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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

"Its wide-ranging coverage and the quality of its contributions make French Cultural Studies an invaluable research and teaching resource for those working in French studies." Jean Duffy University of Edinburgh, UK

French Cultural Studies responds to the important changes that have affected the study of French culture, language and society in all sections of the education system. It provides a forum for the research into all aspects of modern French culture.

The study of literature has a place in the journal, but particular prominence is given to such areas as cinema, television, the press, the visual arts, popular culture and cultural and intellectual debate.

Aims and Scope:

Aims and scope: French Cultural Studies is a fully peer reviewed international journal that publishes international research on all aspects of French culture in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries. Articles are welcome on such areas as cinema, television and radio, the press, the visual arts, popular culture, cultural policy and cultural and intellectual debate.

French Cultural Studies is designed to respond to the important changes that have affected the study of French culture, language and society in all sections of the education system. The journal encourages and provides a forum for the full range of work being done on all aspects of modern French culture. The study of literature has a place in the journal, but particular prominence is given to such areas as cinema, television, the press, the visual arts, popular culture, and cultural and intellectual debate. The emphasis is on the 20th century, but the study of the roots of modern culture is also seen as a major interest of the journal.

Instructions to Authors

Manuscript Submission Guidelines:

Please note that from Volume 15 (2004), French Cultural Studies will feature abstracts and keywords; in addition, the footnotes will be replaced by endnotes and a reference list, as detailed below.

Submission of mss: typescripts in English or French should be submitted via email to Professor Nicholas Hewitt, Department of French, School of Modern Languages, University of Nottingham, Nottingham NG7 2RD, UK. e-mail: nick.hewitt@nottingham.ac.uk. They should be clearly typed using double spacing.

Covering letter: please attach to every submission a letter confirming that all authors have agreed to the submission and that the article is not currently being considered for publication by any other journal.

Format of mss: Each manuscript should contain:

(i) title page with full title and subtitle (if any). For the purposes of blind refereeing, full name of each author with current affiliation and full address/phone/fax/email details plus short biographical note should be supplied on a separate sheet.

(ii) abstract of 100-150 words

(iii) 5-8 key words

(iv) main text and word count - suggested target is about 6000 words. Text to be clearly organized, with a clear hierarchy of headings and subheadings and quotations exceeding 40 words displayed, indented, in the text

(v) end notes, if necessary, should be signalled by superscript numbers in the main text and listed at the end of the text before the references

(vi) references in both the text and end notes should follow Harvard style. References should be cited in the text as: (author, date: page)

(vii) an alphabetical references section should follow the text (and end notes if any), using the Harvard system, as follows:


Author A, Author B (year) Book title. Place: Publisher name.

Clark JM, Hockey L (1979) Research for Nursing. Leeds: Dobson Publishers.

Chapter in a book:

Author A (year) Chapter title. In: Author A (ed.) Book Title. Place: Publisher, 00-00.

Author A (year) Chapter title. In: Author A, Author B (eds) Book Title. Place: Publisher, 00-00.

Gumley V (1988) Skin cancers. In: Tschudin V and Brown EB (eds) Nursing the Patient with Cancer. London: Hall House, 26-52

Article in a journal:

Author A, Author B, (year) Article title. Journal vol(iss): 00-00.

Author A, Author B, and Author C (year) Article title. Journal vol(iss): 00-00.

Author A, Author B, Author C, et al. (year) Article title. Journal vol(iss): 00-00.

Huth EJ, King K, and Lock S (1988) Uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals. British Medical Journal 296(4): 401-405.

Article in a journal published ahead of print:

Author A, Author B, (year) Article title. Journal 00: 1-00 (accessed 00 month year).

Author A, Author B, and Author C (year) Article title. Journal 00: 1-00 (accessed 00 month year).

Author A, Author B, Author C, et al. (year) Article title. Journal 00: 1-00 (accessed 00 month year).

Huth EJ, King K, and Lock S (1988) Uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals. British Medical Journal 00: 1-4 (accessed 7 October 2009).

Note: volume is given as "00".


Surname, X. (year) 'Title of Article', Name of Journal vol.no.(issue no.), URL (consulted Month, Year): http:/xxxx.xxxx.xx.xx/xxxx/xxxx

Tables: tables should be typed (double line-spaced) on separate sheets and their position indicated by a marginal note in the text. All tables should have short descriptive captions with footnotes and their source(s) typed below the tables.

Illustrations: all line diagrams and photographs are termed 'Figures' and should be referred to as such in the manuscript. They should be numbered consecutively. Line diagrams should be presented in a form suitable for immediate reproduction (i.e. not requiring redrawing), each on a separate A4 sheet. They should be reproducible to a final printed text area of 185 mm x 130 mm. Illustrations on disk should be supplied as TIF or EPS files at high resolution. Photographs should preferably be submitted as clear, glossy, unmounted black and white prints with a good range of contrast. Slides are also acceptable. All figures should have short descriptive captions typed on a separate sheet. Further details are available on the journal website or from Journal Production, SAGE.

Authors are responsible for obtaining permissions from copyright holders for reproducing any illustrations, tables, figures or lengthy quotations previously published elsewhere. Permission letters must be supplied to SAGE.

Style: use a clear readable style, avoiding jargon. If technical terms or acronyms must be included, define them when first used. Use non-racist, non-sexist language and plurals rather than he/she.

Spellings: UK or US spellings may be used with '-ize' spellings as given in the Oxford English Dictionary (e.g. organize, recognize).

Punctuation: use single quotation marks with double quotes inside single quotes. Present dates in the form 1 May 1998. Do not use points in abbreviations, contractions or acronyms (e.g. AD, USA, Dr, PhD).

Disks: on acceptance of your manuscript for publication, you will be asked to supply another diskette (IBM-compatible or Mac) of the final version.

Proofs and offprints: authors will receive proofs of their articles and be asked to send corrections within 2 weeks. Authors will receive electronic offprints of their article and a complimentary journal copy. A maximum of 5 journal copies will be supplied for multi-authored articles. These will be supplied to the main author

Book reviews should be submitted to Professor Nicholas Hewitt, Department of French, School of Modern Languages, University of Nottingham,

Nottingham, NG7 2RD, UK in the same form as articles. The title of the book should be listed as X.X. Author, Title of Book. Place of publication: publisher, date of publication. Pp. xx + XXX. £XX. ISBN 0-XXX-XXXXX-X.

Peer Review Policy: French Cultural Studies adheres to a rigorous double-blind reviewing policy in which the identity of the reviewer and author are always concealed from both parties. Each manuscript is reviewed by at least two referees and all manuscripts are reviewed as rapidly as possible.

SAGE requires the author as the rights holder to sign a Journal Contributor's Publishing Agreement for all articles we publish. SAGE's Journal Contributor Publishing Agreement is a licence agreement under which the author retains copyright in the works but grants SAGE the sole and exclusive right and licence to publish for the full legal term of copyright


Editorial Board

Associate Editors:                  Nicola Cooper            University of Swansea, Wales

                                             Susan Harris               Queen Mary, University of London, UK

                                             Michael Kelly              University of Southampton, UK

                                             Emma Wilson             Cambridge University, UK

Editorial Advisory Board:       Robert Abirached        Universita de Paris X, France

                                             Christophe Campos     Universite de Londres a Paris, France

                                             Monica Charlot          

                                             T J Clark                   University of California at Berkeley, USA

                                             Peter Cryle                 University of Queensland, Australia

                                             Clive Emsley              Open University, UK

                                             Luc Ferry                  Universit?de Caen, France

                                             John Flower              

                                             Richard Griffiths         King's College, London, UK

                                             Marie-Paule Ha           University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

                                             Stanley Hoffman         Harvard University, USA

                                             Roderick Kedward      University of Sussex, UK

                                             Annette Lavers           University College, London, UK

                                             Philippe Lejeune          Universita  de Paris XIII, France

                                             Colin Nettelbeck         Melbourne University, Australia

                                             Pascal Ory                 Universita  de Versailles, France

                                             W D Redfern              University of Reading, UK

                                             Kristin Ross               New York University, USA

                                             Pierre Sorlin               Universita de Paris III, France

                                             C W Thompson          University of Warwick, UK

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