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出版社:WILEY, 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN, USA, NJ, 07030-5774

期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal
Aims and Scope

Articles in the Australian Journal of Politics and History explore the politics and history of Australia and modern Europe, intellectual history, political history, and the history of political thought. The journal also publishes articles in the fields of international politics, Australian foreign policy, and Australia's relations with the countries of the Asia-Pacific region.

The editors welcome the contribution of shorter critical notices and research notes, and will endeavour to publish controversies and symposia. The journal invites expressions of interest in producing a single issue on a particular theme or topic of contemporary political and historical interest. Prospective guest editors should submit proposals to the editors.

Instructions to Authors

TopAuthor Guidelines

Please note address for correspondence on manuscripts:

The Editor
Australian Journal of Politics and History
School of Political Science and International Studies
University of Queensland, QLD 4072
Fax: +61-7-3365-1388
Email: b.wex@uq.edu.au
Web address: www.polsis.uq.edu.au

Four (4) copies of manuscripts prepared in double line spacing using only one side of the paper should be supplied. The author's name and affiliation must not appear on the copies submitted but only on a separate covering sheet. An abstract of no more than 130 words should accompany the submission.

The Journal is unable to accept contributions in Macintosh format. All submissions must be typed as an unformatted Word document (no style sheets).

Recommended word length is 6-8,000 words, including fully referenced notes. Long quotations should be inset; short quotations should be in double quotation marks. Spelling should follow the Oxford English Dictionary.

Manuscripts should follow the Chicago Manual of Style, noting the following examples:

?Samuel Huntington, The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order (New York, 1996).
?Subsequently, Huntington, The Clash of Civilizations.
?Do not include publishers unless such omission would render the source particularly difficult to find.

Journal Articles
?John Lewis Gaddis, "International Relations Theory and the End of the Cold War", International Security, Vol. 19, 3 (Winter 1992-93), pp. 5-58.
?Subsequently, Gaddis, "International Relations Theory", p. 8.

Government Publication
?The Rt Hon. Sir Robert Menzies, MP, "Drought Assistance: Ministerial Statement", (Commonwealth Parliamentary Debates (CPD), House of Representatives, 7 December 1965), p. 3647.
?Subsequently, (CPD, House, 7 December 1965).

?Sydney Morning Herald, 5 March, 1999, p.4.

Contributors receive one free copy of the issue of the journal and twenty free offprints of their article.

The refereeing policy for articles requires that two reports be furnished whereby the anonymity of the author of the article is preserved. The anonymity of referees, whose comments are forwarded to the authors, is likewise preserved. The editors are responsible for the selection and acceptance of articles; the opinions expressed in articles published and the accuracy of statements made therein are solely the responsibility of the individual authors. The editors disclaim responsibility for statements, either of fact or opinion, made by the contributors. The editors retain the right to condense articles and reviews. The "Issues of Australian Foreign Policy", Chronicles and Review Articles will be internally refereed by members of the Editorial Committee.

From time to time the Journal publishes thematic issues on special topics. Correspondence about potential topics for future special issues should be directed to either the Political Editor, as above, or the History Editor, Dr Andrew Bonnell, School of History, Philosophy, Religion and Classics, University of Queensland, Q. 4072, Australia. Email: a.bonnell@uq.edu.au.

Books for Review

Books for review should be sent to:

Emeritus Professor Paul Crook
Review Editor
Australian Journal of Politics and History
School of History, Philosophy, Religion and Classics
The University of Queensland, QLD, 4072
Fax: +61-7-3365-1399
Email: ajph@uq.edu.au.

The journal advises publishers that books which are not reviewed cannot be returned, but will be donated to The University of Queensland Library. The Australian Journal of Politics and History reviews high profile books in modern history, politics and international relations, economic affairs, and the history of science and culture. Potential reviewers are invited to send a curriculum vitae to the Review Editor.

Editorial Board

Editorial Information


Ian Ward (Politics)
Email: i.ward@uq.edu.au

Andrew Bonnell (History)
Email: a.bonnell@uq.edu.au

Associate Editors

Paul Crook (Reviews)
Email: ajph@uq.edu.au

Rae Wear (Chronicles)
Email: r.wear@uq.edu.au

Marianne Hanson (Foreign Policy)
Email: m.hanson@uq.edu.au

Margaret Higgs (Editorial Assistant)
Email: ajph@uq.edu.au

Bronwyn Wex (Administrative Assistant)
Email: b.wex@uq.edu.au

Editorial Board

Robert Bannister (History, Swarthmore College, USA)
Geoffrey Bolton (Perth, WA, Australia)
Gregory Claeys (History, Royal Holloway and Bedford New College, University of London, UK)
Bernard Crick (Politics, University of Edinburgh, UK)
Alastair Davidson (Politics, University of Wollongong, Australia)
Ian Duffield (History, University of Edinburgh, UK)
Tom Griffiths (History, Australian National University, Australia)
Richard A. Higgott (Politics and International Studies, University of Warwick, UK)
Toby E. Huff (Sociology, University of Massachusetts, USA)
Colin A. Hughes (Politics, University of Queensland, Australia)
Takashi Inoguchi (Political Science, University of Tokyo)
Chandran Jeshurun (Malaysian International Affairs Forum, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)
Antonello La Vergata (Istituto E Museo de Storia della Scienza, Florence, Italy)
Angela Ki Che Leung (Sun Yat-Sen Institute, Academia Sinica, Taiwan)
Yuen-sang Leung (Humanities, Chinese University of Hong Kong, China)
John A. Moses (Canberra, Australia)
Eric Richards (History, Flinders University, Australia)
Marian Sawer (Political Science, Australian National University, Australia)
Geoff Stokes (Politics, Deakin University, Australia)
William Tow (Politics, Australian National University, Australia)
Luke Trainor (History, University of Canterbury, New Zealand)
H.T. Wilson (Administrative Studies, York University, Canada)


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