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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

studies in the Literary Imagination is a biannual scholarly journal focusing on special topics in literature and enjoys a worldwide audience with contributing editors and authors considered the leaders in their fields. SLI is unique among scholarly journals in that it relies on an editorial committee to review proposals from potential guest editors, who then invite scholars to contribute articles exploring different aspects of a particular theme. One of the favorable distinctions resulting from this practice is that each issue is topic driven; in this sense, SLI serves more as a monograph series than as a typical journal.

Instructions to Authors

Proposal Submission Guidelines

As a special topics journal, Studies in the Literary Imagination does not accept unsolicited articles for publication. Any scholar who wishes to propose a special issue topic for which he or she will serve as Contributing Editor may do so in a proposal to the SLI Committee. For Contributing Editor Guidelines, click here, and for Contributing Author Guidelines, click here.

Submission guidelines for Studies in the Literary Imagination are listed below. From inception to completion, the publication of a journal issue takes approximately two years. The Contributing Editor is expected to notify the journal's Assistant Editor or Managing Editor of your progress at regular intervals; they, in turn, will endeavor to assist you in every possible way.

1. The prospective Contributing Editor(s) must submit to the editors and to the Studies in the Literary Imagination Committee a full description of the scope and content of the proposed issue (1,000-1,500 words) along with his or her CV. Proposals must include a working title and an overview of the proposed topic, including its purpose and current relevance to literary scholarship.

2. The Contributing Editor must submit along with his or her proposal a list of names of prospective contributors and their academic affiliations, along with a brief description of each contributor's proposed article. The Contributing Editor and Managing Editor may agree to make changes to the list of contributors as the project develops.

3. The Committee will notify the prospective Contributing Editor whether or not the proposal has been approved within sixty days of its receipt.

4. The Contributing Editor will be responsible for the introduction to the issue, the necessary correspondence with contributors (including the distribution of author guidelines, general procedures, deadlines, and so on), and the initial editing of the articles.

5. The journal's editors reserve the right to refuse individual articles once completed versions have been submitted and reviewed.

6. Whereas the final editing will be the responsibility of SLI's editors, it is expected that they will work closely with the Contributing Editor in preparing a final text of the issue.

7. Any departure from the plan or list of contributors as originally proposed must be approved by the SLI Committee before the Contributing Editor proceeds.

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Contributing Editor Guidelines and Deadlines

Any scholar who agrees to edit an issue of Studies in the Literary Imagination should follow the guidelines and deadlines listed below. From inception to completion, the task is about a two-year process. You are expected to notify the journal¡¯s Editor (Murray Brown) and/or the Assistant Editor of your progress at every stage of the process. The editors will endeavor to aid you in every reasonable way.

Following approval of your general subject and specific topic by the SLI committee, you should begin work on your issue. The first step is to invite submissions. Contributors¡¯ essays should be submitted to you in a hard copy and also on a diskette (Microsoft Word for PC or some compatible program). The Production Manager will convert the Word files to camera-ready copy that will be sent to the printer.

Essays to Contributing Editor Essays to SLI Issue to Printer

 Issue to Subscribers

Spring July 1 October 1 March 1 May 1
Fall January 1 April 1 September 1 November 1

Responsibilities of Contributing Editor: Choose a general subject, a focused topic, and a title; seek and obtain approval of the SLI committee; solicit approximately eight original essays, each of approximately 25 to 30 pages in length (or of about 6,000 to 8,000 words) and prepared in current MLA documentation format (alternatively, submit fewer essays that are longer, or a mixture of longer and shorter essays, for a total of approximately 280 pages double-spaced in Word¡ªabout 150 completed manuscript pages); receive essays from the Contributors (on diskette and in hard copy); perform first line edit immediately; if necessary, return essays to authors for correction; write introduction (Editor¡¯s Comment); submit introduction and clean, edited, publishable essays to the journal editor by e-mail and in hard copy, along with contact information and brief bios (about 50 words each) for Contributing Editor(s) and contributors; receive and correct camera-ready copy (at least once); return corrected copy to Assistant Editor; meet all deadlines.

Responsibilities of SLI Editors: Invite proposals for issues of SLI; assist prospective Contributing Editor in refining topic proposal; present proposals to SLI committee; notify prospective CE of the committee's decision. Receive edited essays from CE; copyedit essays; give essays in MS Word to Production Manager for camera-ready conversion; send camera-ready copy to CE for correction; send corrected camera-ready copy to printer; receive and copyedit proofs; collate final corrections; receive finished journal; meet all deadlines; promote and distribute journal; (arrange presentation lecture to signal appearance of issue in some instances); in general, supervise all stages of production.

Please note: Specifications in addition to the above may apply and will be determined for individual issues at the discretion of the Managing Editor. The above schedule is provisional; Contributing Editors will be notified if any of the deadlines differ for a particular issue. Georgia State University retains copyright of all material published in Studies in the Literary Imagination. If any Contributor wishes to re-publish elsewhere an article or a revised version of an article first published in SLI, either in print or in any other format, he/she must request permission from GSU and give proper acknowledgement to Studies in the Literary Imagination (SLI Editor will provide acknowledgement text).

May 2007 (Replaces earlier versions)

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Contributing Author Guidelines and Deadlines

Any scholar who agrees to contribute an article to Studies in the Literary Imagination should follow the guidelines and meet the deadlines listed below. From inception to completion, the production of an issue takes approximately two years. The contributor is expected to notify the journal's assistant editor of the issue's progress at each stage of the development. The assistant editor will endeavor to assist in every reasonable way.

Article Format

  • 25 to 30 pages (between approximately 6,000 and 8,000 words), double-spaced throughout, 1.25" left and right margins, 1" top and bottom margins
  • written and documented according to MLA style (excepting the usage of square brackets around inserted ellipses), which includes:
    • a works cited page;
    • if used, endnotes (not footnotes) containing explanatory information placed between the body of the essay and the works cited page; and
    • parenthetical documentation within the body of the essay
  • Microsoft Word for PC or compatible file format

You should submit your essay to the consulting editor in hard copy and electronic format according to the calendar of deadlines below. Along with your essay, you also should submit a brief bio (about 50 words), your mailing address, e-mail address, and a fax number if you have one. You then should expect to be notified by the consulting editor if any changes to your essay are required. When the consulting editor is satisfied with your essay, he or she will forward it to the journal editors for copyediting. You will have the opportunity to proofread your essay at least once before it is set in camera-ready copy. In the interest of time, the consulting editor might be given the right to approve all copyediting for articles in an issue that is behind schedule.

Essays to Contributing Editor Essays to SLI Issue to Printer

Issue to Subscribers

Spring issue July 1 October 1 March 1 May 1
Fall issue January 1 April 1 September 1 November 1

For your information:

Responsibilities of Consulting Editor: Chooses a general subject, a focused topic, and a title; seeks and obtains approval of the SLI committee; solicits approximately six to eight original essays; receives essays from contributors (hard copy and electronic format); performs first line edit; if necessary, returns essays to authors for correction; writes introduction; submits introduction and clean, edited, publishable essays to the assistant editor, along with mailing addresses and brief bios (about 50 words each) for consulting editor(s) and contributors, on diskette and in hard copy; receives and corrects camera-ready copy (at least once); returns corrected copy to assistant editor; meets all deadlines.

Please note
: Specifications in addition to the above may apply and will be determined for individual issues at the discretion of the Managing Editor. The above schedule is provisional; consulting editors will be notified if any of the deadlines differ for a particular issue. Georgia State University retains copyright of all material published in Studies in the Literary Imagination. If any contributor wishes to reprint elsewhere an article or a revised version of an article first published in SLI, either in print or in any other format, he or she must request permission from Georgia State University and give proper acknowledgement to Studies in the Literary Imagination (SLI editor will provide acknowledgement text).

May 2007 (Replaces earlier versions)

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Editorial Board
Responsibilities of Contributing Editor: Choose a general subject, a focused topic, and a title; seek and obtain approval of the SLI committee; solicit approximately eight original essays, each of approximately 25 to 30 pages in length (or of about 6,000 to 8,000 words) and prepared in current MLA documentation format (alternatively, submit fewer essays that are longer, or a mixture of longer and shorter essays, for a total of approximately 280 pages double-spaced in Word¡ªabout 150 completed manuscript pages); receive essays from the Contributors (on diskette and in hard copy); perform first line edit immediately; if necessary, return essays to authors for correction; write introduction (Editor¡¯s Comment); submit introduction and clean, edited, publishable essays to the journal editor by e-mail and in hard copy, along with contact information and brief bios (about 50 words each) for Contributing Editor(s) and contributors; receive and correct camera-ready copy (at least once); return corrected copy to Assistant Editor; meet all deadlines.

Responsibilities of SLI Editors: Invite proposals for issues of SLI; assist prospective Contributing Editor in refining topic proposal; present proposals to SLI committee; notify prospective CE of the committee's decision. Receive edited essays from CE; copyedit essays; give essays in MS Word to Production Manager for camera-ready conversion; send camera-ready copy to CE for correction; send corrected camera-ready copy to printer; receive and copyedit proofs; collate final corrections; receive finished journal; meet all deadlines; promote and distribute journal; (arrange presentation lecture to signal appearance of issue in some instances); in general, supervise all stages of production.

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