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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

The Anuario de Historia de la Iglesia is the journal of the Institute of the History of the Church, of the Faculty of Theology of the University of Navarra. It focuses on ecclesiastical history, religious history, theological history, and the history of art.

First published in 1992. An annual volume of about 600 pages is published each May.

Instructions to Authors
Every year the Editorial Committee of AHIg plans the program of the section Estudios for monographs and calls for papers/articles related to the topic assigned. These should be unpublished articles. They should be presented in a format following the citation guidelines of the Journal.

Manuscripts should be sent to the Director of the Anuario de Historia de la Iglesia (AHIg) before the 30th of November to the following address: Anuario de la Historia de la Iglesia / Edificio de Facultades Eclesiásticas / Universidad de Navarra / 31080 Pamplona / España. The articles should be sent in printed and electronic formats, either in diskettes, CD or by e-mail, as an attached file. E-mails should be addressed to ahig@unav.es. In the case of e-mail submissions, only documents in Word or rtf format will be accepted.

Once the texts are received, two members of the Editorial Committee will make a first evaluation of their scientific quality and of the fulfillment of the formal requirements demanded by the journal. If the opinion is favourable it will be sent to two external referees, together with a questionnaire to evaluate its scientific quality. These reviewers will not have knowledge of the identity of the author, nor vice versa. The possible replies of the experts will be: a) Accept as it is; b) Revise and accept; c) Revise and reconsider; d) Decline. In the case of a difference of opinion between the two reviewers it will be sent to a third, whose decision will be binding. No appeal is possible against a definitive opinion. The author of an article will have 15 days to make any modifications requested.

The Journal includes five sections: Studies, Historiography and Bibliography, Conversations, Chronicles and Book Reviews.

Manuscripts for Studies should be a maximum of 12,000 words including footnotes (about 20 pages – 60,000 characters – single spaced, Times New Roman font, size 12). The title should be in Spanish and English. A 100 word abstract in Spanish and English should be written after the title. Three or four key words also in Spanish and English should follow the abstract. Articles are usually written in Spanish, although the journal occasionally publishes works originally written in the major languages. The authors of the studies will receive twenty-five copies of their work.

Articles for the Historiography and Bibliography section should also be a maximum of 12,000 words. There is no need to include an abstract. All bibliographical citations (both footnotes and within the text) should follow the citation format of AHIg. Contributors for this section will receive twenty-five copies of their work.

Chronicles should not exceed 2,500 words (4 pages, 12,000 characters). The chronicles will be distributed in subsections depending on the topics.

Footnotes should always be used to cite references. At the end the article the following information should be included: the name and last names of the author, his/her institution (University, Academy, Institution, etc.), complete postal address of the institution and e-mail address of the institution, if available, unless the author prefers to give his or her postal address, always with an e-mail address, if possible.

Book Reviews should be about 600 words (1 page, 3.000 characters). The heading should have the complete name of the author of the book (boldface and uppercase), the title (italicized), the publisher and the series in which the book is published, city and year of publication, number of pages (all in roman type). The review should discuss the author (academic position, academic affiliation, etc). The review should not include footnotes. The reviewer should sign with his or her full name and include the institution where he or she is affiliated.

The Editorial Committee of AHIg reserves the right to make changes that it deems necessary to adjust the texts to the norms of style and presentation of the Journal. After its publication, the authors can freely use their articles, citing the «Anuario de Historia de la Iglesia» as the original publisher.

The opinions expressed in the articles published in AHIg are the responsibility of the authors alone.
Instructions to Authors
citation guideline.pdf

Editorial Board
Santiago Casas (Universidad de Navarra)
Assistant director:
Elisabeth Reinhardt (Universidad de Navarra)
Editorial secretary:
Fermín Labarga (Universidad de Navarra)
Commission members:
Javier Escrivá-Ivars (Universidad de Valencia)
Eloísa Ramírez (Universidad Pública de Navarra)
Javier Vergara (Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia)
Álvaro Fernández de Córdova (Universidad de Navarra)

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