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出版社:WILEY, 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN, USA, NJ, 07030-5774

期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Cover image for Vol. 48 Issue 4

ISSN (printed): 0591-2385. ISSN (electronic): 1467-9744.


Edited By: Willem B. Drees, Leiden University

Impact Factor: 0.488

ISI Journal Citation Reports © Ranking: 2012: 27/39 (Social Issues)

Online ISSN: 1467-9744


Aims and Scope

Zygon® focuses on the questions of meaning and values that challenge individual and social existence today. It brings together the best thinking of the day from the physical, biological, and social sciences with ideas from philosophy, theology, and religious studies. The journal's contributors seek to keep united what may often become disconnected: values with knowledge, goodness with truth, religion with science.


zygon, religion, science, social, physical, biological, philosophy, theology, studies, religious, thought, theory, cultural, commentary, criticism, analysis, research, journal, periodical, article, reviews, book, interdisciplinary

Abstracting and Indexing Information

  • Academic ASAP (GALE Cengage)
  • Academic Search (EBSCO Publishing)
  • Academic Search Elite (EBSCO Publishing)
  • Academic Search Premier (EBSCO Publishing)
  • Arts & Humanities Citation Index (Thomson Reuters)
  • ATLA Religion Database (American Theological Library Association)
  • CatchWord (Publishing Technology)
  • CSA Biological Sciences Database (ProQuest)
  • CSA Environmental Sciences & Pollution Management Database (ProQuest)
  • Current Contents: Arts & Humanities (Thomson Reuters)
  • EBSCO Online (EBSCO Publishing)
  • Ecology Abstracts (ProQuest)
  • InfoTrac
  • Journal Citation Reports/Social Science Edition (Thomson Reuters)
  • OmniFile Full Text Mega Edition (HW Wilson)
  • Philosopher's Index (Philosopher's Information Center)
  • PhilPapers
  • POIESIS: Philosophy Online Serials (PDC)
  • ProQuest Central (ProQuest)
  • ProQuest Discovery (ProQuest)
  • ProQuest Platinum (ProQuest)
  • ProQuest Research Library (ProQuest)
  • Psychology & Behavioral Sciences Collection (EBSCO Publishing)
  • RILM Abstracts of Music Literature (RILM)
  • Social Sciences Citation Index (Thomson Reuters)
  • Sociological Collection (EBSCO Publishing)

Society Information


Zygon's two sponsoring organizations, which appoint its Joint Publication Board, are:

(1) Institute on Religion in an Age of Science (IRAS). Founded in 1954, IRAS is an independent society of natural scientists, social scientists, philosophers, religion scholars, theologians, and others who seek to understand and reformulate the theory and practice of religion in the light of contemporary scientific knowledge. It is both an affiliate society of the American Association for the Advancement of Science and a member of the Council on the Study of Religion, a federation of learned societies in the field of religion.

(2) Center for Advanced Study in Religion and Science (CASIRAS). Founded in 1972, CASIRAS is an independent society of scholars and scientists from various fields who pursue critical, interdisciplinary studies of possibilities for constructively relating religion and science. Through the Zygon Center for Religion and Science (ZCRS) it offers instruction and research opportunities in the implications of science for religion to seminarians, graduate students, visiting scholars, and faculty.

Instructions to Authors

Author Guidelines

Zygon®: Journal of Religion and Science
Author Submission Guidelines

Editorial office

Zygon: Journal of Religion and Science
1100 East 55th Street
Chicago, Illinois 60615-5112
Telephone: +1 773 256 0671
Facsimile: +1 773 256 0682
E-mail: zygon@lstc.edu
Web: http://www.zygonjournal.org/
Online Manuscript Submissions: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/zygon
Published Online: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1111/(ISSN)1467-9744

Process and General Characteristics

Zygon is an interdisciplinary journal with readership throughout the humanities as well as the social and physical sciences. Our article submission process and documentation requirement is a compilation of general practices found throughout all of these disciplines so specific details contained within our guidelines may be new or unfamiliar to potential authors. We ask that you thoroughly familiarize yourself with the following guidelines before submitting a manuscript for consideration.

Zygon conducts a double-blind peer review process which begins when an author registers with our article submission site on ScholarOneTM Manuscripts and submits a manuscript. Our online system asks submitting authors to provide the following:

(1) the names of all authors
(2) an article title of no more than 15 words
(3) between three and ten keywords (the website provides a list of Zygon’s most common keywords but authors can supply words of their own choosing as well)
(4) an abstract of no more than 160 words (abstracts and keywords are important for indexing services and modern search tools, and thus deserve proper attention)
(5) a file containing the anonymous manuscript text (preferably MSWord but other formats are also supported)
(6) a separate “author note” file containing information about the author(s) (this note is published along with the manuscript and briefly informs our multidisciplinary readers of your position [or vocation], institutional affiliation, full mailing address, and [optionally] e-mail address; it will not be seen by the referees)
(7) any figures or graphic file(s) to which authors refer in their manuscript text sent as separate files (please note that Zygon prints only in black and white. Zygon cannot accept any color figures or photos for final publication. All figures must be submitted in grayscale format before final publication of the article is possible.)

The files can be uploaded in Word or another common word processing program. Uploaded files will be automatically converted into HTML and PDF formats to facilitate peer review by our referees. Authors are asked to review these files for completeness and correct conversion into these formats. Please feel free to contact the office if the native format which you are using does not correctly convert into these review formats. Our staff may be able to help.

In order to facilitate our issue planning process, we ask for the following additional information:

(1) the number of words in the article (our preferred manuscript length is between 5,000 and 9,000 words, including notes and references; the manuscript is less likely to be accepted if it is over 11,000 words)
(2) the number of manuscript pages
(3) the number of tables and figures
(4) whether or not the manuscript is intended for one of our special sections.

As a courtesy to authors, the online submission system also provides submitting authors with the opportunity to list the names of individuals whom they feel should not referee the paper, their “nonpreferred” reviewers of the manuscript.

Finally, the submission system asks authors to verify that they are familiar with our copyright assignment policy. Please see below for details about this policy.

The online submission system allows authors to track the progress of their manuscript through review. However, it does not allow the authors themselves to directly make changes to the manuscript once it has been submitted. If an author identifies a missing point of clarification, a mistyping, or missing reference, the editorial office will gladly work with the author to see that the information is quickly added to the manuscript as it goes forward through the review process.

Zygon follows the Chicago Manual of Style (16th edition), with an author-date system for references. Zygon publishes in American English. For word usage and word division, our authority is Webster’s New Collegiate Dictionary supplemented by Webster’s Third New International Dictionary.

Zygon uses inclusive terms when speaking about humanity and people (both women and men). We also suggest speaking about nature and divinity in inclusive language unless an author intentionally wants to argue for their gender.

Because Zygon is an interdisciplinary journal, many readers may be outside the author’s primary field. To make your article readable for our diverse audience, please define all technical terms, minimize the use of non-English terms (and translate all that remain), and give first and last names of all persons mentioned, even if you believe that they are well known. All quotations, even those you may deem familiar to everyone, must be documented.

References: Author-Date System

Zygon uses the author-date system of documentation. With a quoted passage, place the reference after the quoted material. Here are some examples of common citations:

(1) (D’Aquili and Laughlin 1979, 165). There is no punctuation between the authors and publication year, but there is a comma between the year and the page reference.
(2) (Piaget [1929] 1969, 2:26). This cites a newer edition of an older work with both a volume and page number.
(3) (Johnson 1979, sec. 24.5). This is the form to use for a section, note, and so on.

If the name of the author is integrated in the sentence, it need not be repeated it in the citation. Use semicolons to separate multiple references.

Endnotes are for explanatory purposes only. Please consider whether the note is needed: If the remark is important, why not integrate the remark into the main text? If it is not important, why have the note? References to endnotes are indicated by superscript numbers in the text. Within endnotes, the author-date system is used as it is used in the main text.

The reference list is organized in alphabetical order by last name of the author. If more than one work by an author is cited, the list is then ordered from the earliest to latest year of publication. The 3-em dash followed by a period is substituted for the author’s name in all but the first reference. If more than one work by an author(s) is published in a single year, the list is then alphabetically ordered by the first word of the title, and the letters a, b, c, etc. are placed after the year both in the main text and on the reference page.

The order of individual references is as follows: author (last name first for initial author and first name first for all others in a multiple-author work), year (original publication date, if any, in brackets, followed by date of edition cited in the text), title of work, publication information (place of publication, publisher). Titles of periodicals are italicized and not abbreviated. (The latter requirement is important for our diverse readership who may not be familiar with the literature of every specific discipline or sub-discipline cited by a particular author.)

References (sample list; should be double spaced in the submitted paper):
Burhoe, Ralph Wendell. 1972. “Natural Selection and God.” Zygon: Journal of Religion and Science 7:30- 63.
Chomsky, Noam. 1973. “Conditions for Transformation.” In A Festschrift for Morris Halle, ed. Sam R. Anderson and Paul Kiparsky, 199-216. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston.
D’Aquili, Eugene G., and Charles D. Laughlin Jr. 1979. “The Neurobiology of Myth and Ritual.” In The Spectrum of Ritual: A Biogenetic Structural Analysis, by Eugene G. d’Aquili, Charles D. Laughlin Jr., John McManus, Tom Burns, Barbara Lex, G. Ronald Murphy, S.J., and W. John Smith, 152- 82. New York: Columbia Univ. Press.
MacLean, Paul D. 1975a. “On the Evolution of Three Mentalities.” Man-Environment Systems 5:213-24.
———. 1975b. “Role of Pallidal Projections in Species-Typical Display Behavior of Squirrel M.” Transactions of American Neurological Association 100:29–32.
Whitehead, Alfred North. [1925] 1964. Science and the Modern World. New York: New American Library.

Lay Out

All copy should be double-spaced. This includes abstract, quotations, endnotes, and references. All margins should be at least 1-1/4 inches (2.5 cm) wide.

Use a single space after all punctuation.

Underline or italicize words when they are referred to as words.

Quotations shorter than seven lines should be run into the text, but longer quotations should be set in block form (keep the typing double-spaced).

Give the full name of the person when that person is first cited in the text, but give only the last name in subsequent citations.

Tables and Figures
Tables should have horizontal lines above and below the headings, and a horizontal line at the bottom—no vertical lines. Be sure to include a table title and a source note indicating where your data came from.

All tables should be placed sequentially at the end of the text, before the reference list. Grayscale figures and artwork must be submitted as separate files. There are three preferred formats for digital artwork submission: Encapsulated PostScript (EPS), Portable Document Format (PDF), and Tagged Image Format (TIFF). We suggest that line art be saved as EPS files. Alternately, these may be saved as PDF files at 600 dots per inch (dpi) or better at final size. Tone art, or photographic images, should be saved as TIFF files with a resolution of 300 dpi at final size. For combination figures, or artwork that contains both photographs and labeling, we recommend saving figures as EPS files, or as PDF files with a resolution of 600 dpi or better at final size. More detailed information on the submission of electronic artwork can be found at http://authorservices.wiley.com/bauthor/illustration.asp . Please verify that all submitted images are encoded in grayscale format (not as RGB or CMYK) before sending them to us for final publication. Be sure to include both a caption and a credit line.

Biblical Citations should indicate the version cited (e.g., John 3:16 NRSV). Do not abbreviate books of the Bible or other religious literature.

Unnumbered Endnote/Acknowledgments: Information on any conference or symposium at which the paper has been presented and on any grant that supported work on the article may be provided as a separate file that will not be seen by the anonymous referees. For instance, “A version of this essay was presented at a symposium on ** during the annual meeting of the ** Society, place, country, date.”


If Zygon accepts your article, you are responsible for obtaining permission to use copyrighted materials. These include direct quotes of more than 500 words, even a single line of poetry that is not in the public domain, tables, figures, and illustrations.


Copyright assignment is a condition of publication, and papers will not be passed to the publishing agent for production unless copyright has been assigned. (Papers subject to government or Crown copyright are exempt from this requirement). To assist authors, an appropriate copyright assignment form will be supplied by the editorial office once the manuscript has been accepted for publication or can be found here.

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Editorial Board

Editorial Board

Founding Editor Ralph Wendell Burhoe (1911-1997)

Editor Willem B. Drees, Leiden Univ., the Netherlands

Book Review Editor James F. Moore, Valparaiso Univ.

Assistant Editor Debra Hostetler Van Der Molen

Editorial Assistant and Web Site Editor David Mark Glover

Joint Publication Board, appointed by IRAS (www.iras.org), the Institute on Religion in an Age of Science (1954), and by CASIRAS, the Center for Advanced Study in Religion and Science (1972) (http://www.casiras.org) which also supports the Zygon Center (www.zygoncenter.org):

Solomon H. Katz, Prof. of Anthropology, University of Pennsylvania, USA (co-chair)
Edwin C. Laurenson, Lawyer, McDermott Will & Emery LLP, New York, USA (co-chair)
Karl Peters, Prof. Emeritus of Philosophy and Religion, Rollins College, USA (co-chair , development)
Michael Ruse, Lucyle T. Werkmeister Prof. of Philosophy, Florida State University, USA
John Teske, Prof. of Psychology, Elizabethtown College, USA
Gayle E. Woloschak, Prof. of Radiology and Cell and Molecular Biology, Northwestern University, USA

Editorial Advisory Board

Francisco J. Ayala, Donald Bren Professor of Biological Sciences, Univ. of California Irvine, USA
Zainal Abidin Bagir,  Center for Religious and Cross-cultural Studies, Gadjah Mada University, Indonesia
Anindita N. Balslev, Philosophy &  Forum, ‘cross cultural conversation’, India & Denmark
Joseph Bulbulia, Evolutionary/ Longitudinal Study of Religion, Victoria Univ., New Zealand
Ronald Cole-Turner, H. Parker Sharp Chair of Theology and Ethics, Pittsburgh Theological Seminary, USA
Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, Davidson Prof. of Psychology, Claremont Graduate Univ., USA
Terrence Deacon, Prof. of Biological Anthropology and Linguistics, Univ. of California Berkeley, USA
Celia Deane-Drummond, Prof. of Theology, University of Notre Dame, USA
George Ellis, Prof. of Applied Mathematics, Univ. of Cape Town, South Africa
Dirk Evers, Prof. of Systematic Theology, Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg, Germany
Owen J. Flanagan, James B. Duke Prof. of Philosophy, Psychology, and Neuroscience, Duke Univ., USA
Mohammed Ghaly, Prof. of Islamic Law and Biomedical Ethics, Center for Islamic Legilslation & Ethics, Doha, Qatar
Ursula Goodenough, Prof. of Biology, Washington Univ., St. Louis, USA
Niels Henrik Gregersen, Prof. of Systematic Theology, Univ. of Copenhagen, Denmark
Nidhal Guessoum, Prof. of Physics and Astronomy, American University of Sharjah, United Arab Emirates
Peter Harrison, Director, Centre for the History of European Discourses, University of Queensland, Australia
Philip Hefner, Prof. Emeritus of Systematic Theology, Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago, USA
Michael S. Hogue, Associate Prof. of Theology, Meadville Lombard Theological School, Chicago, USA
Antje Jackelén, Bishop of the Lutheran Church of Sweden, Lund, Sweden
Melvin J. Konner, Samuel Candler Dobbs Prof. of Anthropology, Emory Univ., USA
Seung Chul Kim, Systematic Theology, Nanzan University, Japan
Li Jianhui, Prof. of Philosophy and Ethics, School of Philosophy and Sociology, Beijing Normal University, China
Liu Xiaoting, Prof. of Sciences and Humanities, Beijing Normal University, China
Lu Feng, Ethics and Practical Philosophy, Tsinghua Univ., China
Andrew B. Newberg, Thomas Jefferson Univ. Hospital, Philadelphia, USA
Ann Milliken Pederson, Prof. of Religion, Augustana College, Sioux Falls, USA
Gregory Peterson, Philosophy of Religion, South Dakota State Univ., USA
Varadaraja V. Raman, Prof. Emeritus of Physics and Humanities, Rochester Institute of Technology, USA
Holmes Rolston, III, Prof. of Philosophy, Colorado State Univ., USA
Robert J. Russell, Ian G. Barbour Prof. of Theology and Science, Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley, USA
Robert A. Segal, Sixth Century Chair in Religious Studies, Univ. of Aberdeen, UK
Christopher Southgate, Senior Lecturer, Department of Theology, University of Exeter, UK
Ann Taves, Professor of Religious Studies, University of California at Santa Barbara, USA
Hava Tirosh-Samuelson, Irving and Miriam Lowe Prof. of Modern Judaism, Arizona State Univ., USA
Mary Evelyn Tucker, Comparative Religion and Ecology, Yale Univ., USA
Claudia Vanney, Prof. of Physics & Philosophy, Universidad Austral, Argentina
Frans De Waal, C. H. Candler Prof. of Psychology, Director Living Links Center, Emory Univ., USA
Wesley J. Wildman, Professor of Philosophy, Theology, and Ethics, Boston Univ., USA
Amos Yong, J. Rodman Williams Prof. of Theology, Regent Univ., USA

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