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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Basic information

      Estudios Atacameños, Arqueología y Antropología Surandinas is a biannual journal Publisher by the Instituto de Investigaciones Arqueológicas y Museo (IIAM) de la Universidad Católica del Norte.

Estudios Atacameños, Arqueología y Antropología Surandinas publishes original contributions that result from archaeological, social-anthropological, ethno-historical and bio-anthropological research carried out in the South-Central Andes.

Volumes preceding number 22 can be found in PDF format at

Volume 22 onwards can be accessed at www.scielo.cl

Its abbreviated title is Estud Atacameños, and it should be used in bibliographies, footnotes, references and bibliographic strips.          

Information services

      The articles published in Estudios Atacameños, Arqueología y Antropología Surandinas are indexed or summarized by:

  • Scientific Electronic Library Online (www.scielo.cl)
  • Red de Revistas Científicas de América Latina y el Caribe, España y Portugal en Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades.
  • Latindex, Catálogo. Sistema Regional de Información en Línea para Revistas Científicas de América Latina, el Caribe, España y Portugal en Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades (http://www.redalyc.com)

Clase. Base de Datos Bibliográfica de Revistas de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades (http:/dgbiblio.unam.mx/clase.html)                                             


                 Universidad Católica del Norte. All Rights Reserved. The contents of this journal may not be copied or transmitted in any format or by any means, be they electronic or mechanical (fotocopy or recording), without previous written autorization from the Editor.                                  


      The publication of this journal is funded by:

  • Instituto de Investigaciones Arqueológicas y Museo of the Universidad Católica del Norte.
  • Relevant Publications Support Fund of the Universidad Católica del Norte.
  • Numbers 33 and 34 corresponding to year 2007, were co-funded by the Scientific Publications Support Fund of CONICYT.


Instructions to Authors

Scope and policy

                 Estudios Atacameños, Arqueología y Antropología Surandinas, publishes original contributions that result from archaeological, social-anthropological, ethno-historical and bio-anthropological research carried out in the South-Central Andes. Whoever would wish to publish in Estudios Atacameños, Arqueología y Antropología Surandinas must send manuscripts according to the journal’s editorial guidelines. After receipt, contributions are evaluated by the Editorial Board and two external reviewers. Once the manuscripts are accepted, and before publication, authors are requested to assign copyright to Estudios Atacameños, Arqueología y Antropología Surandinas, which can publish the articles in hard copy and/or electronic formats, including the internet.                                           

Form and preparation of manuscripts

      Basic guidelines

Manuscripts should be written in Spanish in font Times New Roman, size 12, Normal style.

Text length, including all sections, bibliography and annexes, should not exceed 30 pages (Letter), single spacing, margins 2.5 cm.

It is responsibility of the author to follow the guidelines, revise the orthography and provide clear high-resolution images.

1.  Manuscript sections:


  •   Summary in Spanish (5 to 10 lines maximum)
  • Key words in Spanish
  • Abstract in English (5 to 10 lines maximum)
  • Key words in English
  • Text
  • Acknowledgements
  • Annexes

·                    References quoted in text


2. Article Title: Font Times New Roman size 18, lowercase, centred.


3. Authors: Author name or names should be justified to the right margin. Detailed institutional affiliation(s) and postal or electronic address(es) should appear in a numbered footnote.


4.  Text: it can be developed in segments that, depending on the way that they are included into each other, will be signified by means of primary, secondary and tertiary titles.


    Primary titles should be written using lowercase letters in bold and justified to the left.


    Secondary titles should be written in normal lowercase letters aligned to the left.


    Tertiary titles should appear at the beginning of the corresponding paragraph, in italics, and separated from the text by a period.


    The titles of the Summary and Abstract should be written in bold capital letters, and their texts in italic.


    Paragraphs should have no indentation.


5.  Footnotes: all notes should appear as succesively numbered footnotes (1, 2, 3…), following the sequence initiated by the information on the author.


6.  Tables and graphs: all tables and graphs should be numbered following the order in which they are mentioned in the text. A short lowercase title for each table and graph also should be provided.


7. Figures (photographs, maps drawings): they should be in black and white, numbered sequentially, in the same order in which they are cited in the text, and abide by the same specifications mentioned for tables and graphs. They should be sent in separate archives (TIFF or JPG format), and with a resolution of 300 dpi or higher.


8. Bibliography: Cited references should appear in the following order: author(s), year, title, publisher, and place of publication. Authors’ names are to be written in capital letters. Only the first letter of the article’s title should be capitalized, while the title of journals, books or monographs have to appear in italics. Only the author’s initial should be included; when there is more than one author, only the first one’s should mention the name after the surname. All articles pages should be numbered.

Book quotation:

HAMPTON, D. R., C. E. SUMMER y R. A. WEBER, 1978. Organizational behavior and the practice of management. Editorial Scott Foresman, Glenview, Illinois.

Journal quotation:

MUNIZAGA, J., 1974. Deformación craneal y momificación en Chile. Anales de Antropología 11: 329-336.

Quotation of an article in a book:

NICHOLS, D. L., 1987. Prehispanic irrigation at Teotiahuacán, new evidence: The Tlajinga canals. En Teotiahuacán: Nuevos datos, nuevas síntesis, nuevos problemas, E. McClung de Tapia y E. C. Rattray (Eds.), pp. 133-160. Universidad Autónoma de México, México D. F.

Quotation of an article in a volume series:

KHOL, P. L., 1987. The use and abuse of world systems theory: The case of the Pristine West Asian State. En Advances of archaeological method and theory, vol. 11, M. Schiffer (Ed.), pp. 1-35. Academic Press, San Diego. 

Sending manuscripts

      Please send one hard copy of your submission along with one electronic copy (CD, Word format) to:

  • Carolina Agüero P.
    Instituto de Investigaciones Arqueológicas y Museo
    Universidad Católica del Norte
    Gustavo Le Paige #380
    San Pedro de Atacama
    Región de Antofagasta
    1410000 - Chile
    Email: eatacam@ucn.cl
    And a copy to: maguero@ucn.cl


Editorial Board


                 María Carolina Agüero Piwonka
Universidad Católica del Norte
Casilla 17
San Pedro de Atacama
II Región - Chile
Teléfono-Fax: (56-55) 851002


  •   Victoria Castro, Sociedad Chilena de Arqueología.
  • Hans Gundermann K., Universidad Católica del Norte, San Pedro de Atacama.

Cecilia Sanhueza, Universidad Católica del Norte, San Pedro de Atacama.   

Advising Committee

  •   MARÍA ESTHER ALBECK, Universidad Nacional de Jujuy, San Salvador de Jujuy, Argentina.
  • CARLOS ALDUNATE DEL S., Museo Chileno de Arte Precolombino, Santiago, Chile.
  • CARLOS ASCHERO, Universidad Nacional de Tucumán, Tucumán, Argentina.
  • VERÓNICA CERECEDA B., Fundación de Antropólogos del Surandino (ASUR), Sucre, Bolivia.
  • JORGE HIDALGO L., Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile.
  • ALEJANDRO ISLA P., CONICET – FLACSO, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
  • DONALD JACKSON S., Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile.
  • DANIÈLE LAVALLÉE V., Centro Nacional de Investigación Científica de Francia (CNRS), Nanterre, Francia.
  • LUIS GUILLERMO LUMBRERAS S., Museo Nacional de Antropología, Arqueología e Historia del Perú, Lima, Perú.
  • THOMAS LYNCH, Brazos Valley Museum of Natural History, Bryan, Texas, Estados Unidos.
  • JOSÉ LUIS MARTÍNEZ C., Universidad de Chile y Universidad Academia de Humanismo Cristiano, Santiago, Chile.
  • BETTY MEGGERS R., Smithsonian Institution, Washington D. C., Estados Unidos.
  • SONIA MONTECINO A., Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile.
  • WALTER NEVES, Universidad de Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brasil.
  • JULIO PINTO V., Universidad de Santiago de Chile, Santiago, Chile.
  • TRISTAN PLATT, University of St. Andrews, St. Andrews, Escocia.
  • CALOGERO SANTORO V., Universidad de Tarapacá, Arica, Chile.
  • CHARLES STANISH, Cotsen Institute of Archaeology, University of California, Los Angeles, Estados Unidos.
  • MYRIAM TARRAGÓ F., Universidad de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
  • CHRISTINA TORRES-ROUFF, The Colorado College, Colorado, Estados Unidos.
  • MAURICIO URIBE R., Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile.
  • JOHN VERANO, Tulane University, New Orleans, Estados Unidos.

FRANCISCO ZAPATA, El Colegio de México, México D. F., México.        


  •            Andros Impresores


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