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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Australian Historical Studies

Australian Historical Studies is a refereed journal publishing original and previously unpublished (online or hard copy) articles. First published in 1940, it is now one of Australia’s oldest, best-known and most highly-regarded academic journals, which ERA rate as A. It receives contributions from leading academics in the field. It is published in March, June and December each year.
Australian Historical Studies deals with all aspects of the history of Australia-New Zealand, and Pacific regional issues and with other histories insofar as they significantly inform the understanding of this history. All varieties of history are welcomed. 


Australian Historical Studies and Taylor & Francis make every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the “Content”) contained in its publications. However, the Society and Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether express or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not necessarily the views of the Editor, the Society or Taylor & Francis.

Australian Historical Studies is abstracted in:
A P A I S: Australian Public Affairs Information Service (Online); America: History and Life; British Humanities Index; Current Abstracts; Historical Abstracts; Humanities International Index; International Bibliography of Theatre & Dance; Periodicals Index Online; SCOPUS; Thomson Reuters Arts & Humanities Citation Index.

Instructions to Authors


Australian Historical Studies publishes articles relating to all areas of Australian, New Zealand and Pacific history. There is no set submission date for articles and authors should feel free to submit work at anytime, as long as such work conforms with the guidelines below.

Submitted work will be examined by the editors and, if found suitable, sent out for peer review. While authors are free to inquire about the progress of their article at anytime, they should be aware that the peer review process can take up to six months.

Please also note that it is Australian Historical Studies policy to not accept unsolicited reviews or offers of review.

Manuscript presentation

  1. Do not write your name anywhere on the manuscript.
  2. Send one electronic copy of your article, preferably as an email attachment (rtf file) or on disc to Australian Historical Studies, Department of History, University of Melbourne, Parkville, VIC 3121, Australia.
  3. The manuscript should be double-spaced throughout, including indented quotes and endnotes.
  4. Manuscripts that exceed 8,000 words in length, including references, will not be accepted.
  5. The article should be preceded by a brief abstract of no more than 100 words.6. References should be supplied as endnotes, not footnotes.
  6. Unless directed otherwise, follow the Chicago Manual of Style, 14th ed. (Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press, 1993). Spelling and hyphenation should follow the Macquarie Concise Dictionary, 3rd ed. (Sydney: Macquarie Library, 1998)

Use of Capitals

  1. Other than for proper names, use capitals only when lower case would cause ambiguity.


  1. Full titles of countries, states, institutions, organisations etc. should be used at the first reference; subsequent references may be abbreviated.
  2. Use a full stop after an abbreviation (Vic., ed.), but not after a contraction (Mr, Mrs, Qld, eds). Symbols for currency and units of measurement have no full stop (5 km, 25 lbs, 3s). Note that this practice differs from that recommended by the Chicago Manual of Style.
  3. Do not use any full stop with abbreviations that consist of capitals: (NSW, ALP; also BA, PhD, MA), nor with their plurals.


  1. Use single quotation marks for quotations; within a quotation use double quotation marks. Note that this advice reverses the practice recommended by the Chicago Manual of Style.
  2. Indent quotations of more than forty words and double space.
  3. Always preserve the spelling, grammar and punctuation of the original. Use [sic] sparingly to indicate aberrant usage.
  4. Put any interpolations in square brackets.
  5. If omitting material from a quotation, use three ellipsis points ( ¡­ ). Do not use ellipsis points at the beginning of a quotation.
  6. Close quotations before a final punctuation mark ('He left him dead'.). This too departs from the recommendations of the Chicago Manual of Style.


  1. Within the text, numbers and ordinals up to one hundred are spelled out: twenty- five, fifty-sixth anniversary.
  2. Numbers over one hundred are given in figures (276), except for round numbers (five thousand). Use figures with a succession of numbers: 16 frocks, 5 smocks, 102 stockings.
  3. For percentages write 91 per cent, not 91%.


  1. Use the form 15 January 2000. Avoid beginning a sentence with a date in this form.
  2. Months should be spelled out in full.
  3. No apostrophe is used in 1870s, 2000s.4. Show a span of years as 1845-50, not 1845-1850.


  1. Underline only if reproducing a specific device in a quotation; emphasis will normally be marked by italics.
  2. Use italics for uncommon foreign words; the inclusion of a word or phrase in the Macquarie Concise Dictionary indicates that it is no longer considered uncommon.


Use the form of citation recommended by the Chicago Manual of Style, (humanities), with the exceptions already noted, that is: use single quotation marks rather than double ones; use full stops after abbreviations but not after contractions; and close quotations before the final punctuation mark.

Books: The first citation should contain: author's initial(s) or given name(s) as used on the title page, surname, title of book, place of publication, publisher, year of publication, and page reference if appropriate. The subtitle is capitalised and follows a colon. The place of publication is a city, not a suburb.
Kate Darian-Smith, On the Home Front: Melbourne in Wartime, 1939-1945 (Melbourne: Melbourne University Press, 1990), 5-6.

Articles in journals/chapters in books: Richard Broome, "Windows on Other Worlds: The Rise and Fall of Sideshow Alley", Australian Historical Studies 30, no. 112 (April 1999): 15-16
Stephen Garton, "Policing the Dangerous Lunatic: Lunacy and Incarceration in New South Wales, 1870-1914", in Policing in Australia: Historical Perspectives, ed. Mark Finnane (Sydney: New South Wales University Press, 1987), 74-87.

Unpublished material: In the first citation the general rule is to cite the document first, followed by the name of the collection and the file number, then the name and location of the archive. A.W. Jose to Director War Staff, 19 March 1919, C.E.W. Bean Papers (hereafter Bean Papers), folder 115, Australian War Memorial (hereafter AWM), Canberra.

Theses: The first citation should contain author's first name, surname, title of thesis, type of thesis, university, date of completion, and page reference if appropriate. Nicholas Brown, Possess the Time: The Formation and Character of Australian Intellectual Conservatism in the 1950s' (PhD thesis, Australian National University, 1990), 140.

Subsequent References: Use author name and page number. If more than one book by the same author is cited, use suitable short titles, including author's surname and key words from title of book, chapter/article or thesis.
Darian-Smith, Home Front, 5-6. Broome, 'Windows', 10. Garton, 80. Brown, 231. Use ibid. for a single work cited in the note immediately preceding.

Editorial Board

President  Joy Damousi

Editors  Shurlee Swain and Stuart Macintyre

Editorial/Administrative Assistant  Sianan Healy

Business Manager (policy)  Andrew Brown-May

Business Manager (finance) - Robin Harper

Review Editors  Kate Darian-Smith, Christina Twomey, David Walker

Review Editor (exhibitions) - Margaret Anderson

Secretary  Robin Harper

Board Members  Bain Attwood, Andrew Brown-May, Joy Damousi, Kate Darian-Smith, Phillip Deery, Marilyn Lake, Michele Langfield, Stuart Macintyre, Judith Smart, Shurlee Swain, Christina Twomey, David Walker

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