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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Basic information

Published twice a year, Alea is a journal issued by the Programa de Pós-Graduação em Letras Neolatinas [Graduate Program in Romance Languages and Literatures] of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (www.letras.ufrj.br/pgneolatinas), comprising the following areas: Romance Studies in linguistics (Spanish, French or Italian), and Romance Literary Studies (Hispanic Literatures, Francophone Literatures, and Italian Literatures). The journal publishes original work in literature and linguistics related to these fields. One of its main aims is to emphasize the comparative character of today's literary and linguistic studies, particularly encouraging pieces of writing that underlie the importance of Portuguese in the context of Romance studies.

Peer Review Process: Submitted papers fitting the scope of the journal are blindly reviewed by at least two specialists in the field of the texts, chosen on an ad hoc basis.

The abbreviated title of the journal is Alea, which should be used in bibliographies, footnotes and bibliographical references and strips.

Indexed sources

Redalyc - Red de Revistas Científicas de América Latina, el Caribe, Espana y Portugal (Universidad Autónoma Del Estado de México (http://redalyc.uaemex.mx)


Programa de Pós-Graduação em Letras Neolatinas, Faculdade de Letras, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ)

Institutional sponsors

The publication has the sponsorship of:

Programa de Apoio às Publicações Científicas da CAPES e do CNPq

Instructions to Authors

Scope and policy

Revista Alea: Estudos Neolatinos appeared in 1999 with the purpose of being an instrument of research exchange between the Graduate Program in Romance Languages and the other Brazilian graduate programs, thus encouraging the debate not only among scholars - professors as well as students - but also between academia and society at large. The journal's long-run objective was also to establish a closer link to foreign universities that could provide, on the one hand, information and scholarly support as far as romance languages and literatures are concerned, and on the other, become acquainted with the kind of research carried out in Brazil on foreign modern literatures, especially those related to romance cultures. One of the journal's trademarks has been its openness to comparative studies related to a thematic kernel; this has allowed us to shed light on what romance languages and literatures owe from, or lend to other cultures, how they rewrite universal issues, and how their own questions are received and rewritten by other cultures. In order to facilitate circulation both at home and abroad we have looked for support by several professors and scholars from renowned university centers who agreed to collaborate with our editorial project. Starting with the second issue, we have been publishing a section with reviews of M.A. theses and doctoral dissertations; this seems to us to be an extremely useful way of divulging them to the public, and also of allowing scholars to get to know and eventually request them. Furthermore, we have also been publishing critical reviews of recent works in the field.

Created by the Graduate Program in Romance languages and literatures (with the support of the Programa de Apoio ?Pós-Graduação from CAPES) in partnership with Contra Capa Livraria, the journal has been sponsored since 2001 by CNPq's Programa de Apoio às Publicações Científicas.

alea: Estudos Neolatinos accepts the following kinds of texts:

not-yet-published essays in Portuguese related to the area of linguistics and literature (minimum of 25,000 and maximum of 40,000 characters, with spaces).

reviews of books, theses and dissertations in the field (minimum of 10,000 and maximum of 15,000 characters, with spaces). Foreign books must not be older than four years; in the case of Brazilian editions, they should not be older than two years.

translations of duly authorized literary texts (up to 15,000 characters with spaces).

Texts must not have appeared elsewhere and should contain abstracts of up to 150 words, in Portuguese, English and a third, Romance language (Spanish, French or Italian). They should also be accompanied by keywords (from 3 to 5) in the same language as the abstracts. Titles must also be given in English.

Form and preparation of manuscripts

Format, biographical information and bibliographic references

Texts should be sent through email (in Windows-compatible programs, 3cm lateral margins, type 12 and 1.5 spacing) without the author's name.

On a separate archive, the author should send a small biographical introduction of himself/herself (up to six lines), including his/her full name, academic background, institutional filiation and most representative publications, as well as his/her address and email.

There are two kinds of footnoting. Content notes should be formatted as footnotes proper, whereas bibliographical ones should come between parentheses in the text, with the author's name, title of the work cited, place, publishing house, date of publication and number of pages. When printed, bibliographical notes will appear as lateral notes. Quotations in foreign languages must be followed by translations into Portuguese.

Example of book:

Rosa, João Gimarães. Grande Sertão: Veredas. Rio de Janeiro: Nova Fronteira, 1986: 118-119.

Example of book chapter

Guilhaumou, J. & Maldidier, D. "Da enunciação ao acontecimento em Análise do Discurso". Em: Guimarães, E. (org.). História e sentido na linguagem. Campinas: Pontes, 1989:66.

Example of journal article

Candido, Antonio. "Literatura e sociedade", Letra no 2, Rio de Janeiro: Faculdade de Letras da UFRJ, 1984:239.

Sending of manuscripts


Submission of texts entails the immediate transfer of copyright to the journal at no expenses to it. The author continues, however, to hold the copyright for further publications, and should whenever possible refer to the first printing, at Alea. The journal is not obliged to return submitted texts. Authors receive two copies of Alea, reviewers, one.

Editorial Board


Edson Rosa da Silva

Marcelo Jacques de Moraes                                                                             


Executive board

  •   Anamaria Skinner
  • Andrea Lombardi
  • Angela Corrêa
  • Annita Gullo
  • Bella Jozef
  • Celina Maria Moreira de Mello
  • Cláudia Fátima Morais Martins
  • Cláudia Heloísa I. Luna Ferreira da Silva
  • Edson Rosa da Silva
  • Flora de Paoli Faria
  • Leticia Rebollo Couto
  • Marcelo Jacques de Moraes
  • Márcia Atálla Pietroluongo
  • Marco Lucchesi
  • Maria Aurora Consuelo Alfaro Lagorio
  • Maria Lizete dos Santos
  • Mariluci da Cunha Guberman
  • Pedro Paulo Garcia Ferreira Catharina
  • Pierre François Georges Guisan
  • Silvia Inés Cárcamo
  • Sonia Cristina Reis

Tânia Reis Cunha                                                                                            


Editorial board

  •   Adja Barbieri Durão (Universidade Estadual de Londrina)
  • Andrea Mariani (Universidade Gabriele D'Annunzio - Pescara)
  • Christophe Bident (Universidade de Paris VII)
  • Cristina Iglesia (Universidade de Buenos Aires)
  • Dario Fred Pagel (Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina)
  • Diva Damato (Universidade de São Paulo)
  • Eneida Maria de Souza (Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais)
  • Francesco Marroni (Universidade Gabriele D'Annunzio - Pescara)
  • Henri Godard (Universidade de Sorbonne)
  • Humberto Lopes-Morales (Real Academia Espanhola)
  • Jean-Claude Larrat (Universidade de Caen)
  • Lídia do Valle Santos (Universidade de de Nova Iorque)
  • Lisa Block de Behar (Universidade de La República)
  • Márcio Seligmann-Silva (Universidade de Campinas)
  • Maria Alzira Seixo (Universidade de Lisboa)
  • Marietta Gargatagli (Universidade Autônoma de Barcelona)
  • Marilena Giammarco (Universidade Gabriele D'Annunzio - Pescara)
  • Miriam Viviana Gárate (Universidade de Campinas)
  • Neide T. Maia González (Universidade de São Paulo)
  • Piero Boitani (Universidade de Roma La Sapienza)
  • Renato Cordeiro Gomes (Pontifícia Universidade Católica - RJ)
  • Ricardo de la Fuente Ballesteros (Universidade de Valladolid).
  • Rita de Grandis (Universidade British Columbia)
  • Silvana Serrani Infante (Universidade de Campinas)
  • Wander Melo Miranda (Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais)

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