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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Through the examination of architectural theory and related interdisciplinary studies, Architectural Theory Review provides a forum for the exchange of ideas and information on areas of architectural interest, including studies of space and place, architectural history, the social context of architecture, sustainability, architecture and women, professional practice and ethics, design teaching and the impact of globalisation, science and technology on the built environment.
The journal welcomes submissions which relate architectural theory to contemporary thought in disciplines outside of architecture, including modern philosophical thought, sociology, ethnology, anthropology, gender studies, political theory, historiography, literary theory, ecology, computer theory, and education

Abstracted/Indexed in:

Architectural Theory Review is currently index/abstracted in the Arts and Humanities Citation Index

Instructions to Authors

Architectural Theory Review welcomes submissions via ScholarOneTM Manuscripts site: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/ratr. Please read further details below.

Through the examination of architectural theory and related interdisciplinary studies, Architectural Theory Review provides a forum for the exchange of ideas and information on areas of architectural interest, including studies of space and place, architectural history, the social context of architecture, sustainability, architecture and women, professional practice and ethics, design teaching and the impact of globalisation, science and technology on the built environment. The journal welcomes submissions which relate architectural theory to contemporary thought in disciplines outside of architecture, including modern philosophical thought, sociology, ethnology, anthropology, gender studies, political theory, historiography, literary theory, ecology, computer theory, and education.

Works submitted for publication in Architectural Theory Review will be initially reviewed by the Editors. The authors of refereed works will receive two double blind referee's written evaluations of their submissions. Submissions should not exceed 7000 words. The Editors will also consider for publication Letters to the Editor, book reviews of not more than 1500 words, and short essays of 1000 words.

 Inquiries: The Editors, The Architectural Theory Review

The Faculty of Architecture, Design and Planning

The University of Sydney, NSW 2006 AUSTRALIA

Telephone: (02) 9351 3605 Facsimile: (02) 9351 3031

Email: atr@arch.usyd.edu.au

Manuscript Guidelines

Articles should include an abstract of no more than 100 words.

For detailed guidelines on correct submission format, please visit http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals/authors/style/reference/tf_J.pdf Endnotes should be numbered consecutively and referred to in the body of the text by a superscript number. Where authors are familiar with 'End Note' or 'Reference Manager' they are advised to download Taylor & Francis Reference Style J: British Chicago Endnotes and Bibliography.
1. Smith, The Theory of Architecture, 35.
If the endnote cites morre than one reference, both references must be cited in shortened form.

Reference: Smith, John. The Theory of Architecture, Sydney: Sydney University Press, 1994, 21 (or 21-24).

Endnote: 2. Brown, 'Urban Design Revisited', 110.

Reference: Brown, Mary J. 'Urban Design Revisited,' in Peter Jones and Mary Smith (eds), The History of Urban Design, Melbourne Architectural Publications, 1995, 108-116.

Endnote: Smith, John. 'The Urban Malaise,' 73-74.

Reference: Smith, John. 'The Urban Malaise,' Urban Design Quarterly, 21, no. 3 (August, 1990): 64-82.

Spellings should follow The Oxford English Dictionary or The Macquarie Dictionary.

Illustrations can be in colour for the online version but will be printed in black and white for the hard copy of the journal. Scanned images should be in TIFF format at 300 DPI and should be submitted as they are to appear in dimension. All illustrations must be referred to in the text and a list of captions provided. Information on the copyright status of a reproduction is placed within parentheses at the end of the caption data. Authors are responsible for obtaining permission to publish each of their illustrations and these should be gained as soon as the paper is accepted.


Articles should be submitted online to: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/ratr

Pages should be numbered, and the abstract, title and word count should be included on the first page. A separate page with the author's name, title of paper, abstract, word count - with and without endnotes, and full contact details should be provided with the submission.

Authors published in ATR will need to sign a copyright agreement with Taylor & Francis. See http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals/authors/ratrauth.asp

Editorial Board

Anna Rubbo Biography
Adrian Snodgrass Biography

Managing Editor

Jennifer Gamble

Editorial Committee

Greg Castillo - University of California, Berkeley
Gevork Hartoonian - University of Canberra
Glen Hill - University of Sydney
Duanfang Lu - University of Sydney
Lee Stickells - University of Sydney  

Editorial Board

Samer Akkach - University of Adelaide
Andrew Benjamin - Monash University, Melbourne

Kenneth Costigan - Papua New Guinea University of Technology, Papua New Guinea

Richard Coyne - University of Edinburgh, UK

Harriet Edquist - Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology
Stephen Frith - University of Canberra
Stanislaus Fung - University of New South Wales

Linda Groat - University of Michigan, USA
Elizabeth Grosz - Rutgers University, USA
Errol Haarhoff - University of Auckland, New Zealand
Hugo Hinsley - Architectural Association, London, UK  

Michael Keniger - University of Queensland
Peter Kohane - University of New South Wales
Geoffrey London - University of Western Australia
Desley Luscombe - University of Technology, Sydney

John Macarthur - University of Queensland
Sandra O'Grady - University of Technology, Sydney
Michael Ostwald - University of Newcastle
Xing Ruan - University of New South Wales

Terry Smith - University of Pittsburgh, USA
Virginia Spate - University of Sydney
Sue Stewart - University of Technology, Sydney

Michael Taussig - Columbia University, USA
Jennifer Taylor - Queensland University of Technology

Sophie Watson - The Open University, UK
Peter Webber - University of Sydney
James Weirick - University of New South Wales

Leslie Weisman - New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA
Julie Willis - University of Melbourne
Tamara Winikoff - National Association of the Visual Arts, Sydney

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