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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Aleph is devoted to the exploration of the interface between Judaism and science in history. We welcome contributions on any chapter in the history of science in which Judaism played a significant role, or on any chapter in the history of Judaism in which science played a significant role. Science is conceived very broadly, including the social sciences and the humanities. History of science is also broadly construed within its social and cultural dimensions.  

Aleph is a semiannual, published jointly by the Sidney M. Edelstein Center for the History and Philosophy of Science, Technology and Medicine and the Institute for Jewish Studies, both at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and Indiana University Press.

Abstracted/Indexed in:

Humanities Abstracts
Humanities Index
Arts & Humanities Citation Index
Current Contents:  Arts & Humanities
Social Sciences Citation Index
Index to Jewish Periodicals
American Jewish Yearbook
Wilson Omnifile
EBSCO Current Abstracts
EBSCO Current Citations Express
Index Islamicus
ProQuest Research Library
ProQuest Curriculum Essentials
ProQuest Religion

Instructions to Authors

Aleph welcomes contributions on any chapter in the history of science in which Judaism played a significant role or on any chapter in the history of Judaism in which science played a significant role. The journal also welcomes proposals for comprehensive essays.
Please address all editorial correspondence to the editor, Dr. Gad Freudenthal:

To download the contributors' style guide, click here.

Editorial Office Contact Information:
The Sidney M. Edelstein Center
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Givat Ram
91904 Jerusalem, Israel
Phone: +972.2.658.56.52

Instructions to authors

1.  Manuscripts  (including an abstract of 150-200 words) should be sent to the Editor at freudent@msh-paris.fr as an attachment. Submissions will be considered for publication on the understanding that they are unpublished and not on offer to another journal.

2.  Articles will be put through a process of double-blind refereeing. Accordingly, authors should avoid any identifying references in their submissions and provide a separate title page with their name, address, and institutional affiliation.

3.  Style: Spelling and typographical conventions follow American usage; in general, authors should follow the Chicago Manual of Style.

4.  Transliterations from Hebrew and Arabic follow the usual scholarly practice. This means doubling consonants to indicate the  

 Bars over letters (or a circumflex) may be used to indicate long vowels in Arabic. Names and terms that have been integrated into English should not be transliterated: e.g., Saadia Gaon rather than Saradiah Garon, Maimonides rather than Moshe ben Maimon, caliph rather than khalıfah, Koran or Quran rather than Qurian, etc. In general, simplicity should be preferred to complexity if that does not cause a loss of significant information. We suggest that you employ a font that contains all the required diacriticals, such as Times Beyrut Roman, which is free for downloading from various sites. If you cannot use this (or a similar) font, please indicate underdots within angle brackets before the consonant and alef/ayin by the appropriate single quote, again within angle brackets before the vowel (e.g., Dalalat al-haʾirın.

5£¬Notes. Please use endnotes, numbered consecutively.

6.  Bibliographical information. References should be given in the endnotes (not parenthetically in the text). Provide full bibliographical details at the first mention of a work (indicate, if possible, the publisher in addition to place and year of publication); subsequent references should use the author's surname and a short title (not op. cit.). References to classic texts available in different editions or translations should be non-edition-specific, followed by indication of the specific edition or translation employed.

Examples for bibliographical information at first occurrence:

Moses Maimonides, Dalalat al-hauirın 2:19; ed. I. Joel (Jerusalem, 1930/31), p. 40b.

Moses Maimonides, Moreh ha-nevukim 2:19; Heb. trans. Samuel Ibn Tibbon, ed. Y. Even-Shmuel (Jerusalem: Mossad Harav

Kook, 1987), p. 265.

Moses Maimonides,  The Guide of the Perplexed 2:19; trans.

Shlomo Pines (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1963), pp. 304-305.

Examples for subsequent references:

Maimonides, Dalalah 2:19 (ed. Joel, p. 40b).

Maimonides, Moreh nevukim 2:19 (ed. Even-Shmuel, p. 265).

Maimonides, Guide 2:19 (trans. Pines, pp. 304-305).

Articles in periodicals or serial publications: Bernard R. Goldstein, "Preliminary Remarks on Levi ben Gerson's Contributions to Astronomy"  Proceedings of the Israel Academy of Science and Humanities 3 (1969): 239-54. If the reference is to a specific page or pages, add, e.g., "(on p. 240)"

[Note that p. or pp. is not required in this format.]Subsequent references: Goldstein, Preliminary Remarks, p. 240.

References to articles in collections or anthologies should combine the above formats. For example: Shlomo Pines, "The Limitations of Human Knowledge according to Al-Farabi, Ibn Bajja, and Maimonides" pp. 82¨C109 in Studies in Medieval Jewish History and Literature, ed. Isadore

Twersky (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1979).

Add, if relevant, (on p. 105). [Note that the inclusive page numbers precede the title of the collection.]

 Hebrew and Arabic books and journals often carry titles in English; if this is the case, use them (rather than a transliteration of the title).

Examples: Rina Drory, The Emergence of Jewish-Arabic Literary Contacts at the Beginning of the Tenth Century (Heb.) (Tel Aviv: ha-Kibbutz ha-Meuhad, 1988); Ben-Zion Dinaburg, ¡° "Modern Times" in Jewish History¡± (Heb.), Zion 13-14 (1948/49): 63-105.  It is a courtesy to one's readers to translate titles in languages one suspects they may not know (e.g., Evreiskoe mestechko v revoliutsii [The Jewish town in revolution]). Note that only the first word and proper nouns should be capitalized in the translated title.

7. Submission of an article is understood to imply that if the article is published in Aleph, the author will transfer copyright to the journal.

8. Authors will receive 20 complimentary offprints of their published



Editorial Board

Editorial Office Contact Information:
The Sidney M. Edelstein Center
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Givat Ram
91904 Jerusalem, Israel
Email: freudent@msh-paris.fr 
Phone: +972.2.658.56.
Fax: +972.2.658.67.09

Gad Freudenthal

Managing Editors:
Esti Micenmacher
Tony Travis

Executive Board:
Gad Freudenthal
Ruth Glasner
Warren Zev Harvey

Editorial Advisory Board:
Yemina Ben-Menahem
Gerrit Bos
Charles Burnett
Herbert A. Davidson
Resianne Fontaine
Ruth Glasner
Bernard R. Goldstein
Warren Zev Harvey
Moshe Idel
Y. Tzvi Langermann                   Reimund Leicht                                       Tony Luvy                                           James T. Robinson
David B. Ruderman
Dov Schwartz
Shlomo Sela
Mauro Zonta

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