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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Basic Information

                  Alpha, is a journal that is published every semester, founded in 1985 by professors of the Department of Humanities and Arts of the Universidad de Los Lagos (Osorno, Chile). Throughout this time, it has concentrated in its pages the interests in art, letters and philosophy with the common objective of building an academic space for the distribution of research about literary studies and the humanities, in general.

Alpha is, therefore, an evident interdisciplinary proposal regarding the sciences, that is molded on the status of equality offered to specialists in these matters, from a transdiscursive perspective. In its electronic version, the objective is to apply the potentialities offered by the internet for the transmission and exchange of research and of the knowledge that concerns an educated culture and to the semiosis of the image and social communications.

This project conciles, at the same time, the urgent need to incorporate said approaches in the development of the globalization of culture, so that the area of the humanities and the social interaction that takes place through semiotic processes, accupy a space among the new information highways. Alpha is, in consequence, an intellectual, analytical, and theoretical proposal, advanced by a group of professors of the Department of Humanities and Arts of the Universidad de Los Lagos who –with the intent to form ties around their respective disciplines— wish to fortify this area of knowledge that –as others— will make of the internet an irreplaceable instrument. In fact, the growing use of the World Wide Web in academic life is undenieable, reason for which the internet has become a key instrument for research, as is proven by the virtual libraries and bibliographic catalogues that can be consulted from any place of work, without the need to travel to the physical archives; precise and up-to-date bibliographic references can be completed due to exhaustive directories; specialized search engines or institutional sites shorten times and distances. Thanks to these, the possibilities of the internet for the professor and the researcher are not only in its current reality, but in an imminent future, a potenciality that goes furthere than the imaginable and depends, in great measure, to what the very specialists wish to do with it.      

Indexed in

      The articles Publisher in Alpha are indexed or summarized in:

• Scientific Electronic Library Online – SCIELO.
• MLA - International Bibliography.
• The Directory of Periodicals - U.S.A.
• Public Knowledge Project. Open Archives Harvester.
• Asociación de Revistas Culturales de España. (ARCE).
• DIALNET - Servicio de Alertas Informativas y de acceso a los contenidos de la literatura científica hispana.
• PROQUEST CSA                                                                          


                  The intellectual property belongs to the authors and the publication and editing rights belong to Alpha. Articles published in the journal may be used freely for educational, academic and research purposes, as long as proper citation is used. Any commercial use is explicitly punished by law.


                     Los Lagos University, Department of Humanities and Arts.

Instructions to Authors

Editorial policy and reach

       Alpha accepts contributions in all modalities, studies, essays, notes or reviews, written in Spanish. Works in other languages will be accepted on an exceptional basis when their quality justifies their inclusion. Topics should be appropriate for a journal in human sciences (literatures, linguistics, philosophy, arts, cultural studies, critical theory) or themes that, without belonging exclusively to one of these areas of knowledge, have some relation to them or to points in which they might intersect. The manuscipt should not be previously published nor should it be under evaluation for another journal, in which case rational should be provided.

Alpha is open to anyone who wishes to contribute their works, whatever their character might be, as long as they are relative to the journal´s themes and that the author be responsible for their content. Author´s rights are their own responsibility, who is the only person legally capacitated for this.   

Form and preparation of manuscripts

       Alpha appears in July and December of each year. Due to this, deadlines to present manuscripts for the 1st and 2nd semester are March 31 and July 31, respectively. Collaborations received beyond these deadlines will be considered for the following volumes.

Their acceptance will be communicated to the authors, at least within thirty days following their reception.

Manuscripts, except reviews, notes and documents, should be sent with a Summary in Spanish and an Abstract in English, of a maximum of 5 to 10 lines. Include a translation of the title of the manuscript and between 4 and 6 key words, in Spanish and English. These should be sent in digital format, with doc or rtf extentions.

The length of the manuscripts is 12 to 20 pages, double spaced, including notes and bibliographic references. For Notes and Documents we recommend between 5 and 10 pages. For Reviews, a maximum of four pages.

Notes and bibliographic references will go at the end with secuential pagination, following academic publication norms, preferably MLA style. Basic specifications are the following:

1. References to books and academic journals on paper. Direct brief quotes should be between quotation marks in the manuscript text. If they are more extensive (four or more lines), separate return, with double return at the beginning and at the end of the quote, with a greater margin, without quotation marks. In both cases, at the end of the quote, author and pagination indicate the source in parenthesis. If there is more than one work by a single author, last name, abbreviated title in italics, and pagination are indicated. If the text indicates the author, the parenthetical citation only includes pagination (or abbreviated title and pagination of working with more than one work by the same author); the author´s last name is not mentioned since it was already included in the introduction of the quotation.

Examples (only brief quotes are exemplified):

a) According to Nelly Richard, “cultural criticism texts are intermediate texts that do not allow themselves to be localized according to institutional parameters which define orthodox wisdom” (144).

b) It has also been said that “cultural criticism texts are intermediate texts that do not allow themselves to be localized according to institutional parameters which define orthodox wisdom” (Richard 144).

c) “The sacralization of the text corresponds to the problem in the conception of the text as an absolute” (Carrasco, Nicanor Parra 95)

d) “For the antipoet not only is writing in crisis; the entire society is” (Carrasco, Para leer 88).

The procedure is exactly the same if the source is an institutional or corporate author (United Nations, The Council of Books and Reading).

2. Quotations from Internet sources. Fundamentally, the procedure is the same as publications on paper. The difference is that, instead of indicating pagination, the expression “on-line” is used.


“The need to preserve biodiversity becomes more urgent every day, especially due to the severe climatic changes and, also, due to the profound existential saturation to which a modernity that is contrary to the natural order of the world is taking us.

3. Quotes taken from electronic communications (e-mail). At the end of the quotation, in parenthesis, the author is indicated and one includes “Electronic Mail” and the corresponding dates.

4. Quotes from an unedited interview by the author of the manuscript. At the end of the quote, in parenthesis, one indicates the author´s last name, then “Personal Inteview”.

5. Quote taken from a television program. At the end of the quote, in parenthesis, one indicates the author (if available), the title of the program and the channel where it was emmitted.

6. Quote taken from a film. At the end of the quote, in parenthesis, one indicates the author´s last name and the film title.

List of Works Cited (or anotated bibliography).

At the end of the manuscript is where the works cited list corresponds, whose basic references have been indicated in the text of the article in parenthetical citations. It is in alphabetical order, by author´s last name (except institutional authors. If there is more than one work by the same author, they are organized from the most recent to the oldest. Hanging indentation is used.

Barrera, Andrés. “Re: Modernist literatura”. Electronic Mail sent to the autor. 15 Nov. 2000. (In this case, the source is an electronic communication. The author is indicated, title of the message if available, and an indication that it is an electronic mail sent to – the author of the manuscript or another, indicate the name if another-, and the date).

Matus. Alberto. Personal Interview, 13 of October, 2004. (In this case, the source is an unedited interview with Alberto Matus by the author of the manuscript.)

Mogrovejo, Norma. “Homofobia in Latin America”. LÓrdinaire Latino Americain 194 (2003): 109-115. (This corresponds to an article that appears in a periodical.)

Paulsen, Fernando. “Toleranciacero”. Chilevisión Television Channel. Sunday, October 17, 2004. (The source is a television program.)

Poland, Dave. “Defensa de la biodiversidad”. Roughcut. 26 Oct. 1998. Turner Network Television. 28 Oct. 1998.<http://www.roughcut.com>. (In this case, the name of the article is indicated, the publication date since it is a news article, the media that published the article, the date when the internet site was consulted, URL address.)

Richard, Nelly. “Antidisciplina, transdisciplina y disciplinamiento del saber”. Residuos y metáforas (Ensayos de crítica cultural sobre el Chile de la transición). Santiago: Cuarto Propio, 2001. 141-160. (In this case, the source is an article that is part of the book that is indicated.)

Word, Andrés. dir. Machuca. A. Wood Producciones / Tornasol Film, 2004. (The abbreviation of “dir” corresponds to the director of the cited film.)

7. It is recommended that footnotes be used exclusively to add information or to make comments when is in inconvenient to include them in the body of the text.

Alpha is not responsible for the judgments and opinions expressed by the authors of the articles or other collaborations.

Requirements for Original Manuscripts (All the requirements need to be fulfilled). The document needs to be in RTF format or Microsoft Word. All URLs of the text (e.g. http://www.ulagos.cl) are active and ready to be used.

The text will be written double spaced with 12 point font; use italics, instead of underline (except for URL addresses) for book titles. Figures and tables are imbedded in the text, not placed at the end.

The text needs to meet all the conditions expressed in the Publication Norms that can be found in “About Us”. The name of the author should be at the end of the article, indicating their postal, institutional and e-mail address and the institution to which they belong.      

Sending manuscripts

       If the text meets the conditions espressed in the INSTRUCTIONS TO AUTHORS send to:

• E-mail: revistaalpha@ulagos.cl
• With copy to Sergio Mansilla. Editorial Secretary and Co-editor of Alpha. Avda. Fuschlocher 1305, Osorno (Chile). smansill@ulagos.cl.

Editorial Board


       • Legal Representative
Rector Don Raúl Aguilar Gatica
Universidad de Los Lagos, Osorno, Chile

• Director and Editor
Eduardo Barraza Jara
Universidad de los Lagos
Departamento de Humanidades y Arte
Avda. Gustavo Fuschlocher #1305, Casilla 933
Osorno - Chile
Fono: (56-64) 333012
Fax: (56-64) 239517

• Editorial Secretary and Co-Editor
Sergio Mansilla Torres
Universidad de Los Lagos
Depto. Humanidades y Arte
Avda. Fuschlocher #1305, Casilla 933,
Fono: (56-64) 333110 - 333132 - 333582
Fax: (56-64) 333297
Osorno - Chile

• Editor of version On-line
Arturo Rubio Torres
Universidad de Los Lagos, Osorno, Chile

External Consultants

       Pilar Alvarez-Santullano Busch - Universidad de Los Lagos - Osorno

Diana Kiss De Alejandro - Universidad de Los Lagos - Osorno

Nelson Vergara Muñoz - Universidad de Los Lagos - Osorno

Alex Pavié - Universidad de Los Lagos - Osorno

Raúl Aguilar Gatica - Universidad de Los Lagos - Osorno   

Editorial Council

       • Jorge Acevedo, Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile.
• Fernando Burgos, Memphis State University,Memphis, U.S.A.
• Manfred Engelbert, Georg-August Universität, Göttingen, Alemania.
• Daniel Lagos Altamirano, Universidad de Playa Ancha, Valparaíso, Chile.
• Pedro Lastra, Universidad de Nueva York, en Stony Brook, U.S.A.
• Amadeo López, Universidad de París X- Nanterre, Francia.
• Osvaldo Rodríguez Pérez, Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, España.
• Hernán Urrutia, Universidad del País Vasco, España. 

Editorial Production

       • Cover
Jorge Zepeda Araya

• Translation and revision of abstracts
James Park Key

• Administration and editorial advice
Alejandra Lingay Cárdenas


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