the customer shall be refundable in goods only. Risk passes upon tender of delivery of the product(s) to the carrier on the premises of INIST Diffusion SA or when the product is made available online. Accordingly, products are shipped at the risk and cost of the customer. If a problem should arise, it is up to the customer to file any claims with the carrier. 2. Obligations of INIST Diffusion SA 2.1 Delivery Delivery is effective upon tender of delivery of the product(s) to a carrier on the premises of INIST Diffusion SA, or when the product is made available online. 2.2 Claims Without prejudice to any action to be taken vis-à-vis the carrier, any claim regarding a product supplied shall be submitted in writing within the following time periods: - Document delivery services: STANDARD and OTHER SERVICES - 60 day - All other products (unless expressly provided for otherwise by INIST Diffusion SA): Defective CD-ROM - 60 day Times given run from the time of delivery as specified in clause 2.1 above. Responsibility for proof of any defect or problem lies with the customer. All product returns require an express written agreement between INIST Diffusion SA and the customer. Any product returned without such agreement shall be held for pick-up by the customer, who shall not be issued a credit note. Non-conforming products or products with a patent defect, duly established by the vendor as described above, may be replaced free of charge or a credit note may be issued to the customer once the quantity and quality of the returned products have been verified, provided however, that the customer shall not be entitled to any other compensation or damages. INIST Diffusion SA shall not be liable for any defect or damage due to normal wear and tear or external circumstances (errors in assembly, faulty maintenance, abnormal use) or any change to the product for which no provision was made. 2.3 Costs and risks arising from product returns Any return of a product to INIST Diffusion SA, for whatever reason, shall be subject to prior written approval and shall be the responsibility of the customer who shall bear all related costs (shipping, custom duties, taxes, etc...) and risks. In addition, the product shall be returned undamaged in the original packaging. 3. Delivery Time INIST Diffusion SA fulfils its delivery obligations by delivering the product to the carrier or by making the product available online and the customer shall be informed of the delivery dates of goods when the customer makes an order. 4. Prices And Payment 4.1 Orders for the supply of copies of documents shall be accepted and filled either by debiting an account previously opened by the customer and containing sufficient funds for payment (except in the case of a monthly billing agreement signed by the customer and INIST Diffusion SA) or by secure online payment. Unless otherwise indicated in writing, orders for all other categories of products shall only be accepted once payment has been made in full. 4.2 Orders can only be completed if the purchase order includes all of the information identifying the customer and the product required by INIST Diffusion SA to effectively process the order. 4.3 The prices entered on accepted purchase orders are the prices appearing on our internet websites on the day the order is accepted. Prices will be provided to customers on request. INIST Diffusion SA may grant discounts on copies of documents to French government research agencies and institutions of higher education, as well as to students in France. 4.4 Products marketed by INIST Diffusion SA and product prices as they appear on the company’s website (for information purposes only) may be changed at any time without prior notice to customers. Unless modified, prices are deemed to be binding once an order has been accepted by INIST Diffusion SA. 4.5 Several methods of payment are available (deposit account, cash payment, etc.) according to individual customer and product requirements. INIST Diffusion SA reserves the right to add to or modify said payment methods without prior notice. 4.6 No discount shall be given for early payment. 4.7 In the event of purchase by unit of account (UC), an invoice payable by the date specified on the purchase order shall be issued for each order upon receipt of the purchase order. A customer who opens more than one account may not under any circumstances request that a debit balance be set off against the credit balance on another account, even in the event of a claim. In the event of a dispute concerning an item on an invoice that the customer failed to supply to INIST Diffusion SA, the invoice shall not be cancelled but must be paid by the customer. 4.8 Any payment which is partially or fully overdue on the day following the payment date stipulated on the bill, shall lead to interest payments being incurred by the customer. Any delay in payment shall give INIST Diffusion SA the right to demand full payment of all amounts due before any other order shall be processed. The interest rate for late payment shall be three times the legal rate in force. 4.9 In the event of failure to pay for products supplied by INIST Diffusion SA under these General Terms and Conditions of Sale, INIST Diffusion SA reserves the right to:- suspend the current subscription and/ or monthly billing agreement until the amounts due are paid in full,- stop shipments in case of failure to pay for a prior partial delivery,- refuse any future orders from the customer if the customer contests a prior order that has already been delivered, except in the case of an error attributable to INIST Diffusion SA. None of these steps shall cancel the customer’s debt to INIST Diffusion SA. INIST Diffusion SA shall be responsible for freight costs for the initial delivery of the product, unless otherwise indicated on the price list. All other costs (including customs duties) shall be borne by the customer. If for any reason a subsequent delivery of the same products is made at the customer's request, the freight costs shall be paid by the customer. 5. Ownership - Reproduction Rights – Liability 5.1 All orders accepted by INIST Diffusion SA are payable by the customer, even if the customer has already placed an order for the same product. 5.2 INIST Diffusion SA shall not be liable for the contents of any products supplied. 5.3 Use of the products supplied by INIST Diffusion SA is strictly limited to private use by the consignee. Products shall under no circumstances be reproduced, sold or communicated to a third party to facilitate the reproduction thereof without the prior agreement of the Centre Français d’Exploitation du Droit de Copie (French Copyright Clearing Centre) for hard copies. 5.4 All products marketed by INIST Diffusion SA are protected by the provisions of the French Intellectual Property Code. All reproduction, representation and exploitation rights are reserved. 5.5 Any infringement of the Intellectual Property Code discovered by INIST Diffusion SA or by the rights holder of the products may result in legal proceedings being brought against the infringer. INIST Diffusion SA reserves the right to refuse any further orders from any customer involved in such proceedings. 5.6 In compliance with the contract signed with the French Copyright Center, INIST Diffusion SA is entitled to supply a maximum of 10% of any book and 30% of a publication. 6. Disputes The courts of Nancy shall have exclusive jurisdiction for any dispute that may arise. 7. Applicable Law In the event of a dispute leading to litigation, the commercial relations of INIST Diffusion SA and its customers shall be exclusively governed by French law.
Editorial Board

Editeur / Publisher

Universidad de Murcia, Murcia, ESPAGNE  (1998) (Revue)

Localisation / Location

INIST-CNRS, Cote INIST : 26238, 35400018315391.0050

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