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About the journal

The Yale Journal of Criticism

Introduction: Translation Unveiled - The Yale Journal of Criticism 16:2 The Yale Journal of Criticism 16.2 (2003) 233-236 Introduction: Translation Unveiled Jessica Brantley and Joseph Luzzi Translation, the Romantic theorist Friedrich Schlegel declared, always loses one aspect of the original: its best part. Ever more visceral, his contemporary Goethe remarked that the translator was like a zealous intermediary who sings the praises of a beautiful, veiled body: his words increase our desire for the hidden original. These remarks suggest the rhetoric of loss, desire, and mediation that has attended translation since antiquity. Whether in Socratic philosophy, Romance philology, or lyric poetry, a cult of the original has conditioned readers to regard translation with, at best, grudging respect; at worst, outright suspicion. Most often, translators have remained "invisible," as Lawrence Venuti has put it, read but not seen or heard. Times have changed. In their various ways, postmodern theory, interdisciplinary scholarship, world literature, and the Internet have all challenged the dominion of the original. The reason is partly necessity. The ascendancy of English as the lingua franca of the global village has made translation the foundation of international communication. If the book wishes to be sold or the poem to be understood, it must anglicize its dress. The new attention to translation also reflects changed ideologies and philosophies, albeit...

Instructions to Authors

Notes on Contributors

Matthew Biro is Associate Professor of Modern and Contemporary Art in the Department of the History of Art at the University of Michigan. His book, Anselm Kiefer and the Philosophy of Martin Heidegger, was published by Cambridge University Press in 1998. His articles and reviews have appeared in RES, Clio, New German Critique, Art Criticism, and New Art Examiner.

James Buzard teaches literature at MIT and is the author of The Beaten Track: European Tourism, Literature, and the Ways to "Culture," 1800-1918 (Oxford University Press, 1993). He is currently writing Anywhere's Nowhere: Fictions of Autoethnography in the United Kingdom. His essays have appeared in The Yale Journal of Criticism, Raritan, Victorian Studies, Modernism/Modernity, and PMLA.

Mara De Gennaro is a doctoral student in the Department of English and Comparative Literature at Columbia University. Her work has appeared in European Avant-Garde: New Perspectives and is forthcoming in the Spring 2003 issue of differences. She is completing her dissertation, "Outside of Fiction: Modernist Primitivism, 'Race,' and the Humanist Tradition."

Jed Esty is Assistant Professor in the English Department and the Unit for Criticism and Interpretive Theory at the University of Illinois. He is the author of A Shrinking Island: Modernism and National Culture in England (forthcoming, Princeton University Press) and the co-editor of Postcolonial Studies and Beyond (forthcoming, Duke University Press).

Sara Guyer is a Faculty Fellow in the Department of English and Comparative Literature at the University of California, Irvine. She is completing a book on the rhetoric of survival in romantic and post-Holocaust writing.

Aaron Jaffe is an Assistant Professor of English at the University of Louisville. He has completed a manuscript entitled High Regard: The Work of Modernism in an Age of Celebrity, a study of the poetics and cultural politics of modernist reputation, and is planning a book on literary cosmopolitanism, engagement, and obsolescence. [End Page 231]

Natalie Meisner is a Ph.D. candidate in English and Theatre at the University of Calgary and an SSHRCC Fellow. Publications include Growing Up Salty and Other Plays (Roseway, 1997),and selections in Love Poems for The Media Age, Lady Driven, and Oral Fixations. Her play Life and A Lover (1999) won a "Jessie" Award and The Canadian National Playwriting Award.

Donia Mounsef is Assistant Professor of French and Theatre Studies at Yale University. She has completed a manuscript on the body in the theatre of Bernard-Marie Koltès entitled Le Corps en délit, le théâtre de Bernard-Marie Koltès.

Joseph Roach is the Charles C. and Dorathea S. Dilley Professor of Theater at Yale. He is the author of The Player's Passion: Studies in the Science of Acting (1993) and Cities of the Dead: Circum-Atlantic Performance (1996).

Julia A. Walker is an Assistant Professor of English at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign where she also serves as an affiliate of the Unit for Criticism and Interpretive Theory. She teaches courses in modern drama and performance theory, and is currently completing a book entitled Bodies, Voices, Words: Modernism and the American Stage.

Editorial Board


    Ala Alryyes
    Jessica Brantley
    Christine Mehring
    Donia Mounsef
    Vivasvan Soni
    Michael Trask
    Sarah Winter

    Managing Editor

    Pearl James

    Editorial Board

    Peter Brooks, Chairman
    Jean-Christophe Agnew
    Richard Brodhead
    David Bromwich
    Guido Calabresi
    Hazel Carby
    Ann Fabian
    Paul Fry
    Roberto Gonz¨¢lez-Echevarr¨ªa
    Sara Suleri Goodyear
    Michael Holquist
    Margaret Homans
    Edwin McClellan
    David Marshall
    Christopher Miller
    Linda Nochlin
    Jonathan Spence

    Advisory Board

    Harriet Chessman
    Lars Engle
    Margaret Ferguson
    Owen Fiss
    Jonathan Freedman
    Thomas Greene
    Geoffrey Hartman
    John Hollander
    Alan Liu
    Maynard Mack
    Guiseppe Mazzotta
    J. Hillis Miller
    Sheila Murnaghan
    Patricia Meyer Spacks
    Robert Stepto
    Thomas Whitaker
    Jennifer Wicke
    Gordon Williams
    Susan Wofford

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