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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Studies in Latin American Popular Culture, an annual interdisciplinary journal, publishes articles, review essays, and interviews on diverse aspects of popular culture in Latin America. Articles are written in English, Spanish, or Portuguese.

Instructions to Authors

Editorial Policy

Studies in Latin American Popular Culture, an annual interdisciplinary journal, publishes articles, review essays, and interviews on diverse aspects of popular culture in Latin America. Since its inception in 1982, the journal has defi ned popular culture broadly as “some aspect of culture that is accepted or consumed by signifi cant numbers of people.” This defi nition has had one caveat: it does not normally include what is frequently called folk culture or folklore. Within these parameters, submissions are welcome on any aspect of the production, circulation, and consumption of cultural goods in Latin America from any disciplinary perspective.

In addition, the journal seeks essays that offer new methodological and theoretical approaches to the subject; explore the impact of modernization and globalization on Latin American cultural practices; discuss the implications of cultural hybridity; examine popular culture as a site of contention over social meanings and relations of power in cultural practices; study relations between socio-political phenomena and cultural expression. SLAPC will generally not accept theoretical essays that do not have an empirical ground or essays that engage in close reading of individual texts, unless the analysis has broader theoretical or methodological implications. The essays should be written in a lively, reader-friendly manner. Over-specialized and discipline-specifi c terminology is discouraged.

One section of the journal is devoted to book review essays that both critically review a given corpus of books and refl ect on their larger signifi cance for the study of popular culture, including future research possibilities. The journal also publishes interviews with those involved in the creation, distribution, and consumption of popular culture.

Articles may be submitted in English, Spanish, or Portuguese.

Information for Contributors

Studies In Latin American Popular Culture invites you to submit scholarly articles, book review essays and interviews on the theory and practice of popular culture in Latin America.  Articles should not exceed thirty-five, double-spaced pages in length (including illustrations, charts and graphs), should be in English, Spanish, or Portuguese, and should follow the latest edition of the Modern Language Association guidelines.  Extensive endnotes and footnotes are discouraged.  Submissions should be sent by email to:  mafitch@u.arizona.edu in a word-compatible attachment.  In the body of the main message, authors should include the title of their manuscript, institutional affiliation, home and work address.  The author's name should not appear in the header or footer of the attachment.

Illustrations are welcome.  Photographs and other images may be submitted as they are, or in high-resolution electronic format.    Please make sure to  provide captions that briefly describe content and source.     It is the author's responsibility to obtain permission to use copyrighted or privately owned images.  Identify illustrations by Figure (1, 2, 3...) at the head of the accompanying caption and in the text, and indicate in the text your preferred location for each figure, e.g., "Figure 1 about here."

Inquiries should be directed to:

Melissa A. Fitch, Editor
Studies In Latin
American Popular Culture
Department of Spanish and Portuguese 

Modern Languages Bldg., Room 545
P.O. Box 210067
The University of Arizona
Tucson, Arizona  85721-0067

Manuscripts must not be submitted elsewhere while being reviewed by the journal's editoral board and outside readers.

SLAPC is indexed and/or abstracted by:
Hispanic American Periodical Index
MLA International Bibliography of Books and Articles on the  Modern Languages and Literatures
Communication Abstracts and Humanities Citation Index Current Contents/Arts and Humanities
Historical Abstracts America:  History and Life
Revista Interamericana de Bibliografia/Inter-American Review of  Bibliography Contents of Periodicals on Latin America.

Editorial Board
Studies in Latin American Popular Culture

Senior Co-Founding Editors
Harold E. Hinds, Jr., University of Minnesota, Morris
Charles M. Tatum, University of Arizona

Melissa A. Fitch, University of Arizona

Issue Editors

Javier Duran, Univeristy of Arizona

Associate Editors
Ana M. López, Tulane University
Elizabeth Mahan, University of Connecticut
Joseph L. Arbena, Clemson University

Assistant Editor
Elena Jackson

Book Review Editor
Donald S. Castro
California State University, Fullerton

Editorial Board 

Jos?Alvarez, University of Georgia
Gerard Béhague, University of Texas at Austin

Julianne Burton, University of California, Santa Cruz
Cornelia Butler Flora, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Oswaldo Capriles, Instituto de Investigación de la Comunicación (Caracas)
Jean Franco, Columbia University

Shifra M. Goldman, Santa Ana College & UCLA
Irene Hérner, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Jane Hill, University of Arizona
Maurice Horn, New York University
David Kunzle, University of California at Los Angeles

Naomi Lindstrom, University of Texas at Austin
Armand Matterlart, University of Paris
Michéle Matterlart, University of Paris
Emile McAnany, Stanford University
Álvaro de Moya, São Pablo, Brazil
Robert N. Pierce, University of Florida

Héctor Schmúcler, Instituto Latinoamericano de Estudios Transnacionales

Peter H. Smith, University of California, San Diego
Joe Straubhaar,  University of Texas at Austin

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