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期刊名称:WILLIAM AND MARY Quarterly


期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

WMQ Mission Statement

The William and Mary Quarterly is published in January, April, July, and October by the Omohundro Institute of Early American History and Culture, Williamsburg, Virginia. The journal originated in 1892, making it one of the oldest scholarly journals in the United States. Currently in its third series, the Quarterly is the leading journal for the study of early American history and culture. It ranges chronologically from Old World–New World contacts to about 1820. Geographically, it focuses on North America—from New France and the Spanish American borderlands to British America and the Caribbean—and extends to Europe and West Africa. Though grounded in history, it welcomes works from all disciplines—for example, literature, law, political science, anthropology, archaeology, material culture, cultural studies—bearing on the early American period.

Approximately 125 manuscripts are submitted to the Quarterly each year. About one in eight manuscripts is accepted after in-house evaluation and thorough peer review. Accepted articles receive close substantive editing. Extensive backlogs of articles are avoided; ideally, articles are published within about a year of acceptance. The Quarterly aims to be accessible to all: the work of graduate students, junior faculty, and unaffiliated scholars is welcome. Three prizes are available to Quarterly authors, and many of the journal's articles attract considerable reprint interest.

Circulation presently stands at about 3,700, distributed almost equally between individuals and institutions. One in ten subscribers is foreign.


Instructions to Authors

WMQ Guidelines for Manuscripts

No manuscript will be considered if it has been published in some form before or if it is soon to be published elsewhere or if it is under consideration by another journal or press.

  • Submission: Please submit manuscripts electronically as email attachments in Word to Office Manager, Kelly Crawford (kscraw@wm.edu). Submitting electronically indicates that the author gives us permission to send the essay electronically to referees. (Referees have strict instructions not to circulate, quote from, or cite a submitted manuscript.) If necessary, authors may instead submit paper copies in quadruplicate. We cannot return these paper copies unless accompanied by a self-addressed, stamped envelope.

    • In the cover letter, which should be addressed to the Editor, authors must include a three-hundred-word abstract that outlines the substance and significance of the work, identify anyone who has critiqued the manuscript, and list the author’s contact information (email address, mailing address, phone number).
    • List the author’s name (as it would appear in print), title, department, and institutional affiliation.
    • Manuscripts should not exceed ten thousand words, excluding notes, tables, and figures. The notes, in total, should not exceed five thousand words.
    • Include a list of works cited as a separate file.
    • We also publish shorter Sources and Interpretations (formerly Notes and Documents) pieces of approximately six thousand words that are tightly focused on a document, text, image, or material object, placing the primary source in historical context and connecting the interpretation to significant historiographical questions.
    • Include the title at the top of the first page of the manuscript.
    • Avoid authorial identification throughout the manuscript as well as any identification stored in the document properties.
    • Be sure to double space throughout, (footnotes may be single spaced).
    • Margins should be one inch on all sides.
    • Consecutively paginate the entire text.
    • Embed footnotes in the document (meaning that the call-out number in the running text links with the footnote text).
    • Do not use parenthetical citations.
    • Distinguish prose extracts of one hundred words or more and poetry from the running text by indentation.
    • Supply each table in a separate file. Number tables consecutively, indicating their position in the manuscript.
    • Submit all illustrations you wish to use as separate JPG or TIF files. In the manuscript, indicate the placement of each illustration. Submit captions for each illustration in a discrete document
  • Notes on Quarterly House Style: The Quarterly does not use subheadings.  We employ space breaks to indicate new sections and ask authors to craft more careful transitions.

    We also try to steer authors away from announcement language (“In this essay I will argue….) and toward substantive declarative sentences that articulate the thesis.

  • Evaluation: Article manuscripts offered to the William and Mary Quarterly are first reviewed by the Editor; if appropriate, they are then subject to double-blind peer review. Readers’ reports are advisory; the Editor is the final arbiter.

  • Decision: On completion of peer review—normally within four months—the Editor notifies the author regarding the disposition of the manuscript. A manuscript may be (1) accepted; (2) rejected; (3) rejected with option to revise and resubmit. An author in doubt about the nature or terms of the decision should seek prompt clarification.

  • Revision and resubmission: If a manuscript is rejected with option to revise and resubmit, an author who accepts the option may propose a general plan of revision to the Editor. Revised manuscripts are normally submitted to the original referees. As a rule, in such cases, a final decision is rendered in the second round.

  • Acceptance and revision: When a manuscript is accepted, the Editor projects a provisional date of publication and outlines an agenda for revision.

  • Copyright: Copyright forms, establishing the author’s and publisher’s respective rights in published articles, are sent to authors at the time of acceptance. One signed copy should be returned to the Editor.

  • Preparation for publication: Submit the final manuscript electronically as an email attachment in Word to the Editor. The manuscript should be completely double spaced, including extracts and footnotes. Authors are requested to follow the Chicago Manual of Style, 16th Edition.

  • Permissions: Authors are responsible for obtaining and paying for permissions to reproduce all illustrations in the journal (including the online version of the journal that is available to subscribers on JSTOR, which some archives may classify as a reuse for which a separate application must be made). Authors are required to send original artwork (color images, if possible, for the online version) and copies of permission forms before the manuscript goes into production. Digital images should be of print quality, at least 300 dpi, in JPG, TIF, or EPS formats. Additionally, for the online version, 72 dpi JPG is acceptable. Alternatively, you may supply 8x10 black-and-white photographs.

  • Copyediting: Manuscripts are copyedited by the Managing Editor three to six months before the publication date. This editing usually involves styling footnotes and standardizing citations to Quarterly style as well as working with authors to clarify meaning for Quarterly readers. Authors are asked to read edited copy and may make revisions at that time but should abstain from making substantive changes in page proofs, which they are also asked to read.

  • At every point, the editors are responsible for clarifying, and authors for comprehending, the terms of the process. The editors will respond to all appropriate requests for information.

Editorial Board
Editorial Board
  • Alison F. Games, Georgetown University
  • David J. Hancock, University of Michigan
  • April Lee Hatfield, Texas A&M
  • Roderick A. McDonald, Rider University
  • Daniel Richter, McNeil Center for Early American Studies, University of Pennsylvania (Chair)
Phone Number Email Address
Visiting Editor Eric Slauter 757-221-1125 eslauter@wm.edu
Managing Editor Margaret T. Musselwhite 757-221-1134 mstill@wm.edu
Book Review Editor Brett Rushforth   bhrushforth@wm.edu
Assistant Editor Carol Arnette 757-221-1122 cgarnette@wm.edu
Office Manager Kelly Crawford 757-221-1130 kscraw@wm.edu
Administrative Assistant Tracy S. Hess 757-221-1124 tshess@wm.edu
Editorial Assistants

Alison R. Bazylinski
Caylin Carbonell
Mark Guerci
Michaela Y. Kleber
Kathleen E. Scorza
Cornelia Thompson

  • All communications and contributions should be addressed to the Editor
  • Advertisements, copyright permission and reprint requests to the Office Manager.
  • Change-of-address notices, undeliverable copies, orders for subscriptions and back issues to the Office Manager.

All communication should be addressed to

William and Mary Quarterly
P.O. Box 8781
Williamsburg, VA. 23187-8781

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