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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

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Jeder Jahrgang erscheint in vier Heften, Preis des Jahrgangs 92.- Euro.
Preis des Einzelheftes 28.- Euro + Porto. Abbestellungen nur zum Ende eines Jahrgangs möglich.

Bestellungen an den Verlag; Rezensionsexemplare an die Redaktion. Bei unverlangt eingesandten Rezensionsexemplaren gilt der Vorbehalt, daß eine Rezession im Ermessen der Redaktion steht.
Eine Garantie, auch für die Rücksendung, wird nicht übernommen.

Annual subscription rate 92.- Euro, payable on receipt of the first issue; subscription cancellation only possible at the end of the year. Price per single issue 28.- Euro + postage.

Zur Zeit gilt die Anzeigenpreisliste Nr. 1.

Zeitschrift für Kunstgeschichte is indexed in BHA.


D-80603 München, Postfach 190354
Tel. +49 (0)89/121516-0
Fax +49 (0)89/1215116-44


Instructions to Authors

Zeitschrift für Kunstgeschichte

To the authors of "Zeitschrift für Kunstgeschichte"

The decision of whether or not a manuscript is printed is made by:

Zeitschrift für Kunstgeschichte

Kunsthistorisches Seminar der Universität Basel

Im Laurenz-Bau

St. Alban-Graben 8

CH-4051 Basel

Tel.: +41 (0)61 206 62 91

Fax: +41 (0)61 206 62 97

e-mail: zsfkg-kunsthist-at-unibas.ch

We publish in the following languages: German, English, French, and Italian. Manuscripts

must be submitted in one of these languages. The editors reserve the right to edit, abridge or reject any material.

The Zeitschrift für Kunstgeschichte only prints original contributions. This also excludes

translations of essays or partial pre-publications of books in preparations. In addition, the

editors expect that essays are being submitted manuscripts exclusively and are not being

sent other journals simultaneously.

Unsolicited manuscripts will be returned to the author only if the correct return postage has

been included with the manuscript.

1. Manuscripts

Submitted manuscripts must be typed (1,5 line spacing) on A4 pages; We request that you

submit two printouts of your manuscript together with a digital copy on floppy disk.

Manuscripts can be submitted either as hard copies or in a current digital file format. Hard

copies must be DIN A 4 or Letter paper format with 1,5 line spacing and printed on one side

only. There should be no more than 38 lines on a single page, with each line containing no

more than 62 characters. Please paginate consecutively.

A digital copy must accompany any hard copy, either as mailed-in CD-ROM or as an

attachment sent via e-mail (zsfkg-kunsthist@unibas.ch). Please ensure the digital text file will

not be write protected as we need to be able to edit your manuscript.

Please do not submit any paper print outs of images until we request you do so. Photocopies

or digital image files will suffice to give us an idea of the images you would like to see

reproduced in your article.


2. Floppy disks, CD-ROM, and E-mail:

If the manuscript cannot be delivered in digital form, the publishers will bill the author for the

costs of manually converting the file.

Best conversion: Apple Pagemaker formatted, Apple QuarkXPress formatted.

Very good conversion: WORD unformatted in endless capture, headings marked according to

importance with (Ü1) (Ü2) (Gr)= basic type, fat, italics, special characters in Ascii-Code,

lines and tables cannot be converted.

Good conversion: Pagemaker-DOS version formatted, word processing programs which are

compatible with Apple-Macintosh only, WORD-WINDOW, WORKS or other DOS word

processors, lines and tables cannot be converted.

Impossible conversions: Atari word processors, Schneider word processors, Commodore C 64

word processors.

3. Notes:

The notes should follow the body of the text as a separate unit and should be formatted in the

same manner. Each note should end with a full stop and must be complete in itself showing

full references.

4. Note indications in the text:

Superscripts should be used and should always be placed after punctuation marks.

5. Figure indications:

Within the text as follows: (Abb. 00) Please use brackets!


6. Highlighting:

Words and titles that should appear highlighted in the final print should be underlined in the


7. Abbreviations:

Please, try to avoid abbreviations in the text. Commonly used abbreviations must be used in a consistent manner.

Do not abbreviate the following: century, names of museums and collections.

In the notes, please use the following abbreviations:

a.a.O.=am angegebenen Ort; Abb.=Abbildung; Anm.=Anmerkung; Ausst.=Ausstellung;

Bd.=Band; c.=colonna; cf.=confer; Coll.=Collection; ders.=derselbe; exhib.=exhibition;

fig.=figure; fol.= Folio; Gal.=Galerie; hrg.=herausgegeben; Jb.=Jahrbuch; Jg.=Jahrgang;

Kat.=Katalog; l.c.=loco citato; Mus.=Museum; p.=pagina; s.=siehe; S.=Seite;

Slg.=Sammlung; Sp.=Spalte; T.=Teil; Tf.=Tafel; t.=tome; Verst.=Versteigerung;


8. Measurements:

When giving the measurements of pictures, indicate height before width; please use cms - for

smaller objects mms.

9. Figures:

We recommend that you provide photocopies only, when submitting the manuscript for

consideration. These must include all illustrations you wish to have published. For final

printing, we request perfectly reproducible camera-ready copies (black and white photos or,

in exceptional cases, slides) with the illustration number written on the back. Colour

illustrations should be sent only if requested by the editors and only in the form of


The author is responsible for the costs of reproduction.

The illustrations must be numbered clearly on the back; the text must indicate corresponding

numbers wherever illustrations are referred to.

We would require separate lists of illustration headings and of references (indication of

sources). Illustration headings should be as short as possible using the following punctuation

and providing the following information:

artist (or school) - comma – title of work - full stop (if known: technique and date - full stop) -

location - comma – collection (no full stop at the end!)


Römischer Sarkophag,

M. Franceschini,

Tod des Meleager (Ausschnitt). Paris, LouvreToilette der Venus. München, Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlungen

10. Size of illustrations

On a separate sheet, please indicate the size in which you wish to have the illustrations printed

(1/4, 1/2, 3/4, 1/1 page). The editors reserve the right to make changes if necessary.

Please do not forget to submit a separate manuscript with the figure sources.

11. References and quotes:

The author is responsible for the correctness of all bibliographical indications.

If quoting from journals, first give the name of the author, then the title of the article, then

"in" followed by a colon, the name of the journal, the volume, the year and finally the page



Herbert Keutner, Julius III. huldigt Michelangelo. Über zwei Bronzereliefs des Bartolommeo

Ammanati, in 226.

Quotes from collective volumes are to be given in the same way.

If quoting from books, first give the name of the author followed by a comma, then the book

title followed by a full stop, then the edition (in Arabic numerals) followed by a comma, then

the volume number (in Roman numerals) folllowed by a comma, the place and year of

publication followed by a comma, and finally the page or column.


Mary Hamilton Swindler,

Charles Diehl,

If quoting a single book or article more than once, you can refer to a previous note in the

following manner: Smith (as note 12), 202.

In your manuscript, all book and journal titles referred to in the notes should be written in

Mitteilungen des Kunsthistorischen Institutes in Florenz XXXV, 1991, 211-Ancient Painting, New Haven 1929, 60.Manuel d’art byzantin, 2. Aufl., vol. II, Paris 1925, 73.

italics, as they will also be printed in italics for reasons of legibility and clarity.

12. Setting and printing:


(not pencil!) using the common proofreader’s marks.

Authors will be charged for the costs of any changes made in the text at that stage except of

corrections of misprints or typographical errors.

On the proofs, we will indicate a deadline for their return.

Authors will also receive a make-up proof displaying the final layout. At that stage, changes

are no longer possible.

Please keep all deadlines for the return of proofs!

Authors will receive proofs of their article. We ask that corrections be made in ink

Ready for press:

take it for granted that they can print the article without expressed permission.

If the editors do not receive the author’s permission for print in time, they

Offprints: A

offprints at an extra charge in the amount specified at the time of shipment of the make-up.

uthors will receive 30 offprints free of charge. They may order additional

13. Copyright:

Authors assume the responsibility for all text and illustration copyrights.

14. !Important! We would be very grateful if authors inform us immediately of any

change of address!

as at: December 7, 2006

Editorial Board

Zeitschrift für Kunstgeschichte

Stephan Hauser
Kunsthistorisches Seminar der Universität Basel
Im Laurenz-Bau
St. Alban-Graben 8
CH-4051 Basel
Tel.: +41 (0)61 206 62 92
Fax: +41 (0)61 206 62 97

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