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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Agenda comprises poetry, critical essays and reviews in general anthology issues, special issues which focus on a well-known poet alive or dead, and international issues. A general selection of poems and essays also appear in each issue.

Agenda has put many now famous poets on the map such as: William Carlos Williams, Theodore Roethke, Ted Hughes, Tom Scott, Elizabeth Jennings, Roy Fuller, Ian Hamilton, Peter Dale, C.H. Sisson, Charles Tomlinson, Geoffrey Hill, R.S.Thomas, Michael Hamburger, Jon Silkin, Ken Smith.

It regularly publishes new work by, among many others, Seamus Heaney, John Montague, John Burnside, Brendan Kennelly, John F.Deane, David Harsent, Heather Buck. Indeed, Agenda consistently discovers fresh, talented voices from every English-speaking continent, revives undeservedly neglected poets and offers versions or translations of poetry from specific countries that one would usually have no access to. For example there have been Spanish, Greek, Indian, and Turkish issues.

As well as general anthology issues, Special issues focus on a particular well-established poet, alive or dead (sometimes an undeservedly neglected one). For example there have been special issues on, among others: Thomas Hardy, T.S. Eliot, Ezra Pound, Robert Lowell, William Carlos Williams, Hugh MacDiarmid, Kathleen Raine, Geoffrey Hill, David Jones, R.S. Thomas, Thom Gunn, Charles Tomlinson, Peter Dale, Seamus Heaney, Derek Walcott. As Seamus Heaney says: The Special issues form an indispensable contribution to the contemporary critical record. Each Special issue includes original work by the particular poet as well as original critical essays on different aspects of his/her work.

Young Voices (16 - Late 30s) and Young Artists
A new initiative: the online Broadsheets for young poets (aged 16-late thirties) accompanies each issue of the magazine. Broadsheets 1 and 2 were colour posters, with poems and a piece of art work on the front by a young artist. The online Broadsheets in a long scroll-like form, with art work by young artists link inextricably to the magazine. In each issue, there are Notes for Broadsheet poets on the craft, technique and inspiration involved in writing poetry. Also, one or two chosen Broadsheet poets are given a wider spread and highlighted in each magazine. A young essayist and reviewer are also featured in the magazine.

Instructions to Authors


What kind of work the Editor looks for:

  • Poems that are deeply felt and well-crafted
  • Essays/reviews that are challenging, original and well-constructed.

It is hoped to develop a lively critical forum within the pages of Agenda and online.

What kind of work the Editor would like to see less of:

  • Oversentimental, cliche-ridden poetry; poetry with dumdidum rhymes that boss the poet into using particular words just for the sake of the pat rhymes; poetry that is badly crafted and too prosaic, and poetry that does not come from the heart
  • Essays/reviews that use academic jargon ad nauseam, have too few examples, too few quotations.
  • Essays that are too obsequious, too obviously pandering to the writer in question.

Up to fifty poems are published in an issue, depending on whether it is a double or a single issue, and up to as many as 20 books are reviewed. Several essays are usually included also. Around 25 poems appear on each online Broadsheet.

Send no more than six poems or two essays/reviews, with address,e-mail address,age and a short biography.

Submissions for the magazine and for the online Broadsheets should be sent in the first instance by post with a large stamped addressed envelope to the Editor, and, important, your email address.

Patricia McCarthy
The Wheelwrights
Fletching Street
East Sussex
TN20 6TL

Submissions cannot be returned unless accompanied by a large stamped addressed envelope.

All submissions are read and returned as soon as possible.

As a general rule we do not accept previously published material.

Editorial Board
Patricia McCarthy Editor
Marcus Frederick ( Fred ) Admin

The Editor
The Wheelwrights
Fletching Street
East Sussex
TN20 6TL

Tel: 01435 873703 (office hours 9am-5pm)

Email: editor@agendapoetry.co.uk

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