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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Basic Information

       The journal Atenea, published by the University of Concepcion, is published twice a year.

Its objective is to circulate research and critical reflection in the area of Chilean and Latin American Culture.

It includes relevant themes of different disciplines (literary, sociological, fine arts, historical, scientific, etc.), arising from research and studies coming from the university and intellectual areas of Chile and Latin America.
It is a publication aimed at researchers, thinkers, artists and readers in general who are interested in the development of ideas, knowledge and critical intellectual dialogue.                                                        

Indexed in

       The articles in Atenea are indexed in:

Hispanic American Periodicals Index - HAPI

ISI Thomson Reuters, Art and Humanities Citation Index

Scientific Electronic Library Online - SciELO

Red de Revistas Cient¨ªficas de Am¨¦rica Latina y el Caribe, España y Portugal, Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades - Red ALyC      


      Universidad de Concepci¨®n.  


       Universidad de Concepci¨®n.

Instructions to Authors

Author information

       The journal Atenea, published by the University of Concepcion, is published twice a year.

Its objective is to circulate research and critical reflection in the area of Chilean and Latin American Culture.

It includes relevant themes of different disciplines (literary, sociological, fine arts, historical, scientific, etc.), arising from research and studies coming from the university and intellectual areas of Chile and Latin America.

It is a publication aimed at researchers, thinkers, artists and readers in general who are interested in the development of ideas, knowledge and critical intellectual dialogue.

Atenea considers for publication previously unpublished manuscripts, which will be submitted to evaluation according to what is indicated in point 2 of the Norms of Publication

We welcome works for inclusion in the following sections of the journal:

  • Articles, with a maximum extension of 20 pages, including bibliographical references and abstracts in Spanish and English.
  • Notes, with a maximum of 10 pages.
  • Art, with a maximum of 12, including illustrations.
  • Interviews, no longer than 12 pages maximum, including illustrations.

Reviews, with a maximum extension of 4 pages.                                    

Publication Norms

       Publication Norms

1. Originals.
The contributions to the journal should be double spaced, on letter size paper with margens of 3 cms. left to right and top and bottom in New Times Roman, 12 point. Each manuscript should include:

a. Title of article
b. Name of author(s)
c. Specialty, institution and email of the author(s).
d. Resumen and palabras claves in Spanish.
e. Abstract and key words in English.

1.1 Two printed copies of the article as well as a diskette of 3,5¡± or CD (with author¡¯s name and title of article) in Word for Windows (extension RTF).

1.2. Illustrations. The Journal ATENEA welcomes the presence of graphic images in its pages and encourages authors to complement their text with prints, photographs, illustrations or drawings of documentary and artistic value. When no graphic images are included, the director of the journal reserves the right to illustrate the text without the previous consultation of its authors. Photographic material should be submitted on glossy paper or in archives ¡°jpeg¡± or ¡°tif¡± with a resolution of at least 300 dpi and of a size no smaller than 12 cm in width and on a compact disc (ISO).

For color photographs, slides of 6 x 6 or 35 millimeters should be submitted, duly identified and indicating the sense or orientation of the motive.

1.3. Quotes and bibliographical references.
Quotes within the body of the text and the final list of references should be presented in the American Psychological Association (A.P.A.) format:

a) When the last name of the author forms part of the narrative, only the year of publication of the article is included within parenthesis.
Example: Gonz¨¢lez (2001) studied the relationship between¡­
b) When the last name of the author doesn¡¯t form part of the narrative of the text, both the last name of the author and the year of publication are included in parenthesis, separated by a comma.

The study of the relationship between politics and language (Gonz¨¢lez, 2001) opened up a new perspective¡­
c) When both the date and the last name of the author form part of the sentence, parentheses are not used:

Example: In 2001 Gonz¨¢lez studied the relationship between politics and language¡­
d) If there is more than one work/article by a single author appearing in the same year, the citation will include a letter in sequence, following the year.
Example: (Gonz¨¢lez, 2001a, Gonz¨¢lez, 2001b, etc.)
The bibliographical references in the final list should be in alphabetical order and by year of publication in the case of more than one work by the same author.

Journals: Last name of each author, first name or names, date of publication, title of the publication (in parenthesis), name of the journal (in italics or underlined), the volume, and the initial page-final page of the article.
Example: Gonz¨¢lez, Manuel. 2000. ¡°Pol¨ªtica y lenguaje¡±, en Atenea 485, pp. 21-26.

Books: The last name of each author, first name or names, year of publication, book title (in italics or underlined), edition, volume, chapter and/or pages, city and country where it was published and the name of the publisher.

Example: Gonz¨¢lez, Manuel. 2001. Teor¨ªa del signo, 2ª ed., vol. II, Concepci¨®n, Chile: Editorial Universidad de Concepci¨®n.
All quotations in the work should appear in the final list of references and all of these should be cited in the text.

2. Refereeing and selection of articles. The articles received will be submitted for consideration to the Editorial Committee, being distributed according to theme, among the five specialists on said Committee. If the articles do not correspond exactly to the disciplines of a Committee member, they will be sent either to internal peers of the University or to external peers.

3. Notification.
Reception of the work will be acknowledged to the principle author and if the article is accepted for publication, he or she will receive notification.

4. Order of publication for articles. The order of publication will be according to the criteria of the Director.

5. Submission address. Those interested in publishing in this journal should send their work by certified mail to:

Revista Atenea
Universidad de Concepci¨®n
Biblioteca Central, Of. 11
Campus Universitario
Fono (56-41) 2204590
Fax (56-41) 2228262
Casilla 160-C, Correo 3

Editorial Board


                 Mario Rodr¨ªguez Fern¨¢ndez
Universidad de Concepci¨®n
Casilla 160-C, Correo 3
Tel¨¦fono: (56-41) 2204590
Fax: (56-41) 2228262

Editorial Board

       • Cedomil Goic, Universidad Cat¨®lica de Chile, Chile
• Ram¨®n Latorre, Centro de Estudios Cient¨ªficos, Chile
• Leonardo Mazzei de Grazia, Universidad de Concepci¨®n, Chile
• Daniel Peñailillo Ar¨¦valo, Universidad de Concepci¨®n, Chile
• Mario Silva Osorio, Universidad de Concepci¨®n, Chile
• Mario Suwalsky Weinsumer, Universidad de Concepci¨®n, Chile
• Mario Toral, Universidad Finis Terrae, Chile
• Gilberto Triviños Araneda, Universidad de Concepci¨®n, Chile  

Editorial Production

       Administration, subscriptions and sales
Libe Garavilla D¨ªaz
Universidad de Concepci¨®n
Biblioteca Central
Casilla 160-C, Correo 3
Of. 11, Campus Universitario
Fono: (56-41) 2204590
Fax: (56-41) 2228262
Concepci¨®n, Chile

Layout and design
Oscar Lermanda

Proof Readers
Gabriel Obreque M.
Jos¨¦ Uribe M.

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