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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal
Textile History is an internationally recognised, peer reviewed journal and one of the leading publications in its field. It is viewed as an important outlet for current research. Published in the spring and autumn of each year, its remit has always been to facilitate the publication of high-quality research and discussion in all aspects of scholarship arising from the history of textiles and dress.

Since its foundation the scope of the journal has been substantially expanded to include articles dealing with aspects of the cultural and social history of apparel and textiles, as well as issues arising from the exhibition, preservation and interpretation of historic textiles or clothing. Textile History reviews a wide cross-section of books from all parts of the world, dealing with any aspect of textile and clothing history; the Book Reviews Editor is happy to consider books for review that have been published in any of the languages which fall within the bounds of scholarship in its fields.

Textile History welcomes high-quality submissions based on original research from a wide range of scholarly perspectives including economic, social, art, design and cultural history, as well as material culture studies from a historical perspective. Submissions from both established and younger scholars are welcome.

The journal regularly publishes Exhibition Reviews and Object Lessons; the former offer important discussion of major public exhibitions of dress and textiles, while the latter element of the journal illustrates the ways in which the study of objects can inform analysis in scholarly research. The Research Notes section is intended for brief comments or limited discussion of particular issues not requiring a major article.

Instructions to Authors

Notes for Contributors - Textile History





The Editors invite submission of original manuscripts of major articles (maximum 10,000 words) or brief communications, e.g. reviews of major exhibitions (maximum 2000 words) that fall within the aims and scope of this journal (as stated on the inside front cover and in full at www.maney.co.uk/journals/textile). Acceptance is on the understanding that their content is original and the manuscript has not been submitted for publication elsewhere. However, papers delivered at conferences and meetings may be acceptable if they are significantly extended or altered from their original presentation as a result of further work. The journal is published in full colour and authors  are encouraged to submit colour illustrations with their manuscripts where possible. Manuscripts and illustrations for consideration by the Editors should be sent, in the first instance, to Beverly Lemire, Henry Marshall Tory Chair, Department of History & Classics, 2-28 Tory Building, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada T6G 2H4, (lemire@ualberta.ca), or Lesley Miller, Department of Furniture, Textiles  and Fashion, Victoria and Albert Museum, London SW7 2RL, UK (le.miller@vam.ac.uk). Books for review should be sent to Patricia Allerston, Head of Education, National Galleries of Scotland, Scottish National Portrait Gallery, 1 Queen Street, Edinburgh EH2 1JD, UK (PAllerston@nationalgalleries.org).


Manuscripts should be typed, double-spaced, single-sided, on international size A4 paper (or the nearest equivalent standard size in the USA) with a wide left-hand margin. The first page should bear the title, together with the name, address and affiliation of the author(s), and a short biographical note of not more than 50 words for each author. All papers submitted may be refereed at the Editor's discretion and are subject to editorial revision if necessary. Manuscripts must be accompanied by a short abstract outlining contents (c. 100 words). Authors should give their e-mail address (see proofs below).


If accepted, authors will be expected to supply the final version of their article in both hard copy and on disk, preferably in PC format, using Word or WordPerfect. This may accelerate the printing of articles and reduce the number of errors associated with re-keying. Disks must be clearly labelled with the author(s') name(s), title of the file, and format and software used. Text should be justified; use 'hard' returns only at the end of paragraphs; switch off auto-hyphenation; and do not use automatic footnote referencing.


Authors should note the following style conventions. Single quotation marks should be used and double marks for quotations within quotations. Those using more than six lines of typescript should be typed indented and without quotation marks. Footnotes should be listed on a separate sheet with their location in the text marked by superscript Arabic numerals. When referring to publications, the following system should be used:


a. Articles and essays in journals and books (spell out journal titles completely and give the issue as well as the volume number when a journal is not continuously paged).

G. Riello, ¡®La chaussure ¨¤ la mode: Production Innovation and Marketing Practices in Parisian and London Boot and Shoemaking in the Early Nineteenth Century¡¯, Textile History, xxxiv, no. 2 (2003), pp. 107¨C33.


G. Timmins, ¡®Economic History, Design History and Textiles¡¯, in M. Schoeser and C. Boydell eds, Disentangling Textiles: Techniques for the study of designed objects (London: Middlesex University Press, 2003), pp. 209¨C16.


b. Books and exhibition catalogues

Katrina Honeyman, Well Suited. A History of the Leeds Clothing Industry 1850¨C1990 (Oxford: Oxford University Press and the Pasold Research Fund, 2000). European Academy & Accademia Italiana, The Art and Crafts of Fashion in Venice from the 13th to the 18th century (London, 1997).


c. Government Reports

Report from the Select Committee of the House of Lords on the State of the British Wool Trade, Parl. Papers, 1828, VIII, 76.


d. Manuscripts

Wiltshire County Records Office, Lansdowne MSS 117/3, A. Smith to B. Brown, 8 Jan 1876 (i.e. location, collection, and specific reference).


e. Online publications


Sandra Lawrence, 'The Overlord Embroidery', Sandra Lawrence Website (2000), http://www.sl.co.uk/html/alt_overlord.html, [accessed 15/04/2005] (para. 3 of 17).


When referring to volumes of journals or monographs use Roman numerals.


Illustrations Textile History is published in full colour.Typescripts may be accompanied by photographs printed in colour or black and white on glossy paper, minimum size half-page, and/or by clear drawings in ink suitable for reproduction as illustrations. Captions for figures and tables should be typed out on a separate sheet, each being numbered from 1. The corresponding number should be placed on the back of the illustration. (Please use soft pencil and not felt pen for numbering your photographs.) The location of the illustrations and tables must be clearly noted in the text and in the margin of the hard copy.


Illustrations of artefacts should follow the following conventions: statement of what the object is, dimensions, source (museum, private collections, etc.), accession number (where appropriate), and authorship of photograph (if requested by institution) e.g. Textile sample of taffeta with light ruby-coloured ground brocaded in coloured silk floss and cordonnet, textile sample book of 1763, f. 67v.; 26.5cm x 53.5cm. Victoria and Albert Mseum (T373-1972). Photo: V&A Picture Library.


Images can be supplied in electronic format but files must be accompanied by hard copy output. Images must be supplied as tiff or eps files saved at minimum input scanning resolution of 300 dpi for colour, 350-400 dpi for halftones, 800 dpi for simple line, and 1200 dpi for fine line drawings.  Please note jpeg files will not be accepted.


Copyright Unless otherwise agreed with the Editors, published articles become copyright of the Pasold Research Fund, but requests by authors to publish material in them elsewhere are normally approved and authors retain moral rights of authorship in their work. Authors are responsible for obtaining permission to reproduce copyright material from other sources and for obtaining permission to quote from personal interviews.


Proofs of articles will be sent directly to authors, for checking and correcting typographical errors only (other alteration can be accepted only at the Editors' discretion and may be charged to the author). Proofs are sent as PDF files via e-mail wherever possible. Proofs must be returned within 72 hours of receipt, otherwise the Editors' corrected proofs will be used.


Offprints Authors receive 25 free offprints (to be shared in the case of joint authorship) and one complete copy of the relevant issue, and may purchase further offprints and copies from the publisher.

Editorial Board

Beverly Lemire Department of History and Classics, University of Alberta, Canada

Lesley Miller Department of Furniture, Textiles and Fashion, Victoria and Albert Museum, London, UK

Book Reviews Editor

Patricia Allerston National Galleries of Scotland, Edinburgh, UK

Editorial Board

Richard Candee Boston University, USA

S. D. Chapman University of Nottingham, UK

F. Charpigny Universit¨¦ Lumi¨¨re Lyon 2, France

S. Chassagne Centre Pierre Leon d'Histoire Economique et Sociale, Lyon, France

H Deceulaer Belgian State Archives, Brussels

Professor Linda Grove Sophia University, Japan

A. Hood Department of History, University of Toronto, Canada

D. T. Jenkins University of York, UK

T. Kusamitsu University of Tokyo, Japan

Sarah Levitt Leicester Museum Service, UK

T. Nicks Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto, Canada

Dr Prasannan Parthasarathi Department of History, Boston College, USA

Professor Mary Rose Lancaster University, UK

Pam Sharpe History, University of Western Australia, Australia

Verity Wilson Victoria & Albert Museum, London, UK

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