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期刊名称:TEXT & TALK


期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal


TEXT & TALK (founded as TEXT in 1981) is an internationally recognized forum for interdisciplinary research in language, discourse, and communication studies, focusing, among other things, on the situational and historical nature of text/talk production; the cognitive and sociocultural processes of language practice/action; and participant-based structures of meaning negotiation and multimodal alignment. TEXT & TALK encourages critical debates on these and other relevant issues, spanning not only the theoretical and methodological dimensions of discourse but also their practical and socially relevant outcomes.


  • encourages the dissemination of scholarly work in all aspects of language and communication research, especially in under-represented domains (e.g., communication science, artificial intelligence, professional communication, rhetoric and composition, stylistics, narratives, institutional ethnography, sociology of science);
  • systematically reviews from time to time via position papers and state-of-the-art articles the major conceptual and analytic developments in language and communication research;
  • challenges through critique and debate the tenets of discourse research across disciplinary boundaries, in terms of theoretical and methodological insights as well as practical outcomes;
  • remains independent of any individual or group ideology, while encouraging in equal measure the use of discourse to challenge discourse orthodoxy.

TEXT & TALK is a peer-reviewed journal of international scope.

Srikant Sarangi
is Professor in Language and Communication and Director of the Health Communication Research Centre at Cardiff University. He is also the editor of Communication & Medicine.

Instructions to Authors
Notes for contributors
1. Contributions (approx. 6000¨C8000 words) should be in English (American spelling).
Authors whose native language is not English are asked to have their article carefully
checked by a native speaker. Manuscripts should be submitted as e-mail attachments to:
hTEXTandTALK@cardiff.ac.uki and one hard copy sent to the Editor: Srikant Sarangi,
TEXT & TALK, Centre for Language and Communication Research, Cardiff School of
English, Communication and Philosophy, Cardiff University, Humanities Building, Colum
Drive, Cardiff CF10 3EU, UK. The journal operates an anonymous peer review process.
2. The manuscript must be accompanied by a cover sheet listing, after ¡®Submission for TEXT
& TALK¡¯: name(s) of the author(s); institutional address, telephone, fax numbers, and
e-mail address of the main author; home telephone number; article title; short title (for
running head); and character count (including punctuation, spaces, etc.).
3. On separate pages please supply: 1) bionote (brief academic biography of the author,
maximum of 75 words, including correspondence address); 2) abstract (maximum of 200
words) summarizing the whole article, not just the conclusions; 3) six keywords.
4. Manuscripts must be typed double-spaced in 12 point font on one side of A4 or letter-size
paper, divided into sections with numbered headings. All pages must be numbered. Emphasized
words or phrases should be italicized. Foreign words should also be italicized and
followed by a translation in single quotation marks. Use single not double quotation marks
throughout. Please avoid the use of boldface in the text. For data transcripts (with line
numbers rather than turn numbers), use a maximum of 60 characters per line (including
5. Following formal acceptance, contributors are requested to submit the final version electronically
TEXTandTALK@cardiff.ac.uk. A common PC wordprocessing program such as
WORD should be used. Any special characters (e.g., diacritical marks) used should be
labeled and clearly identified at their first occurrence.
6. Line drawings and photographs (called ¡®Figures¡¯ in the text) must be reproducible originals
and should be submitted on separate pages and placed at the end of the manuscript. A
note should be placed in the text to indicate the approximate placement, e.g., ¡®Figure 1
about here¡¯. Figures should be numbered separately, i.e., Figure 1, 2, 3 etc. Captions for all
figures should be typed on a separate page at the end of the article. All figures must be cited
in the text.
7. Authors should refer to the Mouton de Gruyter style sheet (
down/mouton_journal_stylesheet.pdf), especially regarding the proper format for citations
and reference entries.
8. Corrections. Authors are asked to check their manuscripts very carefully before submitting
them in order to prevent delays and extra costs at the proof stage. Authors will receive PDF
page proofs for correction which must be returned by dates given in the publication schedule.
9. Complimentary copies. Contributors will be sent one complimentary copy (each). If there is
more than one author, the copies (up to a maximum of three) will be sent to the first-named
contributor for distribution.

Instructions to Authors

Editorial Board
Srikant Sarangi
Centre for Language and Communication Research
Cardiff School of English, Communication and Philosophy
Cardiff University
Humanities Building
Colum Drive
Cardiff CF10 3EU
Wales, UK

Editorial Associates
Aileen Doyle (Cardiff University, UK)

Specialist Board
Malcolm Coulthard (University of Birmingham, UK)
Gunther Kress (Institute of Education, London, UK)
Geoffrey Leech (Lancaster University, UK)
Wendy Leeds-Hurwitz (University of Wisconsin, Kenosha, USA)

Honorary Board
Wallace Chafe (University of California, Santa Barbara, USA)
Aaron B. Cicourel (University of California, San Diego, USA)
Susan Ervin-Tripp (University of California, Berkeley, USA)
John Gumperz (University of California, Santa Barbara, USA)
M. A. K. Halliday (University of Sydney, Australia)
Dell H. Hymes (University of Virginia, Charlottesville, USA)
Bohumil Palek (Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic)
Janos Petöfi (University of Macerata, Italy)

Advisory Board
Stuart Allan (University of the West of England, Bristol, UK)
Karin Aronsson (Linköping University, Sweden)
Peter Auer (University of Freiburg, Germany)
Jack Bilmes (University of Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii)
Jan Blommaert (Institute of Education, London, UK)
Charles Briggs (University of California, Berkeley, USA)
Christopher N. Candlin (Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia)
Donal Carbaugh (University of Massachussetts, Amherst, USA)
Paul Drew (University of York, UK)
Norman Fairclough (Lancaster University, UK)
Andrew Goatly (Lingnan University, Hong Kong, P. R. China)
Gu Yueguo (Chinese Academy of Social Science, Beijing, P. R. China)
Marjorie Harness Goodwin (University of California, Los Angeles, USA)
Sandra Harris (Nottingham Trent University, UK)
David Herman (Ohio State University, Columbus, USA)
Richard Heyman (University of Calgary, Canada)
Yoshihiko Ikegami (Showa Women’s University, Tokyo, Japan)
Richard Lanigan (Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, USA)
Per Linell (Linköping University, Sweden)
Ivana Markova (University of Stirling, UK)
Douglas W. Maynard (University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA)
Jacob L. Mey (University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark)
Greg Myers (Lancaster University, UK)
Neal R. Norrick (Saarland University, Saarbrücken, Germany)
Jan-Ola Östman (University of Helsinki, Finland)
Gerry Philipsen (University of Washington, Seattle, USA)
Paul Prior (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, USA)
Kay Richardson (University of Liverpool, UK)
Deborah Schiffrin (Georgetown University, Washington, USA)
John Stewart (University of Dubuque, USA)
Mike Stubbs (University of Trier, Germany)
John Swales (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA)
Deborah Tannen (Georgetown University, Washington, USA)
Paul Thibault (Agder University College, Kristiansand, Norway)
Geoff Thompson (University of Liverpool, UK)
Joanna Thornborrow (Cardiff University, UK)
Eija Ventola (University of Helsinki, Finland)
Jef Verschueren (University of Antwerp, Belgium)
Margaret Wetherell (Open University, UK)

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