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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal


Arheološki vestnik welcomes contributions referring primarily to the south- eastern Alpine, northern Adriatic, and western Balkan regions in the prehistoric, classical, and (early) medieval periods, with the main emphasis on Slovenia and neighbouring lands. Contributions are also welcome from those fields of natural science that illuminate the history and archaeology of this area in interdisciplinary projects.

Arheološki vestnik is the central Slovenian archaeological journal, which publishes contributions according to criteria similar to those of Germania, Gallia, Acta Arch. Hung., or Britannia, for example. Whether considerable in size and scope or quite brief, the editors will only accept MANUSCRIPTS THAT HAVE NOT BEEN AND WILL NOT BE PUBLISHED ELSEWHERE IN SUCH A FORM. The editors recommend that the articles be written concisely. All submitted manuscripts will be sent out for review.

The deadline for contributions is the 1st of October (later only exceptionally and by arrangement). The author should not forget to compose a SUMMARY and ABSTRACT, adding 5 - 8 KEYWORDS (in English) as well as a LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS (corresponding to a framework of 16 x 23 cm; the material is published at a 1:2 scale, pottery at 1:3). The guidelines for citations are laid out in vol. 43, 1992; abbreviations are not necessary. The guidelines for illustrations are published in vol. 54, 2003. As a rule the illustrations are in black and white, and only exceptionally in colour (by agreement with the managing editor). The author is requested to read proofs and make corrections within three weeks. After publication, the author will receive 30 off-prints.

Editorial Board: Dragan Božič, Slavko Ciglenečki, Bojan Djurić, Andreja Dolenc Vičič (Managing editor), Janez Dular, Stane Gabrovec (Managing Editor), Jana Horvat, Primož Pavlin, Marjeta Šašel Kos (Editor-in-Chief), Biba Teržan and Peter Turk
Advisory Editorial Board: Paul Gleirscher in Claudio Zaccaria
Published by: The Institut of Archaeology ZRC SAZU – Co-Published by : SAZU

The Arheološki vestnik is included in:

AHCI - Arts and Humanities Citation Index® (Thomson Reuters)

AIO - Anthropological Index Online - Royal Anthropological Institute, Centre for Anthropology at the British Museum in London

Antiquité - Bulletin analytique d'histoire romaine (BAHR), CNRS/Marc Bloch University, Strasbourg

DYABOLA. Sachkatalog der Bibliothek - Römisch-Germanische Kommission des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts, Frankfurt a. Main

ERIH - European Reference Index for the Humanities - European Science Foundation -Strasbourg

EUROsources - RAABE Fachverlag für Wissenschaftsinformation, Bonn

Francis. Bulletin signalétique 525. Préhistoire et Protohistoire - Institut de l’Information Scientifique et Technique, Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy

IBR - International Bibliography of Book Reviews of Scholarly Literature - Zeller Verlag, Osnabrück

IBZ - International Bibliography of Periodical Literature - Zeller Verlag, Osnabrück

Ulrich’s international periodicals directory - R. R. Bowker, New Providence N. J.

ISSN 0570-8966, 20 x 29 cm, hardcover
ISSN 1581-1204 - for web publishing

Instructions to Authors


Postal Address:   

Arheološki vestnik
Novi trg 2
1000 Ljubljana

Post Office Box:

Arheološki vestnik
p. p. 306
1001 Ljubljana

e-mail: andreja.dolenc@zrc-sazu.si

Telephone: + 386 - 1 - 47 - 06 - 382

Fax: + 386 - 1 - 42 - 57 - 757



1.       technical data

2.       Instructions for citations

3.       Instructions for preparing files


The deadline for contributions is the 1st of October (later only exceptionally and by arrangement). The author should not forget to compose a SUMMARY and ABSTRACT, adding 5 - 8 KEYWORDS (in English) as well as a LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS (corresponding to a framework of 16 x 23 cm; the material is published at a 1:2 scale, pottery at 1:3). The guidelines for citations (see below) are also laid out in vol. 43, 1992; abbreviations are not necessary. The guidelines for illustrations are published in vol. 54, 2003. As a rule the illustrations are in black and white, and only exceptionally in colour (by agreement with the managing editor). The author is requested to read proofs and make corrections within three weeks. After publication, the author will receive 30 off-prints.

(see Arheološki vestnik 43, 1992, 228)

The literature is cited either in the footnotes or within the body of the text.
Examples of citations in footnotes:
1 A. Pleterski, D. Vuga, Rimski grobovi pri Sv. Mihaelu v Iški vasi, Arheološki vestnik 38, 1987, 137 ss. (article in a journal)
2 Ib., 152, t. 2: 2.
3 S. Gabrovec, Umetnost Ilirov v prazgodovinskem obdobju na področju severozahodne in severne Jugoslavije, in: Duhovna kultura Ilira, Posebna izdanja. Centar za balkanološka ispitivanja. Akademija nauka i umjetnosti Bosne i Hercegovine 67/11 (Sarajevo 1984) 41 ss. (article in a collected work or a lexicon)
4 S. Ciglenečki, Pólis Norikón. Poznoantične višinske utrdbe med Celjem in Brežicami (Podsreda 1992) 57 ss. (monograph)
5 Pleterski, Vuga (op. 1) sl. 1. (repeated citation of an article or a monograph)
6 J. Horvat, Nauportus (Vrhnika), Dela 1. razreda SAZU 33 (Ljubljana 1990) pril. 2. (monograph in a series)
7 V. Rychner, Auvernier 6. Auvernier 1968-1975. Le mobilier métalique du Bronze final. Formes et techniques, Cahiers d'archéologie Romande 37 (Lausanne 1987). (publication in several volumes)

The use of abbreviations for journals and collections is not necessary.

If the literature is cited within the text, the reference contains only the author's surname, the year of publication, and possibly also references to page numbers and illustrations. The list of full citations is separately compiled in alphabetical order. Hence, the above citations would appear (in the text) as follows:

... (Pleterski, Vuga 1987) ...
... (ib., 152, t. 2: 2) ...
... (Gabrovec 1984) ...
... (Ciglenečki 1992, 57 ss) ...
... (Pleterski, Vuga 1987, sl. 1) ...
... (Horvat 1990, pril. 2) ...
... (Rychner 1987) ...

CIGLENEČKI, S. 1992, Pólis Norikón. Poznoantične višinske utrdbe med Celjem in Brežicami . -Podsreda.
GABROVEC, S. 1984, Umetnost Ilirov v prazgodovinskem obdobju na področju severozahodne in severne Jugoslavije. - In: Duhovna kultura Ilira, Posebna izdanja. Centar za balkanološka ispitivanja. Akademija nauka i umjetnosti Bosne i Hercegovine 67/11, 41 ss, Sarajevo.
HORVAT, J. 1990, Nauportus (Vrhnika). - Dela 1. razreda SAZU 33, Ljubljana.
PLETERSKI, A. and D. VUGA 1987, Rimski grobovi pri Sv. Mihaelu v Iški vasi. - Arheološki vestnik 38, 137 ss.
RYCHNER, V. 1987, Auvernier 6. Auvernier 1968-1975. Le mobilier métalique du Bronze final. Formes et techniques. - Cahiers d'archéologie Romande 37, Lausanne.

The use of abbreviations for journals and collections is not necessary.

When citing illustrations the following abbreviations are used: Fig. (figure), Pl (plate), Tab. (table), Insert.
The rare finds also include the well-preserved iron bridles (Pl. 12: 1; 13: 2,3,8; 16; 18; Fig. 2: 4,5; 3; 4; Insert 3).

The captions to the illustrations must include the name of the site, the content of the picture, the materials and the measurement scale, if it is not shown in the picture.
Pl. 15: Strmec above Bela Cerkev. Cemetery Košak B, grave 1. 1,3 iron; 2 iron and bronze. Scale 1,2 = 1:2; 3 = 1:4.


  • The text should be saved with "Track Changes" off.
  • Do not create columns.
  • Use no style.
  • Do not use different margin settings for different elements.
  • The entire text should be aligned left.
  • Special characters should be marked in the files and on the print.
  • Captions to figures, tables, plates, etc. should be saved in a separate file. The places where they are to appear should be marked by a short sign only (e.g. Fig.7, etc.)
  • All tables and charts should be saved in a separate file. (Even if you have created them in MS Word or Excell)
  • Avoid formating MS Word tables.
  • Lines in tables and charts should not be thinner than 1/2 and thicker than 1 pt. (More)
  • Tables and charts should always be prepared in shades of gray. (More)
  • The text should be saved as a MS Word document (*.doc) or a rich text format file (*.rtf).
  • A printed copy of the text, tables, charts, etc. should be included with the files on the CD Rom.


Editorial Board

Editorial Board: Dragan Božič, Slavko Ciglenečki, Bojan Djurić, Andreja Dolenc Vičič (Technical Editor), Janez Dular, Stane Gabrovec (Managing Editor), Jana Horvat, Primož Pavlin, Marjeta Šašel Kos (Editor-in-Chief), Biba Teržan and Peter Turk
Advisory Editorial Board: Paul Gleirscher in Claudio Zaccaria
Published by: The Institut of Archaeology ZRC SAZU - Co-Published by : SAZU

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