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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

About TS

Theological Studies is a quarterly journal of theology, published under the auspices of the Jesuits in the USA. It has been in continous publication since 1940.

Mission Statement

Founded and sponsored by the Society of Jesus in the United States of America, Theological Studies is a Catholic scholarly journal that serves the Church and its mission by promoting a deeper understanding of the Christian faith through the publication of research in theological disciples. Through refereed articles and reviews of noteworthy books, the journal aims to recover and to help make accessible the riches of the theological tradition, and to present significant developments in current theology. It is published quarterly in English for an international readership.

Located at Marquette University, in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, TS is under the general editorship of David G. Schultenover, SJ, in concert with its editorial consultants. Its book review editor is R. Daniel Kendall, S.J., of the University of San Francisco.

About the site

The TS web site is also located at Marquette University, in Milwaukee, WI, USA. It exists in order to make information available to:

Writers For contributors we have both on-line and downloadable documents describing our style and spelling expectations, along with an information sheet we ask authors to include with their submissions.
Readers For some years now we have been making available to visitors PDF files of articles published from our first issue up to issues published five years ago. These files are made freely available to our visitors, though we are happy to receive donations from those who download our PDFs.
Subscribers Subscribers and potential subscribers can get mailing addresses, e-mail addresses, and telephone numbers for contacting our subscription service. Please note that this web site does not process subscriptions to TS.
Businesses Interested in advertising your Press's books or other academic events to a market interested in, an capably of buying, your product? Advertising in TS may be your answer...


In addition, we post David Schultenover's latest editorial for the upcoming issue of TS on the site as soon as it is ready, and keep an archive of previous editorials.


We are aware that our visitors wonder whether information about their visits is being tracked by the web site. In order to disclose fully our site's activity, and to allay concerns our visitors may have, we offer the following information:

  • The TS site does not use "cookies" at all—cookies are data files that a web site places on a visitor's computer that contain settings and information about the visitor's previous visit(s). Cookies contain innocuous chunks of data that cannot be run on the visitor's computer (hence they do not pose a virus risk to the visitor). Nonetheless, visitors tend to prefer anonymity when they visit a site, and we honor that wish.


To ensure prompt attention and service from Theological Studies please contact our appropriate offices.

Regarding submitting manuscripts, editorial policy,
and permissions to reprint content from Theological Studies
(NOTE: Not regarding subscriptions):
David G. Schultenover, S.J.
Editor, Theological Studies
Marquette University
100 Coughlin Hall, Box 1881
Milwaukee, Wl 53201-1881, USA
Phone: 414-288-3165
FAX: 414-288-1413
E-mail: tseditor@marquette.edu
For speed-mail delivery (e.g., Fedex or UPS) to our editorial office: David G. Schultenover, S.J.
607 North 13th Street
100 Coughlin Hall, Box 1881
Milwaukee WI 53233 USA
Phone: 414-288-3165/414-288-7170
For subscriptions, renewals, or address changes: Theological Studies Subscription Service
P.O. Box 465
Hanover, PA 17331, USA
Phone: 800-352-2210 or 717-632-3535
E-mail: pubsvc.tsp@sheridan.com
WWW: Subscribe online here.
Send review copies, all reviews and notices to: R. Daniel Kendall, S.J.
Theological Studies Book Reviews
Room 152
Kalmanovitz Hall
University of San Francisco
2130 Fulton Street
San Francisco, CA 94117-1080
Phone: (415) 422-6817
FAX: (415) 422-5356
Email: tsbookreviews@usfca.edu
Address exchange periodicals and correspondence to: Woodstock Theological Library
Attn: TS Exchange Georgetown University
Box 571170
Washington, DC 20057-1170, USA
Phone: 202-687-7513
To reproduce material for classroom use, contact: Copyright Clearance Center
Academic Permissions Service
222 Rosewood Drive
Danvers, MA 01923, USA
Phone: 978-750-8400

Instructions to Authors

Authors are the head and heart of our journal. They play the lead role in the ecclesial ministry that defines Theological Studies. The links on this page direct authors of articles, book reviews, and shorter notices to documents that support their role, aiding especially in the rhetorical consistency of the journal and thereby easing communication to our readers. When your manuscript is prepared (in letter-prefect copy), please send it to our editorial offices here at Marquette University. North American authors are asked to send two hard copies by mail and an electronic copy by email attachment (preferably in MS Word). Those submitting a manuscript from other continents need send only the electronic copy.

For addresses and other contact information please consult our addresses page.

For article writers

We ask that authors adhere to our style guide when they send us manuscripts. To that end we provide two distinct guides: a style/formatting guide and a spelling/abbreviations guide. To consult an on-line version of each guide follow the buttons below. Downloadable copies of the guides are available in PDF format in the Downloads section.

Style and Formatting »

Spelling and abbreviations »

For review writers

Writers of book reviews and shorter notices receive a hard copy of guidelines along with the book they have agreed to review. We have placed downloadable PDF versions of those guides in the Downloads section.

Author submission form

To expedite the review of submitted manuscripts, and for our internal tracking records, we ask that authors provide certain information to us at the time of submission. We have placed downloadable PDF versions of those guides in the Downloads section.

Editorial Board

Editorial consultants

The current Editorial Consultants for Theological Studies are:

Pauline Allen
Australian Catholic University, Brisbane,
and University of Pretoria
Robert M. Doran, S.J.
Marquette University
Julia A. Fleming
Creighton University
Mary Catherine Hilkert, O.P.
University of Notre Dame
Elizabeth A. Johnson, C.S.J.
Fordham University
Richard Lennan
Boston College School of Theology and Ministry
Daniel A. Madigan, S.J.
Georgetown University
Leo J. O'Donovan, S.J.
Union Theological Seminary
Neil Ormerod
Australian Catholic University, Strathfield
Robert J. Schreiter, C.PP.S.
Catholic Theological Union
John E. Thiel
Fairfield University
Andrea Vicini, S.J.
Boston College School of Theology and Ministry
Thomas W. Worcester, S.J.
Holy Cross College


In 1998 TS began the practice of having the current editor-in-chief contribute an editorial to the front of each issue, which synthesized the topics of the articles to be found in that issue, along with other ecclesial topics that the readership would find compelling. Our consistent practice has been to post these editorials here on the website as soon as they are ready, in the hope of allowing readers to get a sense of the upcoming issue.

This page provides an index of these editorials, which you can access by clicking on the numbered tab beneath each respective editor's name. You will then be brought to a page that contains that year's editorials. Happy reading.

David Schultenover, S.J. (current TS editor-in-chief)

Michael A. Fahey, S.J. (previous editor-in-chief)

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