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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Translation Review
University of Texas at Dallas

Started in 1978, Translation Review is published two times a year. The Review is unique in the English-speaking world. While many literary journals publish translations of the works of international authors in English translation, Translation Review focuses on the theoretical and critical aspects of transplanting a literary text from one culture into another. The pages of Translation Review present in-depth interviews with translators; articles that deal with the evaluation of existing translations; profiles on small, commercial, and university publishers of foreign literature in translation; comparative studies of multiple translations into English of the same work; investigations of methodologies to develop translation workshops and courses in literary translations; and information concerning ongoing research in translation studies in the United States and abroad.

Through Translation Review, translators have a forum to talk about the reconstruction of the translation process to give readers a sense of the tremendous difficulties involved in transplanting a text from a foreign culture into English. Thus, the practice of translation can also be considered an important methodological tool to initiate and promote interdisciplinary thinking. Translation Review serves as a major critical and scholarly journal to facilitate cross-cultural communication through the refined art and craft of literary translations.

Translators and scholars who are interested in contributing to Translation Review should contact the editor, Rainer Schulte. We are looking for articles and essays that deal with the reconstruction of the translation process. We are particularly interested in thoughtful reviews of significant new translations into English. Furthermore, we would like to expand studies that deal with the anthropological and cultural aspects of translation. Articles focusing on the practical implications of translation for the teaching of literature and the humanities are of particular interest to the editors.

Instructions to Authors

Calls for Submissions

Call for manuscripts!

The editors of Translation Review are expanding the scope of the journal.

We are now accepting translations of original works accompanied by a substantive comment by the translator. Comments should focus on the reconstruction of the translation process with specific reference to choices made by the translator in the preparation of the final draft. We are particularly interested in discussions of how translators succeeded in finding solutions to problems involving no direct correspondences between cultures.

We will consider manuscripts that deal with poetry, short fiction, essays, and excerpts from plays.

Please send a hard copy of the manuscript together with the work on disk in MS Word format. If you have any questions about the nature of this expansion, please contact Rainer Schulte, Editor.

Looking for reviewers!

The editors of Translation Review would like to expand the section on reviews of translations, and we are actively seeking reviewers of individual book translations. In addition, we would like to feature columns surveying the major book translations that have been published in a particular year from a particular language.

Reviews of translations from lesser-known languages are of particular interest. Any suggestions should be forwarded to the editor.

Submissions for the customary articles or interviews are also welcomed and accepted in MS Word format, on disk. Submissions may be sent to:

Editor, Translation Review
c/o University of Texas at Dallas
P.O. Box 830688, JO 51
Richardson, TX 75083-0688

Editorial Board

Our Mailing Address:

American Literary Translators Association
The University of Texas at Dallas
Box 830688 Mail Station JO51
Richardson TX 75083-0688

Physical Address:

American Literary Translators Association
Jonsson Academic Center Suite 5.508
The University of Texas at Dallas 
2601 N. Floyd Rd.
Richardson TX 75080

To contact the ALTA secretary, Lindy Jolly:

Email: lindy.jolly@utdallas.edu
Voice: (972) 883-2093
Fax:    (972) 883-6303


Email: Michelle Long


Maps: UTD Campus

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