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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal
Aims and Scope
Victorian Literature and Culture
Victorian Literature and Culture encourages high quality original work concerned with all areas of Victorian literature and culture, including music and the fine arts. The journal presents work at the cutting edge of current research, including exciting new studies in untouched subjects or new methodologies. Contributions are welcomed from internationally established scholars as well as younger members of the profession. The Editors' topic for 2005 is 'Fin-de-Siècle Women Poets'. Review essays form a central part of the journal, and offer an authoritative view of important subjects together with a list of relevant works that serves as an up-to-date bibliography. The Works in Progress section allows the communication of parts of major works well in advance of their final publication. The Special Effects section allows publication of primary materials either previously unavailable or unknown to most readers.
Instructions to Authors
Victorian literature and Culture
VICTORIAN LITERATURE AND CULTURE is a publication of Cambridge University Press. It is
published through the generous support of New Mexico Highlands University, New York University, the
State University of New York at Stony Brook, and the University of North Dakota. The editors gratefully
acknowledge our indebtedness to our editorial assistant and interns: Melissa Brotton, Jason Drake,
Michael S. Holko, and Lahney Preston Matto.
Manuscripts and editorial correspondence can be addressed to either editor:
Adrienne Munich, Department of English, SUNY/Stony Brook, Stony Brook, NY 11794
(631 632 7414; fax: 631 632 1303);
John Maynard, Department of English, NYU, 19 University Pl., Rm. 529, N.Y., NY 10003
(212 998 8835; fax: 212 995 4019).
Please submit two copies of manuscripts; articles should be double-spaced throughout and follow the new
MLA style (with a list of Works Cited at the conclusion). Chapters of books submitted for the Works in
Progress section may follow the author’s chosen style in the book project.
Correspondence concerning review essays should be addressed to Winifred Hughes, 50 Wheatsheaf Lane,
Princeton, NJ 08540 (609 921 1489).
Suggestions for reprints of Victorian materials, texts, or illustrations, and also bibliographic or other kinds
of summary work should be addressed to Jeffrey Spear, Department of English, NYU, 19 University Pl.,
Rm. 530, N.Y., NY 10003 (212 998 8820; fax: 212 995 4019).
Ideas for Editors?Topics (groups of articles on a common subject, issue, or approach) should be raised
with Maria Jerinic (
mjerinic@yahoo.com), Department of English, New Mexico Highlands University in
Las Vegas, Las Vegas, NM 87701 or Allison Pease (
apease@jjay.cuny.edu) Department of English, John
Jay College, CUNY, 445 W 59th Street, N.Y., NY 10019.
Our website for contents of prior volumes and editorial information is:
E-mail for general correspondence (not submission of papers): vlc.journal@nyu.edu
Publishing, Subscription, and Advertising Offices: Cambridge University Press, 40 West 20th Street,
New York, NY 10011-4211, USA (for the United States, Canada, and Mexico); and Cambridge
University Press, The Edinburgh Building, Shaftesbury Road, Cambridge CB2 2RU, England (for U.K.
and elsewhere).
Victorian Literature and Culture is published biannually. Annual institutional subscription rates: US
$99.00 in the U.S., Canada, and Mexico, UK ?62.00 elsewhere. Individual rates: US $35.00 in the U.S.,
Canada, and Mexico; UK ?22.00 elsewhere.
E-mail for orders and subscription information: journals
The Cambridge University Press website for Victorian Literature and Culture is:
http://www.cup.org/journals/ jnlscat/vlc/vlc.htmlCopyright ?2002 Cambridge University Press.
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means,
electronic, photocopying, or otherwise, without permission in writing from Cambridge University Press.
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Instructions to Authors

Editorial Board

Editorial Board


John Maynard
Department of English
New York University
19 University Place, Room 235
New York, NY 10003-4556

Adrienne Munich
Department of English
State University of New York at Stony Brook
Stony Brook, NY 11794

Assistant Editor for Topics

Maria Jerinic

Allison Pease

Advisory Committee

Richard D. Altick
Ohio Sate University, USA

Isobel Armstrong
University of London, UK

Nancy Armstrong
Brown University, USA

Nina Auerbach
University of Pennsylvania, USA

Houston A. Baker, Jr.
University of Pennsylvania, USA

Tim Barringer
Yale University, USA

Gillian Beer
University of Cambridge, UK

Harold Bloom
New York University, USA

Patrick Brantlinger
Indiana University, USA

Susan Casteras
Yale University, USA

Thomas J. Collins
University of Western Ontario, Canada

Dwight Culler
North Haven, USA

David J. DeLaura
University of Pennsylvania, USA

Regenia Gagnier
University of Exeter, UK

Sandra M. Gilbert
University of California, Davis, USA

Margaret Homans
Yale University, USA

Ian Jack
Teversham, Cambridgeshire, UK

Gerhard Joseph

Joseph Kestner
University of Tulsa, USA

U. C. Knoepflmacher
Princeton University, USA

Robert Langbaum
Charlottesville, USA

George Levine
Rutgers University, USA

Jane Marcus

Jerome McGann
University of Virginia, USA

Michael Meredith
Eton College, UK

Dorothy Mermin
Cornell University, USA

J. Hillis Miller
University of California, USA

Lynda Nead
Birkbeck College, United Kingdom

Linda Nochlin
New York University, USA

Mary Poovey
The Johns Hopkins University, USA

Robert Preyer
Massachusetts, USA

Harriet Ritvo
Michigan Institute of Technology, USA

Hilary M. Schor
University of Southern California, USA

E. Warwick Slinn
Massey University, New Zealand

Ruth A. Solie
Smith College, USA

Richard Stein
University of Oregon, USA

Margaret Stetz
Georgetown University, USA

Herbert Sussman
Northeastern University, USA

John Sutherland
University College London, UK

G. B. Tennyson
University of California, USA

Michael Timko

Herbert Tucker
University of Virginia, USA

Martha Vicinus
University of Michigan, USA

Malcolm Warner
Yale Center for British Art, United Kingdom

Michael Wheeler
University of Lancaster, USA

Carolyn Williams
Rutgers University, USA

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